Friday, December 30, 2005

i don't know how to put this all into words

i am in west lafayette right now, with my family at my grandma's house. she's in a hospital, and she's been there since thanksgiving or so, so when we we got to the house there wasn't very much food... i am with:

thomas ("i am dirty the dirty is warm"- explaining why he wasn't as cold as i was in chicago)

then we found an unopened orange juice in her fridge. it was a week past the expiration date, but it wasn't opened...

myself ("orange juice without pulp... tang's older brother")
greg ("hey i found some fiber one!"- he's a wrestler which means he doesn't eat)
john ("fiber one?... we could be eating poo! we are eating tang and poo for dinner")

mom ("so greg how does this chicken ceasar salad compare to the one you had for lunch?"- haha he can't eat)

dad (" "- he drives us places, and he does talk but it's late and i can't remember anything right now)

we had some fiber one, and some orange juice. we found some reese's puffs and had some of those, too. we made dial-up noises while mom connected her laptop so i could check email, etc. the midwest is treating me well.

Monday, December 26, 2005


i'm leaving for chicago tomorrow. i already told brooke i'll bring her back some pizza- though by then it'll just be a hunk of congealed fat, cheese, soggy bread, and some tomato paste. the request still stands.

and if i return in one piece (like metals, i will shatter more easily under low temperatures- say, for instance, thirty three which feels like twenty four because of wind chill), i'll bring you all the story of how i survived. right now i'm planning on wearing all of my clothes on top of each other and waddling and/or rolling around chicago. oh yeah.

i'm gonna go watch blues brothers. somehow that will prepare me for chicago... yes.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


last night i went to a hockey game with my dad and two of my brothers. at first i was a little horrified at the fighting, and that people enjoyed it.

but, as the hot dog and soda sank in, and as the game progressed scoreless, i told my dad, "i want the goalies to fight and that's how they'll end it!!" i was way aggressive.

then i came home and finished the rest of the milk! i drank it from the carton! watch out, you never know what i'll do next.

Thursday, December 22, 2005



what, no i am not competitive...

Friday, December 16, 2005


i was pmsing, which sucked for all parties involved. here is a loose play-by-play

around 12 or 1 p.m., before we left
brooke: "i think i'm gonna go with daisies, roses remind me too much of blood... and death... and pain... and funerals-"
me: "and love?"
brooke: "yeah that too i guess"

2 or 3 p.m., just on the road
[the opening chords of 'under the bridge' come on the radio]
john: "wait, before we sing, who gets the background vocals at the end?"
me: "i don't really car-"
john :"ok then me!"

6:30 p.m.
me: "do it"
and we proceed to do chinese fire drills betwen the two cars on 152 west (yes it was that backed up, we were about ten cars away from each other)

9 p.m.
john: "ooh fresh nor cal air..."
me: "word. you can cut socal air with a knife. and serve it on a platter with water crackers."
john: "i don't trust any air i can't see."

we got home, we unpacked, i gave greg one of his christmas presents because i really hate waiting for christmas to give other people their presents. now i'm going to bed tomorrow = gelb music to fix my guitar, greg's wrestling match (ooooh little brother in wrestling onesie, can't wait!! i'm gonna whistle!), choir, children's ministries stuff, etc. etc. oh man, nor cal truly = best.

so... basically i'm a man? is that what i'm getting here?

Your Career Type: Realistic

You are practical and mechanical.Your talents lie in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or animals.
You would make an excellent:
Carpenter - Diesel Mechanic - ElectricianFarmer - Fire Fighter - Flight EngineerForester - Locksmith - Locomotive EngineerPilot - Police Officer - Truck Driver

The worst career options for your are social careers, like social worker or teacher.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

pardon my anglais

tonight greg asked me what he should get for his girlfriend for christmas. and after much thinking and asking brooke, joe, and ashley, i came up with the following: get a disposable camera and a photo album and plan a day together. Because they haven't been going out for very long, so it's a good way to get to know her better and then have awesome memories!

oh man, i just want to date myself! or have a girlfriend!... or not!

brooke and i have totally volunteered to go to the beach with them for a day (no drivers license, haha on you little brother), aid the puppy love. le swoon.

in other love news, i'm sure our respective roommates think brooke and i are lesbians together. this just in: we're not. despite my feminist literature and PURPLE van and entire indigo girls collection and all femaleartists mix tape and never having had a boyfriend, i am in fact straight. so any of brooke's roommates, if you're reading this: fear not. brooke and i actually do homework when we hang out! we don't 'do homework...'.

ok, now that that's settled, i'm gonna do me some math homework!

more badass from the tat


Subject: Roof work on Habitat Soo Zee

Hi Keity,

I am a tenant in Habitat Soo Zee, and I am extremely upset by the roof work being done on the building. Yes, it is noisy, yes, it starts very early, but most importantly it is being done during finals. This, in my opinion, is unacceptable. You scheduled the work to be done late in November, and for whatever reason it has been postponed until now, when sleep and concentration - both integral for finals - are thwarted by the work being done.

I called the office yesterday, when your staff told me they do not make any plans with regard to USC's schedule. I know you call yourself "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students", so you must realize that the majority if not all of your tenants go to USC. How can you hope to become the "Premier" if you do not take into account the USC schedule? The schedule is easily knowable, you can find it here:, and you will notice that only six days out of every semester are set aside for finals. Can you not also set aside these days to respect the tenants and cease all work being done on buildings?

I believe that stopping the work, and never scheduling work done during finals in the future, is the only option that respects the tenants, whom you admit are all USC students, and hope to become "The Premier Housing Provider for USC Students".

I would like a courtesy email or phone call to let me know you have received and processed this letter, and what you plan to do about respecting USC students' schedule in the future.

Thank you,
Lindy [don't put last name or it pops up on google]

this one's takin me to vegas, baby! or at least to a happier, quieter place... a place i thought was my apartment building.

Monday, December 12, 2005


We respect and never forget that the latch of the heart is within.

- Dallas Willard

Sunday, December 11, 2005

love is a strong word

today was like... a trigonometric function.

i was going to say roller coaster, but because time is linear, i have to go with a trigonometric function. it had its ups and down.

down includes but is not limited to: getting a flat on the 10 west on the way to church, pulling over for said flat tire, calling AAA, getting Metro people to come help us, metro people don't have the right tool... neither do AAA people, getting towed off, going to pep boys and they tell us it's a 5 hour wait for a new tire. and by that time it was 12:30

up includes but is not limited to: getting to ride in the car being towed!!! awesome!!! john picking some of us (those w/ plans) up, caroline picking us up in her sweetass convertible at pico and overland, going to a badass arts and crafts bazaar with steve, kristin, lisa, kelsey, talking about if 'love' is too strong a word to apply to fishsticks, and winning a cake in the cake walk.

overall, the day was good. and in about an hour or so i'm gonna try again for church. maybe this time i'll make it.

Friday, December 09, 2005

sweet sister

you know what's bitchin?

i got some energy drink from promotional people as i was leaving the gym and i was like, "eww gross who are you?" because i really hate energy drinks. i am mostly just suspicious of them, because they're like, "we have no calories, only chemicals!!"


i was reading it as i biked home, and i can totally identify and draw the molecules of like half of those chemicals!! heck yes materials science!! that's the bitchin part.

turn around bright eyes

i went with andrew (horning, aka hoho) to see narnia tonight, which by the way is fantastic. but i didn't realize how blatantly religious it is. I mean, i always knew but the entire time hoho and i were like, "oh! call on me! i know i know!" we had our theology hats on.

but the best part i would have to say was when they're going across this river that's quickly melting, so they have to jump from ice piece to ice piece and hoho leans over and he's like, "most extreme elimination challenge!"

because it was. oh, and i have a total crush on the guy who plays peter. he's 15 i bet... but as we all know, i do like the young'ns. (brooke that was for you).

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

wanna hear a funny story?

ok, i'll tell you one then.

for the a.g.o. formal, steve invited me and we weren't dates but i was like, "i'm totally getting him a boutonniere" (spelling?) so I went over to cesar's flowers (next to bistango... waaaay ghetto), and I ordered a yellow rose with prettiness around it. On monday afternoon I went to pick it up, and they were like, "oh... yellow rose..." and hadn't made it yet. I even gave them a pick-up time, which I came after! yeah well.

so they come out with this sad yellow rose. It was fresh, it wasn't wilting or anything, but it hadn't opened. It was all closed up. I walked about ten feet out of the door, then i went back in.

"This rose is really... sad... and not open, do you have anything else?"
"this rose is really sad and closed up."
"well, it's very fresh!"
"Yeah, but do you have any that aren't as fresh, that are more opened up?"
"well, it will open up... in about a day or do"

yes, i said it. and she looked at me. and i looked at her, and i conceded. I had sounded like a sophomore going to homecoming and there isn't even any dancing at a.g.o. so really i was also a big liar.

i went back to the tat, and laura came over to do my hair and make-up (which looked fantastic by the way, but i wanted less make-up only for my own selfish reasons that i feel more comfortable). then john came over and we were discussing the tragic yellow rose. and john, prophet that he is/isn't, was like, "oh, if you microwave it it'll open up i've heard." and i'm going through it in my head, it sort of makes sense. Molecules gain more energy and separate when heated... why wouldn't rose petal?

genius, thinks I, nuke that thing!

