Monday, December 26, 2005


i'm leaving for chicago tomorrow. i already told brooke i'll bring her back some pizza- though by then it'll just be a hunk of congealed fat, cheese, soggy bread, and some tomato paste. the request still stands.

and if i return in one piece (like metals, i will shatter more easily under low temperatures- say, for instance, thirty three which feels like twenty four because of wind chill), i'll bring you all the story of how i survived. right now i'm planning on wearing all of my clothes on top of each other and waddling and/or rolling around chicago. oh yeah.

i'm gonna go watch blues brothers. somehow that will prepare me for chicago... yes.

1 comment:

Cornelia W. said...

i hate to break it to you, but 33 degrees is unusually warm at this time of year in the upper midwest. bring a bit comfy coat! H&M has awesome sweaters (thick) and scarves. and you can't go anywhere without a hat.
i miss the cold. say hello to it for me.