Wednesday, November 30, 2005


so becca, conquerer of worlds, who is studying abroad in heidelberg this semester, says today (well, yesterday technically, tuesday) is st. andrew's day and there's a tradition that if you sleep naked, you'll dream of your future husband.

now, i don't send on chain mail, or put stupid things on my a.i.m. profile (well, it's stupid, but they're not stupid things i get from other people. i make up my stupid stuff all on my own thankyouverymuch), but i am totally buying into this. nakey time for lindy!

and apparently i'm the only girl in my bible study comfortable enough with my body to do that? what's up with that? it's only you and the sheets, no one's going to freak out! plus, i have a loft bed, no chance of flashing anybody (and by anybody i mean my roommate).

and i'll let you know how it goes.

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