Saturday, September 02, 2006


from now on you'll have better luck here

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

call me when you get this

hey. in about 45 minutes i'm getting in a car to drive to the airport, to get on a plane, to fly me over the atlantic and into frankfurt. whoa. Thomas has my phone now, so if you call you won't get me, and i may or may not have a way to check messages. I'll have on and off email access in eastern europe, is the best way to reach me. or facebook, I guess. Sometime i'll get internet access in scotland, and figure stuff out. but until then- I'll be m.i.a. for a wee bit, and send me your address if you want a postcard!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

polar fleece

ok now i can go to scotland. i got really cute rain boots. i hardly have to pack now. i'm ready to go! here they are: (they look even cuter ON ME)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

maybe sparrow

i just got p3wnd. my mom used the phrase "so funny i forgot to laugh" on ME. life is hard, man, LIFE IS HARD.

I'm gonna go console myself by packing for l.a. call me if you want to hang out while i'm there. I'll be down for friday and part of saturday. i gotta hit up: chano's, elegance, office of degree progress.

the needle has landed


Saturday, August 19, 2006

take it or leave it

ok, this might sound wierd but just take it for what it is, not how you may interpret it. I've been sort of ambivalent toward marriage- i'm all for it, yay marriage, but as for me I was just going to take whatever God gives me.

And while that is true, I want to serve God not just make babies.... i REALLY hope it involves getting married. And i'm 20, so I'm in no hurry (see also: year abroad in scotland) and i'm not passing out "would you like to marry me?" surveys. but serious... i want to get married. sometime in my life (for the rest of it once I start) I want to be married!

AND MAKE BABIES! there will be babies to be made. does that sound wierd? because i don't think it should. so there, i said it. I'm not on the market just yet... but some day!

Friday, August 18, 2006

one original thing

do NOT go see snakes on a plane. I know I may be a little biased- i got terrified by the third harry potter. and honestly I didn't watch that much of the movie. I spent most of the time hiding behind a blanket I brought in (which I shared with two of the girls who came with me... we watched about $4 worth or a $10 movie). it was either hiding behind the blanket or silently wondering how eric got me to come with him. or both at the same time. it is VERY GRAPHIC. and that doesn't even begin to describe it.

don't kill me, i'm just the messenger. don't see it.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

"Love" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

maybe it's because elizabeth barrett browning is amazing, probably it's because i just got back from a beautiful wedding (my cousin ben's) in a beautiful cathedral (st. matthew's in d.c.) with a beautiful toast by his dad (he's an english professor... eloquence central), but I would like to share this sonnet with you. and trust me, there's a lot more where they came from:

We cannot live, except thus mutually
We alternate, aware or unaware,
The reflex act of life: and when we bear
Our virtue outward most impulsively,
Most full of invocation, and to be
Most instantly compellant, certes, there
We live most life, whoever breathes most air
And counts his dying years by sun and sea.
But when a soul, by choice and conscience, doth
Throw out her full force on another soul,
The conscience and concentration both
Make mere life, Love. For Life in perfect whole
And aim consummated, is Love in sooth,
As nature's magnet-heat rounds pole with pole.

*le sigh* (note: she's also the poet who wrote "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways" in another sonnet. she's cash money.)

Friday, August 11, 2006

quiz time!

alrighty, I'm in D.C., and I have a slight predicament. I applied for housing in Edinbugh and received my housing assigment, and it's somewhere I didn't want. It's closer to the science campus (which is farther from downtown... which is where I'd like to live) so I don't want to accept it I want to get different housing. But if I reject it I'm not necessarily guaranteed a place in university housing and given that I don't know anyone there.... I'd really like university housing. What to do?

Thursday, August 03, 2006


west lafayette is the setting of my latest adventures. which are not really adventures at all... they're more like lounging and finger-twiddling. i'm going to rushville for the next week and won't have any internet access. that's fun and new... or old and moldy.

actually i'm having a good time. i'm getting a lot of... reading... done.

Friday, July 28, 2006

choux pastry heart

classes are DONE. now i just wait for grades.

we went to santa cruz (summer staff). i got a new swimsuit before i went and rocked it while i boogie boarded my way to celebrity. seriously, i caught some GNARLY waves that, all things considered, where pretty BODACIOUS. not gonna lie, though, there were some RIGHTEOUS babes on the beach. and... umm.... TUBULAR (just for good measure).

now i'm gonna shower all the salt and grime off me. it was worth it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

thin line

something tells me greg wrote this email... it came from my dad's email account after I asked him to tell me how to turn on/off the pump/pool sweep/water slide

So you want to be popular with your so-called friends? You want to invite them over for a party and then suck down the old man's wine and Beer? Well, sorry bucko, we've contacted the Atherton Police and are having them patrol the house with strict orders--no activity allowed!

Anyway, if the pumps shut off in the middle of your "party",
and he goes on to tell me about the order of which switches, etc.

it brought a smile to my face and doubt in my mind. greg or thomas is now his scribe?

Monday, July 24, 2006

full circle

so castilleja has this newsletter/catalog of all its happenings and in the back is the alumni news. and our class secretary (poor girl) harangues us for a little blurb to put for ourselves. for example, l t-l's was that she "has decided to double major in Spanish and sociology, and is active in local chapters of NOW and the ACLU in Chicago."

Which made me wonder- what was mine? Had I even sent one in? I thought so because I am somewhat responsible, but I couldn't remember what I'd said. I scanned for my name and this is what I found: LINDY LIGGETT temporarily suspended all school work to perfect her crocodile costume for a pirate party as the crocodile that ate Captain Hook's hand.

At which point I thought, That was probably *exactly* what I was doing when I received the "send-me-your-blurb" email.

And now that it is overwhelmingly appropriate: JAWSOME.

