Friday, September 23, 2005

tally ho

i wake up: -1000 million points

i decide to go back to sleep, i can miss calc: +100 million points

panic attack- what if he talks about the midterm?!?: -10000 points

so i end up going to class: - infinity

he definitely DOES NOT talk about the midterm: -5923 points

and my one calc friend (and study buddy) isn't in class: -932 points

so i download a game on my cell phone: +389 points

IT'S FREAKIN FROGGER!: +100 bjillion points

except... frogger's not as fun on a cell phone as it is on a computer: -2 points

kacie calls me to put money in her meter: -12 points

i have some tuna helper (like hamburger helper... but tuna!): +392 points

i go to materials science: + .54 x 10 (to the 2) points

i put more money in kacie's parking meter: -10 points

kacie says i can take her care grocery shopping: +482 points

but... she didn't leave her clicker, so the car alarm goes off every time i try to open the door: -999 points

and all these people look at me and get angry!: -2931 points

hungry and alone, i go back inside: -329 points

but not hungry for long. i have a sandwich: +301 points

i learn how to play a new song on the guitar. it's a worship song by third day: +201 points

kacie gets home. i mope about the car: -19 points

she says she'll take me to ralph's before she leaves: +831 points

i read some get fuzzy while i'm waiting: +10000 million points!!

we go to ralph's. get this, using my ralph's card, i saved more than i spent! holy crap! i'm amazing: +38102 points

TUTORING: +24 points

now i'm home, i have to shower some time before i go see chicken's play (dead end): +391 points

[rob wilco]: what are you putting in the vcr? a pop-tart?
[bucky katt]: techinically it's a pastry swirl.
[satchel pooch]: there's a pop-tart movie? super!
[rob]: you can't toast a pop-tart in the vcr, bucky.
[bucky]: you sound pretty sure for a guy who just walked in.
[rob]: let's just say i have the benefit of hindsight.
[bucky]: well, congratulations to you and your magical butt.
[satchel]: i am soooo confused right now.

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