Thursday, September 29, 2005

apollo creed

i went to my first j.e.p. yesterday. first for this year. it's at st. vincent's. there's some SERIOUS nunnery going on there at 23rd and fig. for reals. but it's pretty awesome.

i stay at a daycare program for kids. daycare sounds like they're young, it's just an afterschool program for kids where they do their homework and have people (like me) help them if they want. it's like 1st-8th grade, i think.

i was helping one 8th grader, he had to correct his test. As in, write out the question and explain why the answer he chose was wrong, and why the correct one is the correct answer. ahhhh tedious homework... anyhow, here was his question (paraphrased):

What is one example of something that came from Roman civilization and was passed on to later European culture?
a. city-states
b. geometry
c. the latin language
d. direct democray

(the correct answer is c). So he was like, "i don't get it". I showed him that the question itself has two criteria. one, that the answer came from roman civilization, second that it was present in later european culture. i told him that the correct answer would satisfy both conditions presented by the question.

i've lost that lovin'/ability to talk to kids feelin'


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