Tuesday, May 09, 2006

if only

oooh he is so beautiful
this is my beautiful brother thomas:

he doesn't usually dress up like a little girl, this is just a special occasion - halloween (also his birthday!) he wrote a math song, i think it's to the tune of "wake me up when september ends" by green day (he's young, we can forgive him).

some notes:
1. ENTV is something they do before math, probably a district thing.
2. Joe is his best friend, and a very well-mannered 5th grader.
3. STAR testing is standardized testing at the end of the year for the district.
4. Skilled in math or huge ego? you decide.

Math Song III

Fractions have come and passed, Exponents went by so fast!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Like 5th graders before me, subtracting correctly is the key
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the test again, it's my greatest foe
See who's the best aain, and it's most likely Joe!

As my grade comes to an A, I'm very smart, believe what I say
Wake me up when ENTV ends!


Ring out the end of recess bell, so I can go to math or I'll rebel!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the pop quiz again, I hope I get an A
see who's the class whiz again, and I am it's safe to say!

STAR testing is soon to come, all those snacks I need to succumb!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Here comes the STAR test again, snacks included,
See who's the very best again, and I'm probably not excluded.

Summer Vacation is upon us, camp, hiking, smores and canoeing
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Now to Hillview Middle School, I can act older and really cool
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Like 6th graders before me, memorizing the mathematical important E [sic: e? euler's number? baby doll you won't get there until college. when it systematicall attacks you *points to self* case in point]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

Onto college, the greatest school, to go to Stanford can't be a fool [sic: oh bay area kid]
Wake me up when ENTV ends!

This song written by Tom Liggett, if you want a song he is the ticket
Wake him up when ENTV ends!

Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!
Wake me up when ENTV ends!



Anonymous said...

your family is one giant throbbing nerd ball.


Lindy Lois said...