Monday, July 17, 2006

kitty alexander

Mom: "Lin have you given any thought to what raincoat you want?" [for Scotland]
Lindy: "No, not really. I mean to me it doesn't make sense to get one when it's just more to carry and I'm not sure what kind I'll want, you know? Do you think it's important that I get one before I leave?"
Mom: "Yeah, well that makes sense for a wintercoat, but I think it's safe to get a raincoat here."
Lindy: "Those are different things?"

somebody get this girl out of california!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

but you like the taste of danger / it shines like sugar on your lips

things i was afraid they wouldn't have in scotland but have recently been told they do have:
1. firemen
2. peanut butter
3. iced tea
4. the english language

things i'm afraid they won't have in scotland:
1. string cheese
2. the comprehensible english language
3. people who will be friends with me
4. sunshine

Sunday, July 02, 2006

remember me

if you'll excuse me for a little while i'm going to drown. but i'll be back up for air in about four weeks when my summer classes end. but for now, excuse the absense/lack of posting.

and now back to math

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"The Shadow Proves the Sunshine" (Switchfoot)

Sunshine, won't you be my mother
Sunshine, come and help me sing
My heart is darker than these oceans
My heart is frozen underneath

We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight
Dry eyes in the pouring rain
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Two scared little runaways
Hold fast to the break of day light where
The shadow proves the sunshine

Oh Lord, why did you forsake me?
Oh Lord, don't be far away
Storm clouds gathering beside me
Please Lord, don't look the other way

Crooked souls trying to stay up straight
Dry eyes in the pouring rain
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Two scared little runaways
Hold fast to the break of day light where
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Yeah yeah, shine on me
Yeah yeah, shine on me
Yeah yeah, shine on me
Yeah yeah, shine on me

Crooked souls trying to stay up straight
Dry eyes in the pouring rain
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Two scared little runaways
Hold fast to the break of day light where
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Yeah yeah, shine on me
Yeah yeah, shine on me
Yeah yeah, shine on me

Shine on me,
Let my shadows prove the sunshine

Saturday, June 24, 2006


my cat has fleas. which means, my house has fleas. which means, i get flea bites. luckily, i don't scratch them awkwardly like a dog does... at least, not in public. but, because my dad doesn't get bitten he's lazy about giving tiger his flea treatment. which means the fleas spread and every so often i wake up with new bites. which is pretty embarassing because, "i don't want to wear a skirt because i have fleas" is a poor excuse.

which means today was spent cleaning up the house, stripping bed sheets, etc. etc. and setting off flea bombs. which, for the record, are about the coolest thing ever. and not just because you can find them in a hardware store. what you do is you clean the room, removing all ignitants, and set some newspaper down, and we set a flat box down, too, to keep it elevated and so it wouldn't tip over on the carpet. it's a lot like an air freshner in that it's a solution in a high pressure can with a nozzle to let it out. So, you depress the clicker until it's secure, making sure it's always pointing away, put it down on the floor, and run like hell out of the room before shutting the door.

then, if you're me, you watch the flea bomb for a while pretending to hear little fleas crying out in pain at their imminent doom. or maybe they don't know it's coming. it's just a short scream of terror and the thought of death and the life beyond. or maybe it's just me making it all up. anyhow, in another two hours we can go back into the room. take body count, tally em up, and move to the next room. so cool. so murderous.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

peace with you

ought to post... nothing really to say... i never want to go back to school... i want to start a family band. not with my own family, i'll find a new one. none of us even have to be related. but i want to be in a family band. and tour the countryside in an AIR CONDITIONED (why has it been so hot lately?!?) bus/van. and p.s., i get first dibs on the tambourine.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

vector plane

physics is fantastic. remembering all my units and formulae is a pain, but electricity and magnetism are freakin ENTHRALLING. i'm suprised every day by other things that use electrical fields (digital watches, eg.)

but the math class.

oh, the math class. 3 3/4 hours per day that i will never get back. but i have found stamina i didn't know I had. maybe i should take up knitting... i'd knit a whole new culture by the time this class ends.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

new beginning

today was COSTCO DAY!! my dad and i went after i got back from the gym. while he chose prawns and I marveled at the outdoor furniture, I wandered over to the soda aisle in search of some caffeine-free diet dr. pepper. what's in it, you ask? pure love and sweetness + aspartame, I guess. but anyhow, I walked up to my precious soda and saw, "50% more than a 24 pack!".

friends, lovers, dear blog readers, WHAT THE HECK?! of course a 36 pack is 50% more than a 24 pack! that's about as useful as a gallon of milk saying "100% more than a half gallon!" why would they put that on a pack of soda?? is someone supposed to be propagandized by that? it's probably 50% more of the price, too. In fact, because that sort of moronity was on a soda pack, I decided not to get any. I got a tank top instead... a $16.99 tank top... oh costco you know what i like...

Monday, June 12, 2006

1200 curfews

so my dad stays on the list and now my mom is considering returning most of the things he ordered her. i go off the list and rely on my (women's) intuition, and the tank tops i got her are a smash hit. how is it that a girl can't even dress herself but buys the best clothing birthday gift? how is this?

someday i'm gonna be an old lady and rely on my sas's and muumuus. and my holiday sweaters. but by then i'll probably have learned how to dress myself. curse you clothing catch-22!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

the rooster moans

does anyone ever think about how cool ferris wheels are? I don't mean the ride part, i mean the design. they have to be completely collapsible for transportation! The design has to have a butt load of strength without welding, only joints, and repeated disassemblies. the reason i thought of this was because i went to the nativity carnival last night.

i'm going to use my mechanical engineering degree to become a CARNIE.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

i love rick steve

listen to your heart? f that noise

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9

Listening to my heart is not only impossible for me, but also pretty futile. And the wrong way to go. who knows what I 'want'? and what i need? and who knows me? I got one name for you baby doll: God.

Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 17:14

Monday, June 05, 2006


i hate when people say "listen to your heart" because the rest of my life my mom has told me, "there are things you don't want to do that you have to do." so i've trained myself to enjoy whatever I am doing. which is good, I guess, until I have no idea what I really like doing. Do I want to take classes this summer? yes and no. do i really want to go to scotland next year? mostly yes, but some no.

life is not a competition of reasonings. life is following after jesus. maybe i'm too overwhelmed by all the stuff that keeps coming up. there's so much to do and i feel unproductive. but now i'm going to bed.

