Thursday, October 13, 2005

rock out

chick on chick was pretty much awesome. i got nailed with a water balloon right in the crotchal area, and happened to hit the exodus of freshman going to the row when i was walking home... so they all looked at me... THE INCONTINENT SOPHOMORE. yeah well, it could have been worse... it could have been warm. teehee.

quot(ations) of the evening:

[gabe, fondling himself]: "if men had boobs... there would be no war."

[scouter, after popping a water balloon on fonda's chest, and she complained that it was too cold. and he reminded her that he was the one with rubber water balloons rubbing against him]: "yeah well i have nipples, too! THE DOOR SWINGS BOTH WAYS!"

yeah maybe it would funnier if you were there. or if you were a little drunk. that works, too.

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