John put it in for about 20 seconds... and I didn't notice too much of a difference. I think cumulatively we heated it for a full minute. no difference made, of course. So I closed its box back up and we walked over to a.g.o. Of course, the heat caused condensation in the box, so it was full of warm water vapor, which got onto the rose. so by the time it got to steve, the top half was all wet and wilty... exactly what i'd wanted to avoid...

i still think he wore it with pride. no one else had a boutonniere. and in a blind world, the man with one eye (and by one eye i mean one sad rose) is KING!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"pretty good idea" (brian goodwin)

i can't find the lyrics, i think these are them...

I've let these rocks speak for me far too long
and this cold just won't do for me anymore
I'm tired of speech far too common,
drowning out the words I need to hear

In a world so misty
do you think that you could just stay clear?
what do I think
what do I think about dying to myself?
well that sounds like a pretty good idea

I want you to be through me
I want you to breathe through me

I've let these rocks speak for me far too long
and this cold just won't do for me anymore
I'm tired of speech far too common,
drowning out the words I need to hear

In a world so misty
do you think that you could just stay clear?
what do I think

what do I think about dying to myself?
well that sounds like a pretty good idea

I want you to be through me
I want you to breathe through me
I want you to speak through me
I want you to see through me

If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet
If there remain any crown upon my head
then I will lay it down at your feet

I want you to breathe through me
I want you to be through me
I want you to speak through me
I want you to see through me

splash zone

dear a.g.o.,

I love you. Again. I know I've told you in the past, but for reals. Love. From my heart to your root beer kegged, christmas decorated frat house. I mean it. I'd send flowers if that weren't so... faux pas.


Friday, December 02, 2005

you may not squeeze my business

this is why brooke and i are friends:

1. we love trader joe's
2. we know all the sweet spots of the trader joe's frozen food aisle
3. we know to use paper, not plastic
4. we know to single bag, instead of wasting paper

oh that and our love of ashlee simpson. yesssssss

beautiful as you feel

i was in a campus cruiser coming home tonight, and it was full, but it was all people who didn't know each other. so we were sitting at a red light, all silent because it's 1 a.m. and none of us is drunk, so no one's really talking. then this commercial comes on. "Isn't it amazing the difference one week can make? Last week, my toenails were so thick and yellow, but I started using Dr. Scholl's fungus treatment-" and then i bust out laughing. because we were trying to not be awkward, and intently listening to some fungus treatment commercial to keep from having to strike up conversation. which is sick, but comical. sickly comical.

then we were all snickering, and our driver changed the station. and i arrived home safely. it was a good end to the night.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


didn't dream.

but you know that HABIT (the one i'm gonna get from the NUNNERY where i'm GOING because i have no HUSBAND) will come in handy. it's been so cold lately.

but seriously, though, i treat myself well with or without some guy. so there. don't tell me i'm going to make a great housewife someday because i make a mean hamburger helper... i make a mean hamburger helper for ME, so there. but yes i am lonely. no hunky dream husband for lindy.


so becca, conquerer of worlds, who is studying abroad in heidelberg this semester, says today (well, yesterday technically, tuesday) is st. andrew's day and there's a tradition that if you sleep naked, you'll dream of your future husband.

now, i don't send on chain mail, or put stupid things on my a.i.m. profile (well, it's stupid, but they're not stupid things i get from other people. i make up my stupid stuff all on my own thankyouverymuch), but i am totally buying into this. nakey time for lindy!

and apparently i'm the only girl in my bible study comfortable enough with my body to do that? what's up with that? it's only you and the sheets, no one's going to freak out! plus, i have a loft bed, no chance of flashing anybody (and by anybody i mean my roommate).

and i'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, November 28, 2005

lemme break it down til i force the issue

as soon as I got back to l.a., i realized I have to do laundry. so after calc today i went over to leavey (library) to get some quarters from the secret quarter machine (NOT SO SECRET NOW!). I unfolded and smoothed out my dollar bills, fed them to the machine, and quarters came trickling out. and my first though (i'm not even kidding) was, "OH! HEY LOOK, QUARTERS! I ought to save these so i can use them for laundry some time!"

but at least my loss of short term memory brings me joy and excitement.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

love for me

today brooke and i drove back to l.a. we left menlo park around 11:45 and crusied down the 101, we were joyously listening to kelly clarkson when we stopped at casa de fruta for bathrooms and malt balls.


I-5? you say, I-5? Don't you go like 90 miles an hour on I-5?

NO. YOU DON'T. it was stop and go... but at least not by cowschwitz (smelly cows by coalinga). then i might have gone crazy and actually died. but no, i'm safe. i just went insane while i rode my brakes through the central valley.

Friday, November 25, 2005


the turkey was spectacular, brooke salivated over sweet potatoes and marshmallows. I bought 7even jeans for... wait for it... THIRTY DOLLARS! yes i am amazing.

then i got home and decided to bake cookies for a party. foul #1: yeah we have loads of pie why am i baking? #2: yeah the party's tomorrow i'm stupid.

ANYHOW. i rolled them and placed them on this cookie sheet with holes. little holes. like, mesh looking. and i've made cookies in it before... right? correction: i've made cookies in it before with wax paper between.

and the cookies essentially dripped through. it was like a spaghetti machine. i pulled the remains out, and not enough dough has disappeared that i suspected, but i saw little pellets at the bottom of the oven and i was like, "some poor sucker..." I realized the fault was mine when I tried to take the cookies off and they were stuck to the sheet through the holes (if that makes any sense). So i took a nap and cleaned the oven. not quite how i like to spend my vacation...

norcal is cold, and no i am NOT a wuss for thinking so. despite what you may have heard.

Monday, November 21, 2005

csci test tomorrow?

you know when you're at the end of your shampoo bottle so you keep it upside down so what's left will be at the bottom, but eventually you squeeze it and all you get is air and little bubbles of what's left in there? i am that shampoo/bottle. and i may or may not make it to thanksgiving.

i also made the decision to hold out until thanksgiving to do laundry. i was supposed to do it this weekend... then today... but my underwear count says all systems go! i ain't paying $6.75 to do it here, bitches.

AND: Jimmy Eat World is playing here next thursday (I KNOW! I KNOW!), which is the night of my last art class. I cannot go to that art class. I MUST think of an excuse to get out of it... any ideas?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

listen up

preface: laura (john's girlfriend) went to norcal to look at stanford and berkeley law school. so my mom sent some stuff back with her for myself and john.

so this morning i sat in my living room, watching t.v., eating pumpkin bread, and drinking pellegrino that i stole/got from john.

i want norcal. i swear, thanksgiving seems farther and farther away every day.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


last night we went to disneyland! and it was amazing! we = kacie, brooke, me, and kacie's friend dawn met us there but we didn't hang out very much. space mountain was AMAZING. and i got totally freaked out on indiana jones. note to self: never sit in the driver seat (front left). brooke got SOAKED on splash mountain (like... full frontal soakage. the likes of which i have never seen before), and we ate a really good cookie ice cream sandwich. it is DEFINITELY the happiest place on earth.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

treat williams

today i wasn't assertive. and the entire time i was like, "i should say something." I knew i was tired and anything I said would sound like i was upset... but i'm mostly upset that i didn't say anything.

my bike pedal was broken so i took it to get fixed and the guy basically tried to press it back together (the plastic-y part had gotten off the axle) and i was like, "yeah i don't think that's how it came off in the first place, and trying to push it back together isn't helping, it's only warping the pedal." but he kept trying. until finally the metal part was so bent he couldn't do anything about it. then a new pedal wouldn't go on. so i bought entirely new pedals. yeah it was like $6...

but at the same time i just should have told him to stop messing up the pedal and try something more intelligent. for instance, disassembling it and putting it back together. using an identical pedal from the shop as an example.

as my mom would say, "it is obvious that he's not an engineer."

and it's obvious that i'm a wimp who needs to be more assertive when I'm tired.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

checks and balances

i had somewhat of an epiphany during art tonight. and by epiphany i mean my thinking that ended up somewhere productive and true, not something convoluted and wrong.

i am BLESSED. i am THANKFUL. and the only way that i can stay how i am, happy with my life and being put to good use by god is to be thankful. i wish i would explain it better. i wish i'd written/painted it all out on my practice pad. but i didn't... i was drawing wisteria.

and i can't function without the things i have: my family, my friends, my intellect and ability to reason. but i can't live without being thanksful for these things, and acknowledging them for what they are. i want to live in truth. i have to seek the truth. i have to acknowledge the truth.

truth: god is good. he is good to me and he is good to you. and his love allows his grace. and i'm covered and surrounded by both.

thank you for my family. thank you for my mom and the godly woman that she is. thank you for giving me an example. i never thought i wanted to be like her until i realized that she is her own person only because of you.

thank you for my friends. thank you for giving me people who hold the same beliefs, who can reflect and strengthen my faith. thank you all my friends, regardless of what they believe about the world, that they are funny and love me and i love them back. thank you for putting me with them.

thank you for my economic position. seriously. thank you. thank you for keeping me close when i start to drift or willingly paddle away. thank you for taking me back even when i told you that's the last thing i wanted.

thank you for my intelligence. and thank you for being with me there. thank you for being all around me. thank you for your word and your faithfulness. thank you for everything. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

thank you for being a god who gives and gives. thank you that i will continue to say 'thank you' as long as i live and breathe. thank you for that knowledge. thank you.