Friday, June 02, 2006

deep pocket

insider tip: between 9 and 10 a.m. is like the 3-year-old parade at starbucks. it's all moms with 3-year-olds (or younger!). the cute fest. and the best part is that I know a lot of them from church. today i was reading and chatting with Nick, who was eating a piece of banana bread about the size of his face, telling me about how he's a good big brother to his baby sister courtney. then his mom told him it was time to go, he picked up his toy airplane and zoomed out, telling me "see you later alligator!" to which i replied "in a while crocodile!", and we parted ways.

*le melt*

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

heal over

we (dad + me) dropped off spartacus at the mechanic's because his radiator is leaking (or so we presume/fear), and went to the hardware store. where he proceeded to purchase items on his thought-out list and where i proceeded to drool and wander aimlessly while the people who work there asked if i needed any help. HARDWARE STORES OF THE WORLD- WHY ARE YOU SO FREAKIN COOL?!

Thursday, May 25, 2006


john is coming home this weekend. x-3 comes out tomorrow. coincidence? I THINK NOT. sweet cuppin cakes- i am so excited for this movie!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2006


i am a complete failure. macaroons elude me at every turn/recipe. same for corn bread. same for getting clearance to take the math and physics classes i have to take this summer. no placement test for those levels = long conversations with people who don't know what they're talking about. PEOPLE I WOULD NOT BE TAKING CALC 3 AND ELEC/MAGN IF I DID NOT FEEL PREPARED. actually, if i had my way i would not be taking these classes at all. but that is a different matter.


Friday, May 19, 2006

brownie cheesecake

i'm in new york, and am happy to report that this city is absolutely overflowing with firemen. i would say hot firemen, but that is too redundant, non? i think i will take some with me to scotland, i'm not sure if they have firemen there (gasp!)

however, there is an inordinate amount of pregnant women! everywhere you look- preggers! it's like embryotic overpopulation!! i mean, yay babies but seriously they're taking over.

and now i'm going to bed.

Monday, May 15, 2006


i got home, my dad was cleaning off one of the side tables by the pool and the glass fell in. john and i raced to see who could put on a bathing suit first (i won because i am what we call 'organized' and i found it right away), we jumped in the pool and after two attempts and multiple water-filled noses, I got the glass to the top (which was hard considering i couldn't grip it but had to bring it up vertically or the water pressure was too strong).

it's funny how the entire time i was thinking, "this *shiver* was a bad idea", but in retrospect and after putting conditioner in my hair, it was awesome. and i love being home for summer.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

white ladder

today i went through an entire tank of gas, drank some champagne, smoked a cigar, and got two blisters. summer degeneration has begun.

Friday, May 12, 2006

strawberry shortcake

last night john and i went to dinner, and we went back to my apartment. and along the downstairs hallway there was this long cat 5 cable running from one unit to another one at the other end of the hallway.

john: "what is that?"
lindy: "a cat 5 cable"
john: "i know. what are they doing?"
lindy: "i don't know."
john: "they're probably playing a networking game online or something."
lindy: "let's detach it."

so i did. i knelt down, took it out of the connector socket, and RAN. up the stairs, fumbled with my keys, burst into my apartment, melted into laughter on my futon. because summer hits and i go NUTS. john said i sounded like a drunken hippo when i was running. so... not graceful? we'll work on that.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

if only

oooh he is so beautiful
this is my beautiful brother thomas:

he doesn't usually dress up like a little girl, this is just a special occasion - halloween (also his birthday!) he wrote a math song, i think it's to the tune of "wake me up when september ends" by green day (he's young, we can forgive him).

some notes:
1. ENTV is something they do before math, probably a district thing.
2. Joe is his best friend, and a very well-mannered 5th grader.
3. STAR testing is standardized testing at the end of the year for the district.
4. Skilled in math or huge ego? you decide.

Math Song III

Fractions have come and passed, Exponents went by so fast!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Like 5th graders before me, subtracting correctly is the key
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the test again, it's my greatest foe
See who's the best aain, and it's most likely Joe!

As my grade comes to an A, I'm very smart, believe what I say
Wake me up when ENTV ends!


Ring out the end of recess bell, so I can go to math or I'll rebel!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the pop quiz again, I hope I get an A
see who's the class whiz again, and I am it's safe to say!

STAR testing is soon to come, all those snacks I need to succumb!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the STAR test again, snacks included,
See who's the very best again, and I'm probably not excluded.

Summer Vacation is upon us, camp, hiking, smores and canoeing
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Now to Hillview Middle School, I can act older and really cool
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Like 6th graders before me, memorizing the mathematical important E [sic: e? euler's number? baby doll you won't get there until college. when it systematicall attacks you *points to self* case in point]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Onto college, the greatest school, to go to Stanford can't be a fool [sic: oh bay area kid]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

This song written by Tom Liggett, if you want a song he is the ticket
Wake him up when ENTV ends!

Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!


Friday, May 05, 2006


tonight, for the first time ever, i ate the entire thing of carne asade nachos from chano's. is it possible that PMS gives me super powers?!?

and now i really want to see mission impossible 3... I AM INVINCIBLE!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

cinnamon raisin

if you don't mind i'm going to be swimming in a little funk for the next hour or so. i got four flats of cookies. FOUR FLATS. that is 16 dozen is 192 cookies!! and about half of them went to charitable cause a.g.o. costs are about $100 with cookies, milk, ice cream, napkins, cups, etc.. I collected $13. net loss: $87 and cookies ate: 6.


but on the bright side some girls in my bible study, and john, came by. i wish i had failure immunity. even better would be if awesome music played while i had it, like in super mario bros.

