Wednesday, October 26, 2005

back in the saddle again

ok, so i sort of lied on the BET one. that stuff happened to my roommate. but, you know, dramatic effect. whatever. the l.a.p.d. one is my crowning acheivement.


My name is Lindy, I'm a tenant in an apartment building directly across from the Shrine Auditorium where you held BET 25 Strong earlier this evening. First, let me say I prefer this awards show so much more over the Emmy's simply because you were more respectful of those who live around the Shrine. For instance, I could still take Shrine Place to get to campus (I'm a student at USC) even while most of the set up was taking place. Thank you so much for that, I cannot say the same for the Emmy's or other large events.

However, you did not inform the neighbors about street closures. Street closures are extremely inconvenient for us, but what is even worse is that fact that we don't know about it. I, along with others, are happy to rearrange our schedules for one or two nights to fit your schedule. But when I arrived at my apartment about a half an hour ago - or rather, tried to - I was forced to park much farther away from campus and walk to my apartment. The police officer on duty told me I would only be able to access my parking structure after 1 a.m. I do not need to remind you about the neighborhood around USC, suffice to say I do not enjoy walking alone late at night. However, the point is that you must inform neighbors about street closures.

I'm very disappointed that you have reserved part of the LAPD to help ensure that your even goes smoothly, but do not tell the neighbors that their evenings may be extremely inconvenienced or interrupted by the discovery that we can't get back to our homes. Please remedy this, and be an example for other awards shows and events at the Shrine. I would also like a courtesy email or phone call letting me know you've received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[my phone number, which i don't really want to put online]


My name is Lindy, I'm a student at USC, tenant of an apartment across from the Shrine Auditorium, and unfortunate victim of street closures. Or rather, unfortunate victim of not knowing about these street closures.

I understand that street closures are necessary for many public events such as awards shows or marathons. But respect for those affected is also imperative. I, my roommates, and those who live around me, are willing to rearrange our schedules if we know certain streets will be closed. However, no one informs us, and I feel that you - as enforcers of these street closures - also assume the responsibility of informing neighbors. I also feel that students and neighbors would be more respectful of your officers if we knew about the street closures in advance.

Most importantly, I feel very disrespected and disregarded when I discover that I can't return to my apartment. Either you or the organization putting on the event (Emmy's, BET, vh1, etc.) must inform neighbors about street closures. Please send me a courtesy e-mail or phone call to verify that you have received and processed this letter.

Thank you very much,
Lindy Liggett
[phone number]

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