EDIT: ok this is why it came up. i know how to write a virus, i learned in my like 8th week of programming class. and i know all these ways to kill myself and others from materials science (everything is either toxic or carcinogenic it seems...) and i know a lot of other people know how to do those things. but we don't. and everytime i'm thinking mean thoughts i'm like, "no. i am thankful for the world. and for my being here. i'm not going to ruin that." so being thankful keeps me in check and reminds me what's really going.

segmentation fault

anyone who doesn't believe that girls synchronize is a stupid poo-head lump.

and anyone who doesn't recognize that i am simply the victim of circumstance and misplaced hormones has no soul.

Monday, November 14, 2005

timely notice

is it just me or do the crime reports seem to be getting more during daylight hours, and closer to my apartment? what happened to 3 a.m. on scarff? now it's 3 p.m. on 30th... *locks deadbolt*

Sunday, November 13, 2005

ho ho ho

my mom's side of the family always sends out a newsletter. we're way techy apparently, and put it on a website. and we have a gift exchange lined up, so i was perusing my cousin sam's christmas list deciding what to get him.

i would also like to point out that length of christmas list has an inverse relationship with age. while sam's list had 18 items, (though, in his defense, 'money' and 'dirt bike' were both listed twice), mine had 6 or 7, my dad's had three items:

Long sleeve canvas or twill shirt, button down, XL
Tweed cap 7 ¼
Electric staple gun

i don't know... just thought the combo was wierd. especially thinking about how the above items could be used simultaneously... i'll leave you to it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

things i have learned today

i'm sure there will be more.

#1: it is possible to have a bitch fight over email. one cutting line at a time.

#2: i truly cannot pick out produce.

#3: pears from a can taste... metallic... and degrading.

#4: "a nasty incident happened last year when somebody forgot the melting point of aluminum" (oh yes materials science)


either someone's burning a ginerbread scented candle at a close proximity.... OR I'VE CAUGHT THE CHRISTMAS FEVER!!

move over thanksgiving!! i'm ready for the CHRISTMAS!!!

(such fools you are that believe in more than 4 hours of sleep per night...)


it's almost 4... i'm wondering if it's worth it to go to bed or just stay up all night. see this is why i don't trust my judgment late at night. (for example, walking home at 3:30 a.m. ...)

Monday, November 07, 2005


but seriously. pirates.

you owe me nothing in return

i went to my masc discussion at 3:30, but the TA hadn't picked up the midterm, so she decided to go over the midterm, but no one knew what they got wrong (though, guessing from my score of 45, i'd say it's "all of them"), so i just left. and i rode by heritage hall where song girl tryouts are starting in 7 minutes.

they are all beautiful

i am not beautiful

and they all have long hair that they can wear down because it still looks good

i cannot wear my hair down without its clinging to my face and looking gross

they were all skinny

i am not skinny

and they had those spandexy dance pants

i don't own spandexy dance pants

which they can all wear with confidence

i can't pull off spandexy dance pants

i'll never be a song girl.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

it's bucky time

john came over for lunch. actually i ate some lunch and he read the paper and we talked about girlfriends and how our extended family makes fun of me because i don't have a boyfriend. then he took a get fuzzy book and went on his merry way.

this morning i went to bel air and i had a cute outfit, but it was sort of cold so half-way through the sermon i put my sweater on, and you know how it's always awkward trying to put on a sweater (like, one that zips up in the front) when you're sitting down. and the lady behind me pulled the hood up so it was easier. maybe that sounds wierd when it's written down, but it was awesome. i love you old lady. and thank you god (but literally, thank you, God) that i'm going to bel air where i have wonderful people i don't know who help me put me sweater on. thank you thank you thank you.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

hang on sloopy

after i found out that i got a 45 on my masc midterm, i decided it was time to get out of my apartment. so i took my bike out and eventually ended up at the new 3-2. i'm sure it has a name, but... for now it's the new 3-2. and i love it. it's so clean, and the produce is definitely edible.

i don't really know how to pick out produce. my dad is really good at it, and brooke said once some bum outside trader joe's told her that watermelons that sound hollow when you hit them are the best. who knows. either way i can't pick out produce.

but i really wanted apples, and i was willing to risk it. i found the ones that look like the kind i like (fuji? maybe?) and would pick one out, look at it as if i knew what i was looking for, and put it in my bag, as if the apple had passed the test. i haven't tested them yet, though... so i don't know if i succeeded.

i also made awesome gingerbread cookies (from a mix, are you kidding?) and yes, you can totally have some.

Friday, November 04, 2005


today was good... overall. math midterm = ok. masc midterm = crap on a crap cracker. jep application = good. i feel confident.

ERIC VISITING = AWESOME. i love eric i love eric i love eric. and then ben called! i love ben i love ben i love ben. then they went to azusa and i couldn't because of the work i have to do. i hate work i hate work i hate work.

my posts no longer make sense. i should sleep some time. maybe. just a thought.


loving the new ashlee simpson album... some things never change...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Hymn" (Jars of Clay)

okay, first i apologize for all the pms-ness that has been plaguing this blog. i feel a lot better today. but hey, i'm moody so watch out.

second, huzzah for andrew at ago/whoever picked this out because i love this song. even if i don't understand all of it.

Oh refuge of my hardened heart
Oh fast pursuing lover come
As angels dance around your throne
My life by captured fare you own

Not siilhouette of trodden faith
Nor death shall not my steps be guide
I''ll pirouette upon mine grave
For in your path I'll run and hide

Oh gaze of love so melt my pride
That I may in your house but kneel
And in my brokenness to cry
Spring worship unto thee

When beauty breaks the spell of pain
The bludgeoned heart shall burst in vain
But now when love be pointed king
And truth shall thee forever reign

Sweet Jesus carry me away
From col of night and dust of day
In ragged hour or salt worn eye
Be my desire, my well sprung lye


would people just be ruled by reason alone for a while? i'm not asking for much. maybe just one day. and then people would realize how wonderful it is. reason. just think about it. then start respecting my time!!

i'm pissed and it's almost 2 in the morning. gosh DARN you menstruation!! and i know these thoughts don't make sense.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


that last post was fun, but very profane. i'm sorry.

but next time i think i can ride a bike in a skirt, i should practice first! before flashing a good portion of the usc student body!! in my defense, when i bought the bike i promised brooke i'd ride it with a skirt on and flash everybody. oh how cruel is irony.

i'm gonna swear so cover your eyes

dear street closures,

fuck you.


dear arrays,

fuck you.


dear TA's who know we haven't had a lecture on arrays and expect us to write a program about them in lab,

fuck you.


dear riding a bike with a skirt on,

fuck you


dear 2 midterms a paper a program and a job application this week,

fuck you


dear everything ever,



dear lindy,

haha in your face. you're pissed and breaking out and can't do a thing about it.

your period

Monday, October 31, 2005

potty mouth/mind

ok. today we did a lab in materials science entitled "hardness characterization". The following words can be found many times in the lab manual, and in my lab report:

penetration tool
penetration force

and not one giggle. not one stifled laugh. not even from me!!

well played, boys of engineering. well played indeed.


sorry for the emo back there. whew. happy halloween!! and now i'm gonna study.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


i have to write a resume for a job application, and i'm realizing that all the stuff i did in high school doesn't really matter. i was class president, i was althletic rep, i was whatever this that and the other that reflect my person.

and i don't feel good that i have no college-y things to put on it other than interning this past summer, and j.e.p., and i can't put ultimate anymore.

what were you doing last year, lindy?

taking myself too seriously to do anything i really cared about.

somebody asked me today what i want most in life. i realized about 3 minutes ago that it's to be surrounded by love. last year i was surrounded by emptiness with little pieces of myself and my own pride and self-importance floating by. that really sucked. this week i'm surrounded by: a paper, a job application, 2 midterms, a computer program. how am i supposed to work with that?

Saturday, October 29, 2005

i got a new bike, too!

no i did not just watch that tia and tamera mowery movie on disney channel...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

au contraire

i don't really regret the things i didn't do... because i don't know what they are.

but i'm sorry for some of the things i have done. [insert public apology here, especially to maddy]

apology accepted?

this is not a test

a friendly reminder: daylight savings time ends on sunday.

that means we set our clocks back an hour- we gain an hour!! saturday. midnight. you know what to do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

back in the saddle again

ok, so i sort of lied on the BET one. that stuff happened to my roommate. but, you know, dramatic effect. whatever. the l.a.p.d. one is my crowning acheivement.


My name is Lindy, I'm a tenant in an apartment building directly across from the Shrine Auditorium where you held BET 25 Strong earlier this evening. First, let me say I prefer this awards show so much more over the Emmy's simply because you were more respectful of those who live around the Shrine. For instance, I could still take Shrine Place to get to campus (I'm a student at USC) even while most of the set up was taking place. Thank you so much for that, I cannot say the same for the Emmy's or other large events.

