Sunday, October 16, 2005

a million miles away

I [Jesus] am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in my that bears no fruit, while every branch in me that bears fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful

John 15: 1-2

And that's when I realized I'm trying so desperately to cling onto branches of my life that God is pruning. I'm carrying around these dead branches while God says, "You are bearing new fruit now. You are showing my love in a different way now. That branch was last year, now I want you to have a new branch, and a new fruit." By fruit I mean things that show God's love. Last year it might have been through relationships with people, maybe this year it's doing more volunteer work, or even writing more about God on this blog. I don't have any control over it. I can try to, and go through motions I think I should. But God knows how he's going to use me best.

But it does hurt to have those branches taken from me. One that he's taking is ultimate. And i've been trying to hold onto it, and fighting him for it. And he's been like, "No. I am pruning this, I'm taking it away because now I have something different for you." It hurt a lot, I'm not going to lie. He put me on that team last year for a reason, and I thought I'd be staying longer.

So now I have to tell the team... what I don't want to do is tell them some theology and all about God working in my life. But they do deserve to know why I'm leaving the team. It's not them... it's not even me really... it's God and where he's putting me this year. But I cannot step down and water it down. God is working in me, that's why I joined the team, that's why I'm leaving it. God, please help me know what to say. And be with me whatever happens.

But... for something funnier... this past weekend was Fall Retreat for Quest (Bel Air Presbyterian College Group). They had a talent (funny skit) show on Saturday night. One skit was parodying all the "hip", "new age" worship music. So they made a worship rap (I think... I was pretty tired and can't really remember) and the worship leader was like, "ok, ok, we gonna roll up a fattie of funk and fellowship!" I almost fell off my chair.

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