Tuesday, February 28, 2006


i like how in los angeles rain is just something you can sleep on. i knew it wouldn't be back today... but i wore rain boots to j.e.p. just in case.

ha- j.e.p. story. so i went to my classroom and there was a sub so i expained who i was and he said that my teacher hadn't left any plans for me or which kids i was supposed to work with. he also told me there would be a drill at 9:15, which was after a literacy coach lesson, so we weren't sure if it was worth it for me to stay.

so i went to the office to ask how long the drill would last. I walked in and explained my situation,

"Hi I'm Lindy, I'm a j.e.p. volunteer in Mr. Kenney's class. He has a sub today, and hasn't left any plans for me. And I know there is a fire drill today, and I'm wondering how long it will last- if it's worth it for me to stay until after to tutor some kids."

"What drill?"

now, I have been a counselor, I know how/when to keep secrets from kids (like telling them we're watching "my favorite movie" at day camp), so I was like, "should the kids not know? are there any kids around?" so i was like, oh i guess she wants me not to totally blurt out the amazingly interesting succulent secret that there's a fire drill at 9:15.

"ok well, after... it [oh man check out my crazy spy skills, ain't no kids gonna guess there's a fire drill]... how much time will i have left? I'm usually here until 10"

"what drill? we don't have a fire drill today. i don't understand what you're asking."

at this point i'm like, "look lady, don't be coy with me! i know you have a fire drill!! now just admit it and tell me how long it'll take and if i should stick around!!" and she, of course, has no idea what i'm talking about... especially when i use pronouns... freakin' spy skills...

eventually, we got it figured out that there was in fact a drill today- a lockdown drill. can't say i had any of those in white suburban oak knoll... and i went home. but there was a tense moment there in the office, at least there was some sort of drill. lock down drill = ghetto fire drill, because it means someone is packing heat!

get it? fire? heat? knee-slapper?


Cornelia W. said...

you know, i still remember going to jr winter camp and having steve tell everyone that the movie we were watching was his favorite. it turned out to be some obscure old film about a monkey in new york, and i thought, 'wow, steve has weird taste in movies'. the truth didn't occur to me until years later. i felt like my trustful nature was taken advantage of.

Lindy Lois said...

haha. the kids are more conniving (sp?) these days, they know it's not really our favorite movie. but you know we never tell the counselors even what it is because they can't keep their big mouths shut. i only knew this summer because i was the intern who got to watch lots of detective-y movies while preparing for the weekend, and got to pick out the movie.

and it was all i could do not to shout "the great mouse detective!" from the rooftops.