However, you did not inform the neighbors about street closures. Street closures are extremely inconvenient for us, but what is even worse is that fact that we don't know about it. I, along with others, are happy to rearrange our schedules for one or two nights to fit your schedule. But when I arrived at my apartment about a half an hour ago - or rather, tried to - I was forced to park much farther away from campus and walk to my apartment. The police officer on duty told me I would only be able to access my parking structure after 1 a.m. I do not need to remind you about the neighborhood around USC, suffice to say I do not enjoy walking alone late at night. However, the point is that you must inform neighbors about street closures.

I'm very disappointed that you have reserved part of the LAPD to help ensure that your even goes smoothly, but do not tell the neighbors that their evenings may be extremely inconvenienced or interrupted by the discovery that we can't get back to our homes. Please remedy this, and be an example for other awards shows and events at the Shrine. I would also like a courtesy email or phone call letting me know you've received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[my phone number, which i don't really want to put online]


My name is Lindy, I'm a student at USC, tenant of an apartment across from the Shrine Auditorium, and unfortunate victim of street closures. Or rather, unfortunate victim of not knowing about these street closures.

I understand that street closures are necessary for many public events such as awards shows or marathons. But respect for those affected is also imperative. I, my roommates, and those who live around me, are willing to rearrange our schedules if we know certain streets will be closed. However, no one informs us, and I feel that you - as enforcers of these street closures - also assume the responsibility of informing neighbors. I also feel that students and neighbors would be more respectful of your officers if we knew about the street closures in advance.

Most importantly, I feel very disrespected and disregarded when I discover that I can't return to my apartment. Either you or the organization putting on the event (Emmy's, BET, vh1, etc.) must inform neighbors about street closures. Please send me a courtesy e-mail or phone call to verify that you have received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[phone number]

white entertainment television

the BET awards are going on. i think. i thought they were on nov. 1 but there's all these limos and black people outside. which makes me think... it's right now. (sorry if the 'black people' offended someone. there are also white people, like me walking back to my apartment, or security people. or staff possibly.)

but it's not too bad. the emmy's blocked off the street for like a week beforehand and a week after the awards. which was wretched. BET just began setting stuff up on monday and the road was blocked off this afternoon.

but, to be honest, i'd feel a little better about the street's being blocked off if i knew kanye was there. oh, kanye... for reals. kanye, you can block off the street for 2 weeks... all for yourself! i don't even care! all i want is some kanye. SHOW ME THE KANYE!! and then i'll love the BET and their awards forever.

actually, when they were setting up it felt like every G-unit music video had been airlifted and dumped outside my apartment. either that or a large percentage of gang affiliates in the los angeles area. it was intense.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

some things you never get used to

i was in a bad mood.

then i was in a foul-ass mood.

then i went to bible study.

then i went to a.g.o.

and now i'm feeling a little better. so i'm going to the library.

Monday, October 24, 2005

39 1/2 foot pole

i just got an email from my j.e.p. p.a. that wrote my name as... drum roll please... LINDSAY LIGGIT.

i am going to go crazy. seriously. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? i write my own name on all my journals, at least use the name printed when you get an email from me!!

right now i'm on edge and totally pissed off, but i'm also so lethargic and depressed. and i don't get it. p.m.s.? first trimester of a virgin birth? what's up with me? i don't get it. i'm gonna go eat some more cookie dough and journal about it. like the fatso soon-to-be-cat-lady that i am (p.s. i hate cats)

rational is my middle name

they made me take off my shoes and belt to go through the metal detector at s.j.c. so i didn't put them back on. and walked around shoeless and probably flashing people in silent protest!

then i was talking to perky on the phone and admitted that i have been wearing the same clothes for the past 48 hours or so. the girl in the seat next to me slowly moved away...

Sunday, October 23, 2005


before i left i told brooke i'd bring her back something you can only find in northern california. my mom told me i should bring "dead grass because southern california is taking all of our water." touche, mom. but i was actually thinking of bringing her something frilly and overpriced from draeger's.

EDIT: i then asked john what he thought i should get. he promptly replied "class". ba-ZING!

then i decided i'd get her a "save kepler's" t-shirt or something. And i never thought i'd speak against kepler's, but i went there to look around and find said t-shirt. there is in fact a t-shirt. and it says: "Follow me to Kepler's. Our bookstore." and it was $35.

no wonder they're in and out of business. elitest turds.

Friday, October 21, 2005

god bless

dear a.g.o.,

i love you.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

snot rocket

scouter and i walked back from campus (we live in the same apartment building). he told me all about calc 2 and integrating by parts and stuff. then he stuck his earbuds (from ipod) up his nose, and told me that if he plugged his ears, he could actually hear the music.

so now i'm in my room, still a little skeptical, slightly amused, and thoroughly disgusted.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

boom dee-ada

i love the mountains
i love the rolling hills
i love the daisies

it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be! i'd even say i enjoyed it! whoa.

Monday, October 17, 2005

"I Feel Pretty" (West Side Story)

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming--
It's alarming how charming I feel,
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing--
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
Have you met my good friend Maria,
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minuete you see her--
She's the one who is in an advanced
State of shock.

She thinks she's in love.
She thinks she's in Spain.
She isn't in love,
She's merely insane.

It must be the heat
Or some rare disease
Or too much to eaet,
Or maybe it's fleas.

Keep away fom her--
Send for Chino!
This is not the Maria
We know!

Modest and pure,
Polite and refined,
Well-bred and mature,
And out of her mind!

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty
That the city should give me its key.
A committee
Should be organized to honor me.

I feel dizzy,
I feel sunny,
I feel fizzy and funny and fine,
And so pretty,
Miss American can just resign!

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
What mirror where?

Who can that attractive girl be?

[Rosalia, Consuelo, Francisca]
Which? What? Where? Whom?

Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing--
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!

not as if it's true... but i can still sing along!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

a million miles away

I [Jesus] am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in my that bears no fruit, while every branch in me that bears fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful

John 15: 1-2

And that's when I realized I'm trying so desperately to cling onto branches of my life that God is pruning. I'm carrying around these dead branches while God says, "You are bearing new fruit now. You are showing my love in a different way now. That branch was last year, now I want you to have a new branch, and a new fruit." By fruit I mean things that show God's love. Last year it might have been through relationships with people, maybe this year it's doing more volunteer work, or even writing more about God on this blog. I don't have any control over it. I can try to, and go through motions I think I should. But God knows how he's going to use me best.

But it does hurt to have those branches taken from me. One that he's taking is ultimate. And i've been trying to hold onto it, and fighting him for it. And he's been like, "No. I am pruning this, I'm taking it away because now I have something different for you." It hurt a lot, I'm not going to lie. He put me on that team last year for a reason, and I thought I'd be staying longer.

So now I have to tell the team... what I don't want to do is tell them some theology and all about God working in my life. But they do deserve to know why I'm leaving the team. It's not them... it's not even me really... it's God and where he's putting me this year. But I cannot step down and water it down. God is working in me, that's why I joined the team, that's why I'm leaving it. God, please help me know what to say. And be with me whatever happens.

But... for something funnier... this past weekend was Fall Retreat for Quest (Bel Air Presbyterian College Group). They had a talent (funny skit) show on Saturday night. One skit was parodying all the "hip", "new age" worship music. So they made a worship rap (I think... I was pretty tired and can't really remember) and the worship leader was like, "ok, ok, we gonna roll up a fattie of funk and fellowship!" I almost fell off my chair.

Friday, October 14, 2005


today at the end of materials science as we were all packing up our stuff, our professor reminded us we were starting o-chem next week. that's right, organic chemistry.

oh... CHEM.

"o-chem". isn't that the subject i always hear such horrible things about? like crying a gnashing of teeth? when people talk about o-chem, they sound like they're talking about clubbing seals, or imminent doom and destruction, or all of your underwear suddenly being stolen. something horrible. and it's not as if i understand anything of what's going on in chem now. and i'm wondering how (and by 'how' i mean 'if') i'll survive

i don't want to go running back to econ... but... how could it be so wrong when it would feel so good?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

rock out

chick on chick was pretty much awesome. i got nailed with a water balloon right in the crotchal area, and happened to hit the exodus of freshman going to the row when i was walking home... so they all looked at me... THE INCONTINENT SOPHOMORE. yeah well, it could have been worse... it could have been warm. teehee.

quot(ations) of the evening:

[gabe, fondling himself]: "if men had boobs... there would be no war."