Monday, May 01, 2006

this is not a political debate, this is just lindy wanting some sweet-ass carne asade nachos

tonight john called to go out to dinner. "where?" says he. "bistango" says i. and we go. only to find (gasp!) a huge line at bistango. "where now?" says he. "chano's!" says i. so we turn around to the glory of the shack when-

CHANO'S WAS CLOSED!!! it was crazy. i wept bitterly. chano's is never closed! i go at high noon, it's open. early when i go running it's open. i don't eat then, but i could. theoretically. it's open when i go at 3 a.m.- chano's is never closed!!! but it was tonight. john looked down the street- fatburger closed, too (i wouldn't have gone there, i hate the name). i turn back around- la taquiza is closed!!

now, i'm not very political- but please please congressmen and women, do NOT let this immigration bill pass! i need my carne asada nachos!!! this was the saddest may 1st ever. go ahead, immigrants, protest and "si se puede" to your corazon's content- but just give me back my chano's!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

most girls

tonight i put my hair up differently. yes, technically it was still a ponytail... but there was a side part and two (count 'em two) bobby pins involved. le gasp. it only follows that i change my blog template...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


hey guys/girls/crocodiles/whoever reads this blog,

i'm finishing my final project for my itp class, which is a website. so if you have some time, could you go here and futz around and check it out and stuff? I'm mostly wanting to know if links work, no formatting errors, etc. plus, you'll all be so much more informed about the indigo girls!


Monday, April 24, 2006

arc of time

i was biking home from class today and in front of starbucks an L.A. Fire Department truck was parked right behind a North Hollywood Ice Co. truck.

DOES NO ONE ELSE FIND THIS HILARIOUS?! or at least like ironic? maybe a chuckle?

in other news, i rode the buzz lightyear ride at disneyland four times. which was AWESOME. I KICKED DOZER'S ASS!!!but, as expected, three times out of the four i looked like a total doofus. here is the picture where we look ok. we posed and wanted to send it to gen as a "haha you couldn't come to disneyland today" but we forgot his email. dang. it would have been so funny.

Friday, April 21, 2006


i'm going to edinburgh for the year. also, i hate/love pickles. they are like s & m for my mouth... but soooo good!! (and so horrible!)

"Mending Wall" by Robert Frost

Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun,
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding.
To please the yelping of dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
'Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need a wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, 'Good fences mak good neighbors'.
Spring is mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
'Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows?
But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.' I could say 'Elves' to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me-
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, "Good fences make good neighbors."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

worldwide pants

cross your fingers/kilts, because at this point i need to get into the study abroad program simply because none of the classes i need to take are open anymore. yeah... that could be not so good...

Monday, April 17, 2006

they call me white chocolate

imagine this: a cute little hamster is walking/scittering (i may have just made up this word, but it sounds right) around his cage, munching on hamster food and little wood pellets, with this cute little eyes, mousy demeanor. and he climbs in his tube structure that he has- an orange and pink one, say.


but instead of a hamster it's lindy, and instead of a steamroller it's all the work i have to do. can't i just go back to norcal/wood pellets? i feel overwhelmed.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

fat wood

two more things:

first, if any of you were wondering, i had a fantastic time at the a.g.o. invite on friday. highlights include: mark ordering wine and smelling the wrong end of the cork, steve's and my awkward prom picture. it'll be on facebook soon probably. it's a winner.

second, i took my guitar to be fixed because i couldn't get one of the string pegs to come out to change my sixth string. and i take it in to gelb and i explain how the string mechanism works and i've tried a, b, and c, etc., etc. the guy takes it out of a case. takes pliers and just pulls the peg out. puts in a new string, tunes it by ear, proceeds to tune the rest of my strings, and hands it back to me. i think i just got served. which would make it twice now that the gelb music guy had taken pity on me and my guitar, and i got owned by the nice guitar playing man. it's like a burn... but a very musical one.

blessed soil

this one time we had a physics lab that no one finished. not that we didn't have enough time, but that we gave up after a while. no one knew what was going on: us, the lab notebook, the t.a.'s. we were all lost.

which is why it only follows that it is on the practical. WHAT THE HELL FATE.

Friday, April 14, 2006

rest assured

i finally gave in and bought an umbrella. it's light purple. this means two things:
#1: i am $5.40 poorer (but it's purple... so infinitely richer!)
#2: the rain will now stop, because my life is like that sometimes

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

this post is about bras...

... and is not for the faint of heart/chest.

today i went bra shopping. intentionally. and intentional bra shopping, especially with a top in mind, is just about the best thing ever. next to sunrises and milkshakes and warm puppies. it's a runner-up. bra shopping with an invite dress because all your current bras go up too far and peek out, which is not cool because they are white and cotton.

i went to nordstrom and had the bra lady measure me and be like, "blah blah size blah blah underwire" etc. etc. and now, my boobs look fabulous. well, not now now because i'm wearing one of my hanes bras (the ones i swear by, i have like four or the same style because i love them so much). I guess before i had a "whoa, nelly!" approach. like, as long as they're under control I'm good. but now... knowing how they can shape and lift and (wait for it) separate! it's awesome.

which brings me to my final point: bra parties. we can do it with tupperware (i have!) and i have even heard of botox parties, which is pretty sick i think. but somewhere in that grey area comes bras. and i want to have a bra party. and nordstrom ladies will measure us and we'll all have wonderful bras, even if we want to stick to the non-underwire almost-a-sports-bra kind. it's going to be awesome. and very (snicker snicker) supportive.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


two awkward unflattering pictures. awww heck yes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

runaway run

this rain is sort of bringing me down. not seeing blue skies (from now on!) takes its toll. but i have significantly narrowed down my choices for where i'll go for my (hypothetical) year off: tropics, los angeles, various desert areas. northern europe? nope, sorry, sunshine quotient not met (though the way this week is going l.a. would fail, too).

p.s. 95% finished with crocodile costume, will post pictures soon!!

Friday, March 31, 2006

fast car

p.s. i changed most of the gender-specific words. and i bolded some stuff. and if god wants this to happen then he can. i don't need to know god's plan so i can decide what kind of person i'm going to be. god is making me into the person he wants to use for whatever his plan is.

Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets her heart on being an overseer, she desires a noble task. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the wife of but one husband, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. She must manage her own family well and see that her children obey her with proper respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage her own family, how can she take care of God's church?) She must not be a recent convert, or she may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. She must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that she will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.
Deacons, likewise, are to be women worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

1 Timothy 3:1-10

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

but as for me

God is so good to me. i mean it. and i don't just mean the every time i think about my family and my friends and the blessing he's given me that i treasure, the one's i come back to like on an hourly basis.

i mean that i'm afraid of staying in l.a. over the summer. that's right, afraid. because i don't especially like it, i'm afraid i'll be lonely here over the summer, i won't get to spend time with norcal friends, etc. etc.

not only are a LOT of my friends staying around this summer, but bel air takes children's ministries interns! GOD DOES NOT JUST EXIST IN NOR CAL! ok so this is not too revolutionary or anything, i know. but for me it wasn't like, "ok god, it's you vs. school, take bjillion" because that is sometimes (read: all the time) how it feels to me. i am the same whether i am in l.a. or atherton. god is the same all the time, and his blessings are good all the time. and so there. i ought to go to bed, but i have too much homework. and i'm too much at peace, I have nothing to sleep on!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

simple harmonic motion

you know some (church) people are always talking about "sitting at the feet of jesus"? I think that is all well and good, but if i could i think i would sit at the feet of donald miller because: 1- he is funny, 2- he speaks truth. sample:

"I was feeling like this guy with opinions was presenting a kind of Jesus who didn't even exist. His Jesus was just an invention of his imagination, someone who more or less justified his position concerning a lot of different political opinions. Sitting there listening to him made me feel tired. People like that should have an island." - chapter 2, "Searching for God Knows What"

Amen! truly truly

Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Hey Jesus" (Indigo Girls)

Hey Jesus it's me, I don't usually talk to you
But my baby's gonna leave me, and there's something you must do
And I am not your faithful servant
I hang around sometimes with a bunch of your black sheep
But if you make my baby stay, I'll make it up to you
It's a promise I will keep

Hey Jesus it's me, I'm the one who talked to you yesterday
I asked you please please for a favor, but my baby's gone away
Went away anyway
And I don't really think it's fair, you've got the power to make a soul believe in you
And then we call you in our despair, and you don't come through

Hey Jesus it's me, I'm sorry, I don't remember all I said
I had a few, no, too many, and they went straight to my head
And made me feel like I could argue with God
But you know it's easy for you, you've got friends all over the world
You had the whole world waiting for your birth
But now I ain't got nobody, I don't what my life's worth

Not gonna call on you anymore, I'm sure you've got a million things to do
All I was trying to do was to get through to you, get through to you
Cause when I die and I get up to your doors
I don't even know if you're gonna let me in the place
How come I gotta die to get a chance to talk to you face to face?

this songs isn't how I feel or anything- I just love it. i may have posted it before, I don't really know. oh man, huge props to indigo girls and windows media player shuffle.

golden eye

brooke and i decided if we reach a certain age and aren't married, we will marry each other. i said we'd have to move to vermont. brooke said that's ok because there is natural maple syrup there. i said ok. we'll become lesbians and eat waffles every day.

Monday, March 20, 2006

nothing is sound

did spring break just happen? i think i missed it.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

dimmer switch

ok, most exciting thing ever (just for u.s.c. people, though)

I was watching "bringing down the house" with my cousins, and chano's is totally in it! chano's! getting the recognition it deserves!

it's when queen latifah and eugene levy are driving to some club in downtown and there's a shot of them driving past chano's! the perspective is from the carl's jr. or whatever is across the fig/30th intersection from it. interesting fact: they're going south on fig, the opposite direction from downtown! oooooh movie flaw.

lindy is somewhat bored in indiana: case in point.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

better beans

let it be said:

the only thing worse than having a horrible professor is realizing he's also teaching a class next semester that you have to take. so not only does the tyranny never end, you have to be nice to the tyranny this semester so next fall won't be even worse.

i'm searching back through my life to see what i could have possible done to deserve this karma. must have been that ethnic cleansing i did back in '94... or maybe it was the pushing old ladies into traffic... no, no wait, i've got it. ENGINEERING HATES ME.

le pout

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the eleventh hour

I flew home and promptly set up camp in my family room. I don't like my mattress and figured the fold out bed on one of the couches would be better. It isn't really, but at least I woke up at a reasonable hour because my brothers are noisy.

I did blue box and wore an awkwardly half-a-size-too-small mechanic onesie/jumper/thing. Awkward. But it's just 2-5th grade kids, and they aren't blunt and harshly judgmental or anything. oh wait.

i flew out sunday night through all the midwest tornados and couldn't sleep because of the turbulence. So I spent most of the time praying because: a. it was dark, b. i didn't want to die. At one time some red lights went on in the cabin (this is probably at the height of my nausea, it was really bumpy) and i was pretty sure it was the "flight attendants please prepare for DEATH" light. but we were all o.k.

We arrived at about 6 a.m. to the charlotte-douglas airport, and the guy at the window in my aisle had closed the window as soon as he sat down. So i was thinking, "sir this is about the only time soon that I'm going to get to see a sunrise on the eastern seabord!" but i couldn't just reach over and open it (though he had ear plugs, neck pillow, eye cover thingy, and blanket- so he really wanted to sleep i guess). damn you, conscience... but from what I could see from the people in front of me, it was very beautiful and red. to do: visit eastern seaboard and watch sunrise. Also, always pick the window seat.

West Lafayette sure lives up to expectations: grandma transferred her phone, cable, and internet to the assisted living place she's in. So the most technologically advanced thing in her house is probably her ice maker. Now i'm in a starbucks on wireless internet, I'll go back later to help her figure out her bills and stuff. and gossip about the batty old ladies who are also there. one my cousin has named "madame PVC" because she has this chair/walker made out of p.v.c. to keep her from going into rooms at night, and she only speaks (yells at you) in french. i have yet to meet her.

This post was pretty boring, but i hadn't updated in a while. i want to call my friends, but all i'll hear is about how beautiful california/florida/other places are. indiana = arctic tundra!! peace out.

Monday, March 06, 2006

darn that dream

i'm going to learn german. yep, then i'm going to go to germany.

but first... i have to make a webpage for my h.t.m.l. class (i.t.p. 104a), what should it be about?
current ballot:
- ferrets
- kristin's art
- my art?

let me know.

