Saturday, April 15, 2006

fat wood

two more things:

first, if any of you were wondering, i had a fantastic time at the a.g.o. invite on friday. highlights include: mark ordering wine and smelling the wrong end of the cork, steve's and my awkward prom picture. it'll be on facebook soon probably. it's a winner.

second, i took my guitar to be fixed because i couldn't get one of the string pegs to come out to change my sixth string. and i take it in to gelb and i explain how the string mechanism works and i've tried a, b, and c, etc., etc. the guy takes it out of a case. takes pliers and just pulls the peg out. puts in a new string, tunes it by ear, proceeds to tune the rest of my strings, and hands it back to me. i think i just got served. which would make it twice now that the gelb music guy had taken pity on me and my guitar, and i got owned by the nice guitar playing man. it's like a burn... but a very musical one.

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