[scouter, after popping a water balloon on fonda's chest, and she complained that it was too cold. and he reminded her that he was the one with rubber water balloons rubbing against him]: "yeah well i have nipples, too! THE DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS!"

yeah maybe it would funnier if you were there. or if you were a little drunk. that works, too.


so of COURSE i've made my schedule for next semester. i'm all over that like a hobo on a ham sandwich.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

mr. radar

all systems go we're on... LUDICROUS SPEED!

because i have to book it if i'm going to be gone these next two weekends (bel air retreat, santa cruz for f.o.g.) and succeed at... not failing my classes.

i feel very... efficient! and useful! and a total dork about school work!

in completely different news, i'd like to invite you all (read: 3 people who read this godforsaken blog...) to this fall's "CHICK" ON CHICK. that's right. for those of you who like to see the women's ultimate team take on the (wo)men's ultimate team dressed up in skirts, sports bras, and water balloon boobs... YOUR TIME HAS COME!

this thursday! 8 p.m.! and at half time, we're having a jauction! you, too, can buy you very own ultimate player! here are some pictures from last spring, to convince you. yes that is our captain... yes he is in santa lingerie.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


the crazy christian (or just jesus-centered) subculture has taken hold of me, and won't let go.

here are just a few top picks:

1. Christian Satellite Radio (it's always on in my apartment!!! so addicting!)
2. Jesus of the Week
3. Crazy Church Signs (and generator!)
4. this is actually my homepage
5. i don't know that this is about but someone has way too much time on their hands

luckily i'm someone who thinks the above websites are way cool, not disrespectful or hell-bound. i also know i'm a total doofus and really need to get: 1) a life, 2) some work done.

Friday, October 07, 2005

il fornaio

so first off, my dad is AWESOME and you should all be jealous.

[lindy]: holy crap you grew a beard!
[dad]: i know baby, don't you like it?
[lindy]: you look like sean connery in indiana jones!! how long did it take you?
[dad]: TWO DAYS. mom doesn't like it, but she says i can do whatever i want.

actually, he started growing it after we went camping over labor day. so... it's taken him a little longer than two days...

[lindy]: ... but like, john took laura to the steam show (family reunion/vacation thing every summer in indiana)... and now i'm next oldest! i'm next in line. i'm totally letting them (them= extended family) down or something by not having some boyfriend. i'm a total family loser! i'll be old and lonely and bring my cats to the steam show. molly (younger cousin) will totally bring a boyfriend before i do.
[dad]: well, lindy, you shouldn't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to.
[lindy]: i know. i'll get over it.
[dad]: you know what would really make them shut up? BRING A GIRLFRIEND.

but honestly, i know the extended family is ready and waiting. maybe just to prove that i can in fact get a boyfriend, and bring him to indiana. plus this will be the first boyfriend to come (all my older cousins are boys and bring their girlfriends), i'm really excited to see some california guy try to start a tractor (I CAN!!)... hmm i guess i'll wait.

but yeah, we all went to the grove for dinner... and target... and ralph's. and now he's gone. *frown*. i got kleenex with disney woman villians on them! happy freakin' halloween!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

whiter shade of pale

what must be said: dear roomies, please stop drinking my milk.

what i will probably say: who's been drinking my milk? (received by sheepish calcium-rich looks)

what i really want to say: boy howdy, i drink straight out of the carton! i bet a sizeable percentage of that there cow-juice is BACKWASH!!!

then NO ONE would drink my milk!!!

decisions, decisions...

golden rainbow

the good: i got my math midterm fixed.

the bad: i have a midterm today at 4. i haven't studied... and i don't want to.

the ugly: last night when we were coming home from bel air, we saw the cops (the coppers! the fuzz! the heat! the 5-0!) giving a sobriety test to some girl. inge said she looked about 15, and there was DEFINITELY and older grandma-looking woman in the car. that's gotta hurt...

in other news, my mom and dad are coming to l.a. tomorrow and my mom wants to come to one of my classes. she's coming to my materials science class. i told her she could even use my clicker!! the way i figure, i can embarass myself every day at college. but have my mom embarass me? well that's just an opportunity i can't pass up.

plus, i'm a girl, and i'm in college- I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT AND GET AWAY WITH IT!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Negotiable (thank gosh!!)
grades on a math midterm. but seriously, i have no confidence in the competence of my t.a.'s. and i'm going to go talk to them. SO ANGRY!!! i'm gonna go have an otter pop to chill out.

get it? otter pop? chill out? CHILL out? otter pop is cold? get it?

that pun made me feel much better.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


There is no escape along the lines St. Augustine suggests. Nor along any other lines. There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket - safe, dark, motionless, airless - it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside of Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.

- C.S. Lewis, "The Four Loves"

thor got a thunder

as some of you (read: kate) know, i have this way of picking up the phone when i'm asleep. and talking. except... i have no recollection of it the next day.

anyhow, my friend dena was supposed to call me back last night to tell me whether she needed a ride to church today. and... i see that she called last night around 1... and it wasn't a missed call so i definitely picked up... i just can't remember what she said!

but i do have a sneaking suspicion she said "no"... GOSH DARN YOU LINDY AND YOUR ASLEEP PHONE CONVERSATIONS!!!

Friday, September 30, 2005

trouble is

ok, as many of you know, i have been having a profanity-load of trouble with my computer program. ok, so only jessalyn knows, and that's because i whine about it a lot.

so today i go to office hours, because i can't figure it out. and i've been looking it over for like 2 straight days, can't figure it out. And what do you know but the t.a. isn't there. so i sat on the cold hard floor of the 3rd floor of s.a.l. waiting for him. after 45 minutes (and a REALLY cold butt) i was feeling pretty defeated.

BUT as i was leaving... thinking about the incompatible pointer types that had seemingly defeated me... I FIGURED IT OUT!!! So i ran back into s.a.l., went into the computer lab- AND I FIGURED IT OUT!!! but here's the thing, is when you change a little bit of code you have to go through the whole thing again changing stuff. so it's been like 30 minutes or so of coding and compiling. it was very anticlimactic. but it is done!!

my new shoes are also anticlimactic. i wasn't feeling too hot after my calc midterm this morning, so i looked at my shoes, like, "make me happy!!" and- what do you know- they're like, "um we're just shoes" i was like, "but! but! i have been tracking you online for like a week and a half! i'm really excited about you!" and they're like, "you are such a loser"

lessons of the day: I AM THOR, CONQUERER OF ALL THINGS UNIX. and... shoes alone can't make you happy.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

apollo creed

i went to my first j.e.p. yesterday. first for this year. it's at st. vincent's. there's some SERIOUS nunnery going on there at 23rd and fig. for reals. but it's pretty awesome.

i stay at a daycare program for kids. daycare sounds like they're young, it's just an afterschool program for kids where they do their homework and have people (like me) help them if they want. it's like 1st-8th grade, i think.

i was helping one 8th grader, he had to correct his test. As in, write out the question and explain why the answer he chose was wrong, and why the correct one is the correct answer. ahhhh tedious homework... anyhow, here was his question (paraphrased):

What is one example of something that came from Roman civilization and was passed on to later European culture?
a. city-states
b. geometry
c. the latin language
d. direct democray

(the correct answer is c). So he was like, "i don't get it". I showed him that the question itself has two criteria. one, that the answer came from roman civilization, second that it was present in later european culture. i told him that the correct answer would satisfy both conditions presented by the question.

i've lost that lovin'/ability to talk to kids feelin'


Sunday, September 25, 2005

last names

remember that time you ordered chucks online and they sent you the confirmation email that had the u.p.s. tracking i.d., so you checked every 30 minutes to track the progress of your package? remember that?

e.t.a. is september 29th.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

the big goodbye

i walked left out of my door. down the staircase. turned left. walked about 15 yards. turned left up another staircase, and soon found myself in scouter (and marcus') apartment. playing the star trek: the next generation drinking game!!


now don't get me wrong- i don't support under-age drinking (which is why i brought my own cream soda), but this game- i'm telling you- INCREDIBLE! like, 9 whole pages of rules. each character has specific actions and dialogue.

the one that really killed us was downing a glass when data said a contraction. or, drink twice when wesley saves the day and no one thanks him. or when captain picard is awkward around women or children. SO QUALITY!

Friday, September 23, 2005

tally ho

i wake up: -1000 million points

i decide to go back to sleep, i can miss calc: +100 million points

panic attack- what if he talks about the midterm?!?: -10000 points

so i end up going to class: - infinity

he definitely DOES NOT talk about the midterm: -5923 points

and my one calc friend (and study buddy) isn't in class: -932 points

so i download a game on my cell phone: +389 points

IT'S FREAKIN FROGGER!: +100 bjillion points

except... frogger's not as fun on a cell phone as it is on a computer: -2 points

kacie calls me to put money in her meter: -12 points

i have some tuna helper (like hamburger helper... but tuna!): +392 points

i go to materials science: + .54 x 10 (to the 2) points

i put more money in kacie's parking meter: -10 points

kacie says i can take her care grocery shopping: +482 points

but... she didn't leave her clicker, so the car alarm goes off every time i try to open the door: -999 points

and all these people look at me and get angry!: -2931 points

hungry and alone, i go back inside: -329 points

but not hungry for long. i have a sandwich: +301 points

i learn how to play a new song on the guitar. it's a worship song by third day: +201 points

kacie gets home. i mope about the car: -19 points

she says she'll take me to ralph's before she leaves: +831 points

i read some get fuzzy while i'm waiting: +10000 million points!!

we go to ralph's. get this, using my ralph's card, i saved more than i spent! holy crap! i'm amazing: +38102 points

TUTORING: +24 points

now i'm home, i have to shower some time before i go see chicken's play (dead end): +391 points

[rob wilco]: what are you putting in the vcr? a pop-tart?
[bucky katt]: techinically it's a pastry swirl.
[satchel pooch]: there's a pop-tart movie? super!
[rob]: you can't toast a pop-tart in the vcr, bucky.
[bucky]: you sound pretty sure for a guy who just walked in.
[rob]: let's just say i have the benefit of hindsight.
[bucky]: well, congratulations to you and your magical butt.
[satchel]: i am soooo confused right now.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i like sneaky better

today i vountarily gave a dozen diddy riese cookies away.

the holy spirit must be moving in me!

rationalization: they were for a.g.o., and i would have eaten them all myself tonight while doing materials science or something.