Friday, March 03, 2006

get out the map

mope mope mope

i got soaked on the way to class

whine whine whine

and i lost one of the little people off the necklace my mom sent me from guatemala. i haven't even had the necklace for 24 hours! and now i can't wear it.

pout pout pout

buuuuuuuut, I went to the gym and i feel better. plus i went to a.g.o. for 24/7 prayer (a.k.a. the holy spirit clubhouse of jesus prayer lovin') and watched major league. and i have a fantastic weekend and many friends i've been meaning to hang out with, books i've been meaning to read... and midterms i've been meaning to study for... curses on you statics! curses on your h.t.m.l.! and on your descendants!


THE RAIN IS BACK!!! YOU BASTARD RAIN!! and kacie's wearing her rain boots... what will i do? take a midterm all wet? ick. drive kristin to the airport in the rain? show up to a.g.o. for 24/7 prayer [PLUG! DO IT! see facebook group for more info of you can ask me] soaking?

screw this. i'm going home, and i'm taking all my marbles!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


i like how in los angeles rain is just something you can sleep on. i knew it wouldn't be back today... but i wore rain boots to j.e.p. just in case.

ha- j.e.p. story. so i went to my classroom and there was a sub so i expained who i was and he said that my teacher hadn't left any plans for me or which kids i was supposed to work with. he also told me there would be a drill at 9:15, which was after a literacy coach lesson, so we weren't sure if it was worth it for me to stay.

so i went to the office to ask how long the drill would last. I walked in and explained my situation,

"Hi I'm Lindy, I'm a j.e.p. volunteer in Mr. Kenney's class. He has a sub today, and hasn't left any plans for me. And I know there is a fire drill today, and I'm wondering how long it will last- if it's worth it for me to stay until after to tutor some kids."

"What drill?"

now, I have been a counselor, I know how/when to keep secrets from kids (like telling them we're watching "my favorite movie" at day camp), so I was like, "should the kids not know? are there any kids around?" so i was like, oh i guess she wants me not to totally blurt out the amazingly interesting succulent secret that there's a fire drill at 9:15.

"ok well, after... it [oh man check out my crazy spy skills, ain't no kids gonna guess there's a fire drill]... how much time will i have left? I'm usually here until 10"

"what drill? we don't have a fire drill today. i don't understand what you're asking."

at this point i'm like, "look lady, don't be coy with me! i know you have a fire drill!! now just admit it and tell me how long it'll take and if i should stick around!!" and she, of course, has no idea what i'm talking about... especially when i use pronouns... freakin' spy skills...

eventually, we got it figured out that there was in fact a drill today- a lockdown drill. can't say i had any of those in white suburban oak knoll... and i went home. but there was a tense moment there in the office, at least there was some sort of drill. lock down drill = ghetto fire drill, because it means someone is packing heat!

get it? fire? heat? knee-slapper?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

best of my love

tonight i checked myself out in a wal-mart security camera monitor. seriously. i did. i was passing it and i was like, "hey baby... you wear those laundry day clothes so well..." because i am skinnier, and much hotter (yes apparently it was possible). AWESOME.

but don't worry- brooke says if i get self-absorbed she won't be friends with me anymore. so i'll just have to check myself out when she's not around...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i know i know i know

you know sometimes you go on some christian retreat and you're like, "i want to date every boy here!!" (see also: high school youth group).

and then you go to mammoth with crusade and you feel this abundant contentment with God and life and everything and you're like, "i am so happy right now i'm afraid dating someone would just mess it up!" not like anyone's asking you out... but i mean theoretically. and you're on a little single high...

BUT (and this makes it legit), then it's that time of the month but you're still excited about living- that means it's for REALS.

god = good, my cup = overfloweth.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

lady d'arbanville

way = how i live my life, how i hold myself, how i relate to others

truth = what i cling to, how i formulate ideas and opinions, what carries me through when life is falling apart

life = what i seek and rejoice when i find, and share with others

Jesus answered, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Sunday, February 12, 2006

candle in the wind

when we got back to church (our bus broke down... eww... but i did get to exhaust my clean joke library while we waited), thomas was ready to go home.

"wait thomas, i have to go to the bathroom"

"what?" and he throws his sleeping bag at me, without much effort because neither of use slept much at camp

"hey hey! a sleeping bag is not a weapon!"

"no, but it is a projectile."

I CLAIM THIS BROTHER FOR LINDY!! i would also like to announce that i explained the following things to my cabin: kinetic and potential energy (at the big swing), why things glow and the color spectrum (we made bracelets with cool glow-in-the-dark beads), air pressure (and what the best way to get ketchup out of the bottle is). yep, engineers are just breeding in the sewers and the santa cruz mountains these days.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

disappearing world

you know your life is pretty pathetic when like four adjacent posts are about chocolate soda. diet chocolate fudge 'soda'. because brooke decided she had to try it.

it went something like this:

"brooke I'm telling you it's disgusting. seriously. it's the nastiest thing you have ever tasted."

"i need to try it!"

"ok but i'm telling you. i'm just gonna pour you some in a clear glass you so you see it."

"ok. wait, i have to wait for it to stop fizzing." *drinks... swallows... cringes* "oh my... oh... oh my my GOD.... oh my god oh my god oh my god... ooooh my GOOOOOOOOOD. oh my-"

it went on like that for a while. right before she exploded in a heap of nasty soda (which apparently is bottled by the dr. pepper group... way to maim society by putting this in reach of children, guys). she's doing okay now, she's been discharged from the hospital. she's recooping with her tofu and organic water on ellendale. it's all gonna be ok.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

teach your children

sorry about the lyrics, i actually couldn't decide which song to put up, i just got the david gray album and it is AWESOME. so... thank your lucky stars the entire album isn't here now.

i further investigated this chocolate fugde 'soda'... i compared side by side my beloved diet dr. pepper with the... 'soda'.

Ingredients: (bolded = ones they both have)
(Dr. Pepper)
Carbonated Water
Caramel Color
Phosphoric Acid
Artificial and Natural Flavors
Sodium Benzoate (preservative)

carbonated water
caramel color
potassium benzoate (preservative)
artificial flavor
malic acid

given, the benzoate won't influence the tastes too much, i'm going to blame the malic acid. because mal means "bad" and malic must mean "totally disgustingly nasty- lindy why did you think this was a good idea?!" problem solved. now to figure out what to do with five cans of soda... OTHER than drink it!

