Thursday, November 17, 2005

treat williams

today i wasn't assertive. and the entire time i was like, "i should say something." I knew i was tired and anything I said would sound like i was upset... but i'm mostly upset that i didn't say anything.

my bike pedal was broken so i took it to get fixed and the guy basically tried to press it back together (the plastic-y part had gotten off the axle) and i was like, "yeah i don't think that's how it came off in the first place, and trying to push it back together isn't helping, it's only warping the pedal." but he kept trying. until finally the metal part was so bent he couldn't do anything about it. then a new pedal wouldn't go on. so i bought entirely new pedals. yeah it was like $6...

but at the same time i just should have told him to stop messing up the pedal and try something more intelligent. for instance, disassembling it and putting it back together. using an identical pedal from the shop as an example.

as my mom would say, "it is obvious that he's not an engineer."

and it's obvious that i'm a wimp who needs to be more assertive when I'm tired.

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