Friday, December 30, 2005

i don't know how to put this all into words

i am in west lafayette right now, with my family at my grandma's house. she's in a hospital, and she's been there since thanksgiving or so, so when we we got to the house there wasn't very much food... i am with:

thomas ("i am dirty the dirty is warm"- explaining why he wasn't as cold as i was in chicago)

then we found an unopened orange juice in her fridge. it was a week past the expiration date, but it wasn't opened...

myself ("orange juice without pulp... tang's older brother")
greg ("hey i found some fiber one!"- he's a wrestler which means he doesn't eat)
john ("fiber one?... we could be eating poo! we are eating tang and poo for dinner")

mom ("so greg how does this chicken ceasar salad compare to the one you had for lunch?"- haha he can't eat)

dad (" "- he drives us places, and he does talk but it's late and i can't remember anything right now)

we had some fiber one, and some orange juice. we found some reese's puffs and had some of those, too. we made dial-up noises while mom connected her laptop so i could check email, etc. the midwest is treating me well.

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