Monday, February 06, 2006

"Lately" (David Gray)

That the sky would lift
That I'd find my place
That I'd see your face in the door
And the sun would glint
On a time well spent
On a time that ain't no more

Taste the broken hearts
In the vacant lots
See the fruit that rots on the trees
Try to turn my head
Leave it all for dead
But it's in my mind always

Honey lately I've been way down
A load on my mind
Honey lately I've been way down
Load on my mind

Someone tell me where did it go
Darling I'm damned if I know
I seen that look in your eye
No one ever gave it a chance
I could have said in advance
You saw it all in a glance
And goodbye

Drag a salted kiss
From this cup of bliss
Watch a new lie twist on the breeze
You can paint it red
Leave it all for dead
But it's in my head always

Honey lately I've been way down
A load on my mind
Honey lately I've been way down
Load on my mind

Someone tell me where did it go
Darling I'm damned if I know
I seen that look in your eye
No one ever gave it a chance
I could have said in advance
You saw it all in a glance
And goodbye


Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down
Honey lately I've been way down

Sunday, February 05, 2006


kacie and i went to ralph's tonight. if kacie goes alone, wierd things happen to her; and if i go alone, i end up wandering endlessly up and down the aisles convinced i'm forgetting something. so we combine forces.

the past few trips, while in the soda aisle, we have seen this 'chocolate fudge' soda. and not only is it chocolate fudge, but it's diet (this separates it from being in the ice cream aisle with the toppings i guess). and every time we dare each other to buy it because we have to know what it tastes like!! tonight i didn't even need peer pressure, that bad boy went straight to my basket.

we drove home, set a can out on the table, and unloaded our groceries. the tension in the room was building, we weren't sure if we could really go through with it. finally i got out two valentine cups (oh wal-mart how i love thee, 5 for $1), opened the can and poured two fizzy cups full. and we drank.

then we spit.

i think kacie put it best: it's like tootsie roll, barf, and bubbles. so, for the record, while mr. pibb + red vines = crazy delicious, tootsie roll + vomit + carbonation + lindy's poor judgment = just crazy.

don't give in! there are 5 untouched cans on top of our refrigerator... and they aren't going anywhere. so if you are intrigued by the chocolate fudge soda, come over to our apartment. it's a safe environment with a large sink (with disposal!) for the spitting of the nasty soda. or should i say 'soda'.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

letter of intent

some say baseball isn't exciting. today, for the first time, i began to see what they mean. long beach has a pretty awesome pitcher, but there were quite a few amazing hits by us. and while everyone else stood up to see if it would clear the fence, i called it as soon as the ball left the bat.

i know my vectors and velocity components, i can sniff out a good trajectory a MILE away! so the excitement was somewhat lost. all i could think about what separating their hits into components, not unlike my thinking about the increase in the force of gravity when i hug someone.


in other news, i made a website!! i am so incredibly proud of it, and there will be more coming soon. for whatever reason joe doesn't think it's all THAT awesome... which made me feel like a parent with an ugly kid but no one will say anything, and i'm still so proud! of my ugly kid/website.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

shine on you crazy diamond

i'm studying abroad. i've known this for a while, and i thought i had time to figure out which classes transfer, etc. etc. then i could make an educated decision between ireland or scotland. engineering majors are a bit hampered in their options of study abroad- i would have preferred germany but my only choices were: brisbane (australia), cape town (south africa), galway (ireland), edinburgh (scotland), which in the end came down to galway or edinburgh.

so, because i couldn't rely on my own knowledge for this one, i prayed about it. and that's pretty much how it is, as sad as that is. if i can't get my own answer i guess i'll have to ask god to give me his. that's definitely not how i want it to be.

and, also unfortunately at times, god is not a quik-mart or miss cleo. so i couldn't say, "which one god?" and he'd give me a fortune cookie or make some math problem equate to "galway" or send an angel in a dream to tell me "edinburgh"... so i prayed some... waited some... then looked at their respective websites.

i realized i don't like irish accents, but my cousins do live in ireland which would be nice. also, of all their vast recreational options (yes i am being sarcastic), the top two were golfing and fishing. um... no. but sailing was one, and i want to learn how to sail.

the guy who narrated the edinburgh promotional video looked like a penguin... i couldn't decide whether that was a pro or a con. but in the end i liked edinburgh more. and it went something like this...

"ok god i'm going to apply to edinburgh. okay?"

*waits for lightning to strike*

"and i'm going over to the office of overseas studies now, so it's kind of down to the wire"

*lightning does not strike*

"and them i'm going to give my faculty recs to my professors... so it's sort of done..."

*still no lightning*

so i went to the office of overseas studies and picked up an application. I'm writing a letter of intent sort of thing to my recommenders... and yeah. i'm feeling good about it. kacie will be in london, which should be totally close (because everything in europe should be close, i say so), joe will be clubbing in spain, it will be awesome. yeah.

a little more

the only thing worse than not having a valentine is reeeeeeeeeeally wanting one...

and knowing exacly which one you want... le sigh

Sunday, January 29, 2006

cold fusion

popples called on friday night, and we went to santa barbara. we came back late-ish saturday afternoon and took the p.c.h. so we could watch the sunset. it was absolutely amazing. the entire sky is to beautiful you don't even know where to look. luckily, she was driving, so i could look anywhere any time. schwing.

the 10 was a little congested, a while line of red lights our way and a string of white lights in the other lane. i was like, "a string of diamonds and a string of rubies..." which is what a family friend or my mom or someone said to me when i was little. once when i was in the car coming home with somebody from the mens team (ultimate. i was in s.b. for an ultimate tournament), he was like, "why are women so obsessed with shiny things?!?" and my first thought was, "oooooh shiny!!" which is definitely not what i wanted to answer.

popples and i got to talking about it and decided next time a guy asks that, we will just say we are half-racoon.

oooh shiny!! aluminum foil aluminum foil!!! smells like trash- SHINY!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

exotic scented lotion

you know how everyone's new years resolution is "live in the present"? well mine wasn't this year (proof!) but it is a smart one.