Monday, September 19, 2005


i am experienced. today, during materials science lab, i sat next to a monster. i think the best way to describe him is... a sedated gengis khan (spelling?). I have now known true fear, such that i felt between the hours of 1 and 3 this afternoon in PCE 103. i'm recovering.

p.s. i don't know how i feel about the 3-2's imminent closure. i'm sort of happy (and dreaming of a target in its place!! or a trader joe's!!)... but still. no 3-2? where am i going to get huge bags of shady corn flakes? ok i just answered my own question. bye, 3-2.

one less infidel

i forgot to post this, ben (chernikoff) called me on friday to see if i'll be a co-worker reference for his border's application!

i felt so special. and all the time i was at the gym, i was thinking about all the wonderful things i get to say about ben if they call me and ask!

he works well with other, but has enough initiative to tackle things on his own. he also dresses like someone who would work in a bookstore (i.e. not preppy). plus, he's approachable and won't make you feel stupid for asking where the danielle steel are (or so i imagine... i've never been in that situation, so i don't know for sure). so exciting!

on a completely different note, i am tired of being hassled by the police whenever i go to my apartment. the emmy's completely ignored those affected by the awards show. now only did they not inform us, they refuse to let us access our cars, and won't let us even walk on shrine ave. tonight, i was coming home from the library, sort of late, and they wouldn't let me walk to my apartment on shrine! i was like, "you know, it's really late. i don't much feel like walking over to hoover. no one's here anymore! i can even see my apartment!" (that's a lie, i can't actually see my apartment, i can see the building next to it.) but i still had to go around.

I think if they'd at least told us, then we'd treat it all as something we just have to deal with instead of an attack, which is what it feels like. their entire ignorance of the shrine neighbors shows a blatant rudeness and lack of respect for us. i hope i can fight the man all by my onesy, petitions take too long.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

where did i go right

today it was switching between America's Next Top Model MARATHON and Ghostbusters II. my life is on the up and up.

[Elaine]: According to my source, the end of the world will be on February 14th, in the year two thousand and sixteen.
[Peter Venkman]: Valentine's day. Bummer.

Friday, September 16, 2005

reasons for which everything is coming up roses

#1: i love my bible study. the girls and the content, like how it runs and stuff.

#2: afterwards, we get to go over to a.g.o. for worship nights!

#3: belair is awesome and everybody give you hugs.

#4: we have a skinny mirror in our apartment so every day when i leave for class i think i look SO hot... which i do...

#5: i am a computer programming prodigy. for reals. i have an innate ability or something! my t.a. doesn't think so, but i know it's true...

#6: i'm taking a class called "japanese brush painting"!!!!

yeah it is all that awesome. it makes up for the first 2 weeks of school, which were unreal (in a bad way).

Thursday, September 15, 2005

*le sigh*

everything is coming up roses for the illustrious lindy lois. everything apart from school. just to clarify.

but still that counts!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell" (The Flaming Lips)

I was waiting on a moment
but the moment never came
all the billion other moments
were just slipping on away

I must have been tripping
(were just slipping on away)
just ego tripping

I was wanting you to love me
but your love it never came
all the other love around me
was just wasting on away

I must have been tripping
(was just wasting on away)
just ego tripping

am i the only one who thinks this song, especially the title, is incredibly profound? i love it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

mr. mitchell

as many of you know, a balloon (like, the ones you tie and make animals with) can look very phallic. we did a demonstration in chem in which the temperature of the balloon decreased, leading to a decrease in volume. our prof, foolishly, refererenced this as "shrinkage". and we all giggled.

then, while discussing the Gay-Lussac experiment (also has to go with gas volume), some guy behind me goes "huh-huh... GAY."

i tell ya... that engineering gender ratio...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

JOHN LOCKE (for fun and profit)

they only govern by the consent of the governed... WHAT?

Subject: Reminders about Shrine Events
Hi Keity,

My name is Lindy, I'm a tenant in Habitat Soo Zee. As you obviously know, some of the Conquest buildings are directly across from or very near to the Shrine Auditorium. This means that when events are going on at the Shrine, tenants at many of these locations are unable to leave or enter their apartment buildings via car, because many streets (today- 32nd, Shrine, and Royal) are blocked off.

However, it is very difficult for tenants to know exactly when and which streets will be blocked off. Is there any way for Conquest to obtain this information and inform tenants about these street closings? I know that USC university housing puts up flyers in their buildings to remind students about Shrine events, so it can be done!

Thank you very much,


Subject: Informing Shrine Neighbors about the Emmy Awards
Hi Lippin Group,

My name is Lindy, I'm a student at USC. I live in an apartment across the street from the Shrine Auditorium, and was extremely inconvenienced today when I was unable to leave my apartment. All of the streets around my apartment (parts of 32nd, Royal, Shrine) have been blocked off because of the awards tonight. I understand that blocking off streets is the only way to let the Awards run smoothly, but those affected by these street closings need to have prior knowledge.

Luckily for you, many of the buildings affected by the street closings are owned either by USC Housing or Conquest Housing ( it may be easier to contact those managements directly who in turn can inform their tenants. You could also have a representative walk around to the different houses/apartments to let us know. And of course, you could rent all of us free limos for next weekend so we are able to run errands and see friends even though we can't get out of our respective garages.

Of course, this weekend is just a practice for us for next weekend when the full-blown Emmy Awards happen. We will be better prepared next Sunday, and hopefully we will be better informed.

Thank you very much.


I'm such a badass. for reals.


they're filming something for the emmy's. cool


no one can get in or out. i mean, i can on foot. but cars? what would we have done if we had to drive rachel and her friends to the train station?

I'm sending Conquest Housing a strongly (but constructively!) worded email. Then, when I'm feeling assertive, I'll do some m.s. and feel completely stupid.

Friday, September 09, 2005

... and then joe called.

do not panic

this is just a test... to see if the crap spam comments happen again... *crosses fingers*

steric numbers

progress report: I dropped my clicker today in m.s. and he picked it up for me. hopefully it wasn't because i looked hopeless and stupid or something.

i'm naming him MBBIMS. Most Beautiful Boy In Materials Science.


but i do wish i had a better acronym.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

longing for ellendale

dearest maddy and carly (and joe and caitlin, too):

I do want to come to your apartment. I want to grace the sidewalks of ellendale. I do. promise. but, given the current situation, any free time is spent catching up on work. which, if all goes according to plan, I will all be caught up on by the beginning of next week (i.e. I study and read and write all this weekend).

Now, I already promised my friend in calc that we'd go to disneyland when i was all caught up with my work. BUT I WILL COME TO ELLENDALE FIRST!! what say you about... hmm... monday is ultimate, tuesday is bible study, wednesday is belair, thursday is womens practice- NEXT FRIDAY?

you see how it is? life is hard. but i will escape somehow and come to ellendale. PROMISE. PINKY SWEAR.

love and kisses,

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

dr. pepper

last night I was walking home. it was around 10, I was taking jefferson (to shrine... to 32nd... whatever). so, not the safest way, but i was like, "it's only 10 p.m. whatever"

THEN some guy drives up next to me and he was like, "need a ride baby doll?" AND I HONESTLY DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY.

which is wierd. i think normally i'd be like, "no thank you, please leave me alone" and hope he isn't armed or something.

but last night, i wanted to be like, "didn't you get the memo? i'm a frumpy engineering girl now! totally out of your league. immune to your crap advances! leave me and my chem book be." I think I should be untouchable, as horny late night drive-by pickups go.

Monday, September 05, 2005


#1: i am uncool. plain and simple. i realized that i am a frumpy engineering girl. and... i'm not too bothered by it. i guess the truth does set you free. but don't worry, i'll still shower and stuff

#2: since i have 2 weeks of school to make up... I have 5 chapters of chem to read, 3 of computer science (but don't let that fool you- it's still 100 pages), 6 chapters fo my broadway musical class. and i'm always behind in math. i had a little paper due today, i was graciously excused from the first problem set and quiz in chem (thank you prof goo!!), and my first program is due on friday. AGH!

and, of course, my bike was stolen. which was like this evil cherry on top of my evil 2 weeks sundae. i saw kacie the day my bike was stolen and she was like, "hi lindy!" and i started crying. true story. then i failed a math quiz. also a true story.

i feel like job... except i'm definitely failing.

this is a pretty downer post... but i can't think of anything good that's happened lately. except a new pair of jeans. i like them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

fill in the blank

god is ______ enough

in control

god is enough

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

it's all about m.e.

some things are coming together, and others are falling apart. or rather, rearranging themselves beyond recognition.

and all i have to keep me company are my roommate's godforsaken TURTLES. actually, they're small and don't cause trouble. i don't know what my problem is.

my problem is that i'm switching into mechanical engineering and my whole class schedule is jacked... and may necessitate my dropping my russian art class, which i ADORE!! at least i can keep japanese brush painting.

i wish i weren't bound by time.

