Monday, November 21, 2005

csci test tomorrow?

you know when you're at the end of your shampoo bottle so you keep it upside down so what's left will be at the bottom, but eventually you squeeze it and all you get is air and little bubbles of what's left in there? i am that shampoo/bottle. and i may or may not make it to thanksgiving.

i also made the decision to hold out until thanksgiving to do laundry. i was supposed to do it this weekend... then today... but my underwear count says all systems go! i ain't paying $6.75 to do it here, bitches.

AND: Jimmy Eat World is playing here next thursday (I KNOW! I KNOW!), which is the night of my last art class. I cannot go to that art class. I MUST think of an excuse to get out of it... any ideas?

1 comment:

Cornelia W. said...