ugh present = saturated in future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

goodbye, goodnight

i decided to kick-off my valentine-search/hunt/poaching tonight at a.g.o. worship. sort of like the kick-off of a fund-raiser. yes-- getting me a valentine is now a community service and probably tax-deductible!

however, i somewhat fear the predator-prey relationship that seems to happen with any girl-a.g.o. encounter. allow me to clarify: when i say "a.g.o." i mean anywhere from one to all of the members of the frat. example: "I saw a.g.o. at bel air tonight" means i probably saw three or four members at church. apparenly when you join a.g.o. you renounce any right to a first name

anyhow, while my valentine's coming from a.g.o. is certainly desirable... the process of getting said valentine could make everything go horrible awry. taking advantage of a group of nice christian boys is tempting... but so tasteless. *le sigh* this is not to mention the fact that i booked it after worship. i was like, "beeline for bed!" even though i have homework to look forward to. such a loser....

brooke wished me luck when i left for worship tonight... looks like you'll be my valentine again this year brookins...


i will advance confidently in the direction of my goals! right after i finish my problem set.

Monday, January 23, 2006

famous last words

i got some "twisted whiskers" valentines, and some "babies of the wild" ones, and my favorite the dinosaur ones!! and i'll get some candy some time within the next few weeks to tape to them.

is it so bad i want a real valentine this year? i mean, brooke you've been good to me-- don't get me wrong or anything. but seriously. i have three weeks from tomorrow to negotiate me a valentine. and i don't know where to start...

in other, sort of related news, I've managed to sign myself up for three physics classes: straight up physics 151, statics (the mechanics of systems in equilibrium... a.k.a. physics without motion), and my t.o. class that talks about world views. i have been talking about isaac newton for three weeks straight...

but the point: i was hugging someone and all i could think of was the gravity equation. and i was like, "whoa, i may not feel it, but the force of gravity between us must be proportionately (sp?) larger since our centers of mass are so close!"

with that said- anyone want an unromantic analytical doofus for a valentine? still accepting applications, work-study not an issue.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

i hear a symphony

today brooke and i went to the sharks v. kings game. when she sends me the pics i'll post them. we made t-shirts, it was awesome. mine said "the sharks are jawsome" and brooke's said "i cheechoo choose you"... which is only funny if you know the sharks (our fave player = #14 jonathan cheechoo), and have seen the simpsons episode where lisa gives ralph a valentine ("i choo choo choose you").

either way, we screamed and shouted and cheered and then won. i've had to retype this like 4 times i'm so tired. lindy out.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

well that's good to know

You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

paradigm shift

last night kacie and i decided that i'm going to marry a paleontologist. because he combines the two epitomes (for me at least) of attraction:

intelligence (especially the sciency kind!!) and DINOSAURS

and if he's short then it'll be like heaven on earth.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

and rum

jessalyn's gone this weekend. bonnie is also m.i.a. kacie left this morning to go home for the weekend.

so i went to target and ralph's (the mecca of love on la brea in west hollywood- target! ralph's! tj's! awesome!) and as I stood in the line to pay for my parking, I sipped the diet coke i got at target (along with a sink thing, some hangers, and a some batman bandaids). a couple behind me was all lovey, and "all by myself" began playing in the parking garage.

I got home and cleaned the kitchen. I discovered my toilet overflowed, so i've been trying to mop that up. I did some statics, some calc, some physics. and brooke's coming over later.

All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the stream flows,
there they continue to flow.

Ecclesiastes 1:7

Thursday, January 12, 2006


today when i was making breakfast, I had to pry off the top of a new thing of basil. as it popped off, it sailed across the kitchen and landed right on the edge of the counter, near the crevice of doom (between fridge and counter). things could have gotten ugly (and very basil-y) without said top.

someone up there is looking out for me down here.

Monday, January 09, 2006


i love my TO class! i love it! jenn is in it, my professor is nice! hooray!

THEN I GOT TO MATH. oh math how you torture me! First, my t.a. this semester is the same from last semester, who doesn't speak english, doesn't shave, and definitely doesn't change clothes. seriously. he wore the same red sweater and questionable khakis every day last semester. btw he is french that may explain it. i'm switching to a different section. people could get hurt.

in math we had to fill out little index cards of our name, major, etc. so our professor knew who we were. We had to write how we look. So I wrote, blondish brown hair that is usually up, blue eyes, fair complexion. for one thing, i felt like i was writing a personal ad. that was wierd. then, i realized that fit a lot of the girls in my class. So I added to the end overweight. Because if you're trying to identify someone, that's a pretty good measure. I felt sort of odd putting that down because people are always like, "no you're not fat!" blah blah. it has to do with my physical description, it doesn't mean i'm a horrible person. i wish people would just acknowledge that.

THEN at the end of class, I'm getting my books and turn around to see who else but ANOTHER blond-ish overweight girl. I was like, awwww hells no fattie there's only room in this math class for the one of us! which is sort of mean, whatever. luckily, I have the good sense to wear my hair up, hers was all stringy and down. I triumphed again.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Today we mourn the loss of our beloved tree. Yes, we have several, and yes, they are always shedding in the pool, but this tree was special. This tree was... unique. He died tragically in a storm. Always a giver, he fell away from the house and only took a part of the fence with him. The entire tree house remained intact as he fell to the ground. The tree did take down the flood lights for the basketball court.

Over the years, the tree housed our treehouse with pride, and served as the top of our swing. We will always remember when Rachel climbed up the fireman pole and was then christened "Super Adventure Girl" and the time she was on the swing and it fell off, making her think she was fat. Which she is not.

Memorial services were held today. Attendees included: Dad, Greg, Lindy, Thomas, one chain saw, and 2 sharp pruny things. The service included climbing on the tree as it sat on the ground, daring each other to hop into the large hole made by the uprooting, cutting off branches to shred, and begging my dad to use the chain saw.

We will never forget you, tree, we loved you till the end. God be with you, and thanks for all the firewood.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

nobody says "next" to guli

my new years resolution is to be more intentional.

task #1: figure out exactly what that means.
task #2: get my car on "pimp my ride". seriously. i KNOW you can fit some serious l.c.d. screens in spartacus. xhibit- don't leave me hangin!!