Monday, August 29, 2005


i'm here. my classes are all wonderful. but too much is going on for me to actually post. and i've forgotten so much, too.

right now i'm listening to kelly clarkson on my roommate's computer because mine is m.i.a. and when they told me 3-5 days... that means IN ADDITION to the 3-5 day waiting period for them to take a look at it. and they're backlogged. ugh.

when mr. puckers is back... well, i'd like to say that i'll update or whatever. but... UNLIKELY.

in other news, we have a mirror in our living room and i was like, "wow! i definitely lost weight!" so after i worked out i weighed myself.... yeah that mirror is a skinny mirror. le sigh. i love you, kelly clarkson.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


The USC Department of Public Safety wants you to know about crimes occurring in our community. Informed citizens are better able to ensure their safety as they go about their daily activities. The following information is provided with your safety in mind.

On Sunday, August 14, 2005 at approximately 12:05 AM, a suspect took an unsecured bicycle from the lawn of an apartment on Shrine Ave. The owner of the bicycle and four of his friends confronted the suspect. The suspect pulled out a blue steel revolver from his waistband and fired one shot into the air. The suspect then fled to a teal Ford Expedition that was waiting. The suspect fired four more shots prior to fleeing in the vehicle.

Suspect is described as a Male Hispanic, 5 feet 10 inches tall, 160 lbs. There were 2 male Hispanics and 2 female Hispanics in the vehicle.

If you have any information about these crimes, call the Department of Public Safety at 213-740-4321 or LAPD Southwest Division at 213-485-2582.

yes ma'am, that is my apartment building. a friendly reminder to secure my bicycle- no?

club one-fifty

i savored my salty cashew and set down my dixie cup half full of trail mix. i looked deep into his eyes. "May I have this dance?" and we twirled and sacheed (sp??) the lunch away...

or rather, i had some free samples and danced with joe to the player piano at costco. or rather, he danced and i stumbled along hopelessly. or rather, i haven't danced with a guy since... JUNIOR PROM. holy cow that's a long time!! good thing i took advantage of the player piano- and my unsuspecting coworker!!!

i've been packing. tomorrow i'll be leaving (i think). the black hole of l.a. is just a hop, skip, and a grapevine down the 5!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

"Language or the Kiss" (Indigo Girls)

I don't know if it was real or in a dream
lately waking up I'm not sure where I've been
There was a table set for six and five were there
I stood outside and kept my eyes upon that empty chair

And there was steam on the windows from the kitchen
laughter like a language I once spoke with ease
and I'm made mute by the virtue of decision
I choose most of your life goes on without me

Oh the fear I've known
that I might reap the praise of strangers
and end up on my own
all I'd sown was a song
but maybe I was wrong

I said to you the one gift which I'd adore
unwrap a package of the next 10 years unfolding
but you told me if I had my way I'd be bored
right then I knew I loved you best born of your scolding

When we last talked we were lying on our backs
looking up at the sky through the ceiling
I used to lie like that alone out on the driveway
trying to read the greek upon the starts
the alphabet of feeling

Oh I knew back then
there was a calling that said if joy, then pain
the sound of the voice these years later
is still the same

I am alone in a hotel room tonight
I squeeze the sky out, but there's not a star appears
begin my studies with this paper and this pencil
and I'm working through the grammar of my fears

Mercy, what I won't give
to have the things that mean the most
not to mean the things I miss
unforgiving, the choice still is
the language or the kiss


last night i slept outside and still didn't conquer my fear of the backyard.

today i tried on 8 different pairs of jeans and still couldn't find a fit i liked.

le sigh. i've gotta start doing something meaningful with my life.

Friday, August 12, 2005

77 Geary Street

I painted! I painted it! I have been painting for about a week and I finally finished it last night. I'll have a picture soon. as soon as I hang them and find my mom's digital camera. Then you can all see!!

then you can all laugh and tell me to go back to economics. but only after you've seen them!

Monday, August 08, 2005

sky mall

for 19.95- you, too can have a dazzling bracelet that flashes when your phone rings! comes in sterling, gold, and multi-colored beads. allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

yeah i definitely finished the book I brought... and in my desperation turned to sky mall

in other news, i've been up since 1:30 a.m. california time. and now i'm gonna get some real clothes on (maybe) and head over to work. YIPPEE KIY-YAY!

Friday, August 05, 2005

west lafayette

wednesday: eric observes that lindy is a little on edge, and asks why. lindy replies, "i'm not on edge!" eric wins.

thursday: after finding out her drivers license is expired (THANKS FOR NOT SENDING ME A NOTE YOU CRETANS!!), lindy gets extra security screening at s.j.c... only to find that her flight to l.a.x. has been canceled. lindy actually cries. though few, the tears were there (and so were the curious onlookers)

friday: while grocery shopping for her grandmother, lindy becomes suddenly and unbearably bloated while perusing the frozen food aisle.

yep, the planets are all aligned. DAMN YOU, MENSTRUATION!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

black cadillacs

i got an email from jessalyn, my roomie who's already moved in (our lease started monday!)

"...Also, the bedrooms dont have lights in them, they just have a random light switch. So make sure you have a lamp for your bedroom. The kitchen/dining room is well lit, and I may go ahead and pick up a light for the livingroom. Our apartment is ghetto, but it is ours and therefore is AWESOME..."

i would like to take this opportunity to say: WORD UP, JESSALYN.

p.s. good thing charlotte told me freshman year to get a lamp to open up the room

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

hard decision

so... there is a cute italian restaurant in downtown menlo park. and every time we (summer staff) pass it we're like, "oh let's go there!"

tomorrow... WE ARE GOING THERE. and one thing led to another and....


and they're like, "oh a suit- it's so uncomfortable, it's so hot!" blah blah. they're expecting me to wear like a PROM DRESS and i'm like, "strapless bra, bitches, you got nothing on me". i will say that i was the one to suggest we all dress up, even though it's not all that dressy of a place. but... a prom dress... for lunch in menlo park? (my choices are: the black and white dress i wore to father-daughter dress junior year, and the pink and black one i wore at senior prom)

we were driving today, and they suggested the suits-promish dress idea, and i was like, "oh... i don't know..." and they both looked at me and they were like, "TWO GUYS IN SUITS!!!" man, that really got to me. but i'm just not sure. any ideas?

i'm hoping to get away with my maroon with white embroidery dress.

okay the first dress. except, it's only black and white (change all the light pink to black). and, it's all black on the back side. and... I'M NOT A WAIF.

okay, and dress 2: except, turn the black to pink, and the white to black. and... i'm not as hippy as her, so the contrasts around the waist aren't as... striking. and, again, NOT A WAIF.

dress 3: yay plus size models!! this is a pretty accurate picture of what i look like in it.

oh, and please let me know a.s.a.p... and before 7:45 a.m. when i leave for work (with dresses in hand/car!). or call me any time before lunch. i'm open to suggestion/small bribery.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

whoa man

i saw 'sky high' and it is SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!! seriously. and i'm not just saying that because i like movies like 'scooby doo'... yes i liked scooby doo.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


doofus of the week award goes to: john

for recycling all the week's mail. so, bills? invitations? magazines? school stuff (i know there were letters for him in there)? all gone. and he didn't even look at the mail, and can't remember what he recycled.

any guilt? not that i can sense. and because he's gone with his girlfriend for the week, i'm the one home who gets to call everyone (verizon, etc.) and explain the situation.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

wednesday night awesomeness

it happened in this order:

make grocery list
put mousse i never use in my hair
grocery shopping: peaches 1/2 off... life cereal buy one get one free...
friend i see outside safeway says my hair smells good
i listen to killers cd loudly while putting away groceries and cleaning the kitchen
johnny o calls to see if i want to throw tonight- WITH MY NEW LIGHT UP DISC!! YAY!!!

the only way this night could get better would be if... john hadn't just come home and turned off my music so he can watch t.v. *le sigh*

Sunday, July 24, 2005


moment of clarity. have to write (type) it down before i go to sleep.

it wasn't a revelation. it was more actually believing what i know to be true: that god will take care of me and that he has a plan for me. and that i CAN wait in/for/preposition the lord and he knows how to take care of me.

and believing that. and carrying it out. and wondering if this is just another feeling i can't hold onto... if i can prolong it... somehow make it stay. because this peace- which is familiar in so many ways, but the way my life's been going it's pretty new and strange- this peace needs to stay. it feels good. any ideas?

more lies from john david

"your phone is just in a purse all the time! i have a man's phone! in the pocket! braving the elements!"
"shut up- you just drop yours all the time."
"whatever! my phone has to fight to the death! on top of a mountain! during a lightning storm!"

john tries to explain why his phone is so jacked up.

Friday, July 22, 2005

wait- for reals?!?

i'm beginning to think that online quizzes aren't always completely accurate.

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
hmm... then i took it again and it said I'm A.C. Slater. now i'm really beginning to distrust these results...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

vigilante justice with lindy

lindy: thomas, bathe! or at least change your clothes! (i dressed him on tuesday, because it was my birthday, and he still has the same clothes on)

thomas: can i use your bathroom?

lindy: okay (anything to further his hygiene!!)

later that night...

lindy walks into her bathroom after the gym, all ready to take a shower, only to find (IN HORROR!) that thomas got a haircut earlier that day (why didn't she notice??). 2 new additions to lindy's bathtub: a huge ring, THOMAS' NASTY HAIR.

so she got out her hazmat suit and went to work. (i.e. put the water on super hot and washed it all down the drain). blech.

but, in the end, the marginal benefit of thomas' bathing outweighs the marginal cost of my cleaning my own bathtub before i use it. i won't have to vigilante, i guess, but stay on the lookout.

muu muu

we popped my birthday balloons
and sucked the helium
and spoke in funny voices

fun times with the 10-year-old

in other news, i met a guy named paul today who had a shirt with a camaro-ish car on it (as if i know anything about cars... it's a car. it was on the shirt.) and it said, "my other ride is your mother." hehe methinks, until i realize paul is incredibly tall and skinny, and a total nerd. but hey, whatever butters his muffin. am i right or am i right? EXACTLY. godspeed, paul, godspeed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

walk away


love and kisses,

the now mature (pronounce mah-tUre) 19-year-old

Sunday, July 17, 2005


party a smashing success.

strapless bra and dress behaved well.

hats off to everyone.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

day camp: day five

in all honesty, i don't know how i'm not dead right now. i was at work this morning at 7, and just now got back from the counselor party after party (bowling!!). work. all day. nonstop.

tony and i estimate this as at least a 70 hour work week, if not 80 hours. and, of course, i'm not paid by the hour. so... it's just the same as my usual 40 hour week. GRRRRREAT!

i want summer to go on forever.

i'm gonna clear my head
i'm gonna drink that sun
i'm gonna love you good and strong
while our love is good and young
- indigo girls, 'get out the map'

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

day camp: day two

i meant to mention yesterday our bus driver.


i meant to mention our bus driver in yesterday's post. whew. he told us that if we stuck any part of our bodies out of the window, any tree branch or passing whatever could take off that appendage (and i quote) "like a sharp knife through soft butter." The kids didn't respond, but I was even afraid to put my head near the window, much less to lean out of it, to tell eric that my walkie-talkie was running out of batteries. *shudder*... *soft butter*

today we went to the exploratorium, and i hung out at the staff station. whoa nelly.

Monday, July 11, 2005

day camp: day one and a half

"Theme From Pinata" (Bright Eyes)

I wish I had a parachute
'cause I'm falling fast for you
I can see the ground approaching
but I'm not sure what to do
I feel like a pinata
won't you take a swing at me
If you could just crack the shell open
I think inside you would find something sweet

I heard you like a hunter now
your footsteps in the leaves
And I would gladly leave my hiding place
yes I'm hoping to be seen
So let your arrow fly and sing
I'm well within your aim
Lay your traps for a thousand miles
please don't let me escape

Winter came to Omaha
and left us looking like a bride
A million perfect snowflakes now
and no two are alike
So it's hard for me to imagine
the flaws in this design
I know debris covers everything
but still I am in love with this life

day camp: day one

twelve... hour... work... day...

6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.- yippee kay-yay.

Friday, July 08, 2005

reasons i like foosa

so i say, "i want to take this class"


so i say, "how do i get departmental clearance?"

and they say, "get a form from our office"

so i say, "but i am in norcal, is there any way to do it over the phone or online?"

and they say, "please call back. our office hours are from 9-5 Monday thru Friday"

argh. why do i agonize so much over my schedule.

#1: he's short
#2: he plays a DANG good game of ultimate
#3: he's a s.m.o.g. (Sexy Man Of God)
#4: but seriously, he's short. and that's hot.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

tricia. where you be at. tricia.

my dad has the voice dialing on his phone. another example of technology that just makes someone look dumb.


please say the name again.


please say the name again.


please say the name again.


please say the name again.

Monday, July 04, 2005

this may be disturbing

tonight- after seeing madagascar a second time- i went to the shoreline to watch fireworks with some family friends and their respective girlfriends and friends. and my parents spooned.

god bless america.

Saturday, July 02, 2005



first off, it was a young life camp in oregon that our church used for its high school camp. it wasn't for ultimate, though i did play ultimate there. so no, kate, i didn't see scouter.

and speaking of ultimate... i'm thinking of taking this next semester off. i need a christian community. and ultimate practices when crusade, etc. etc. meet. it's not as if i can't have both a straong christian community and ultimate- it's just that they take the same time slots. finding that community needs to be my priority. don't get me wrong- i love my team. and i love my friends. i love hanging out with them and don't think i'm "wasting my time" or something like that. but i do think i'm settling for less than what I truly want. being with mppc this past week- i really thrived. everyone i met was genuine, and of my same faith. I don't realize how important that is to me until I get back to my mppc community.

that was one of my decisions i made at camp. christian community= priority. and somehow, i gotta find a ride to bel-air. I WILL DO IT. AND GOD WILL HELP ME.

oh yeah, and speaking of God... if you haven't noticed, i'm anxious a lot about the future and what i'm going to major in/do/whatever. then eventually i remember that God has a plan for me and i can rest in that. but let's be honest here- i'm still anxious. and i don't think that'll stop. i'm too preoccupied with finding the PERFECT major for me and the PERFECT fit for a job, etc. etc. i even look for the PERFECT pants when i go shopping- which explains why i have none currently.

looking for the absolute best burns me out, and i question if "perfect" things really exist. doesn't god even annoy me some times? if i'm not perfect, I don't expect other things to be. so i may put myself on some endless search for what doesn't exist.

a while back charley gave a talk at sanctuary, and one of the things he said was this: Hebrew "good" is better than Greek "perfect"

that is to say, when god created the world and said it was "good", that's better than when paul, in the new testament, explains a "perfect" christian community. good is defined, at least here, as in tune with God. what god wants. lots of things i can do now are good. brush my teeth and go to bed, read, journal, whatever. i think as long as God can bless it, it's good. that's my rule of thumb.

but "perfect"- it's making different degrees of 'good'. so- right now- should i brush my teeth? read? journal? my life is like that- but on a bigger scale. and i worry about which will satisfy me most- and doesn't god have a preference? shouldn't his 'plan' include everything?

so, of course, i just freak out and am anxious all over again. i don't see that all my paths can be "good" and maybe there isn't a "perfect" one. so now i have that figured out- how do i apply it practically?

*shazam* stop worrying!

no. it can't work that way. i don't know how i'm going to apply what i'm figuring out. this truth should make me stop being so anxious about the future. in the end, as long as i can do good, whatever i do can be made 'perfect' in God, so i shouldn't worry. yeah, circular reasoning. oh well it's past my bed time anyhow.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21


ok i gotta post more about wildhorse- but first! here's a wierd dream i had!

i got my leg amputated. but i couldn't exactly see that, my leg seemed to still be there, but i knew it had been amputated under the knee. there was a big line where it had been cut. so i was walking and driving around in this crazy funk mood because i was like, "i just lost my leg! and no one can see that!" and i was missing my leg and stuff. and driving my little brother different places. and i finally saw joe and he was like, "are you alright? is something wrong?" and i was like, "nothing."

joe is a good friend even in my dreams. and i'm still unwilling to talk about stuff in my dreams.

Friday, June 24, 2005


dear lovers,

i have taken to calling everyone "lover" now. it's wierd, it probably makes other uncomfortable. OH WELL!

tomorrow i'm heading off to wildhorse for a week of wonderfulness in oregon. that's all. yay.



NEVER lose ANYTHING at hillsdale shopping center. because if you DO succeed in getting it back (after multiple phone calls and time spent waiting to speak to managers), you will have wasted a good 2 hours in time and everyone involved will probably think you are an uptight bitch.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005


nothing really happens in my life really, but i have met someone really cool! he works with me, his name is tony. i've known him for a while b/c he was a day camp counselor with me a few summers ago, but working with him is AWESOME.

first off, he won a car on 'the price is right', which automatically propels him to the category of perpetually awesome.

i'll share a story (doesn't involve the car): so we were driving to the oasis in joe's car today (me, katie, joe, tony, ben, eric- all interns with me), and we were passing all the restaurant on santa cruz ave. deciding where we could go for another lunch some time. sayeth tony:

"oooh, bistro vida. what's that?"
"oh it's really good."
"we should get something there some time!"
"it's really expensive."
"we should split something there some time!"

i was like, "YOU ARE SO COOL!" but not out loud. i just think he rocks- as do the rest of my coworkers. hehe, i said 'coworkers'... i also ordered something from the bar today at the O! ok so it was a martinelli's... that's still from the bar! lindy= rebel.