Wednesday, February 01, 2006

shine on you crazy diamond

i'm studying abroad. i've known this for a while, and i thought i had time to figure out which classes transfer, etc. etc. then i could make an educated decision between ireland or scotland. engineering majors are a bit hampered in their options of study abroad- i would have preferred germany but my only choices were: brisbane (australia), cape town (south africa), galway (ireland), edinburgh (scotland), which in the end came down to galway or edinburgh.

so, because i couldn't rely on my own knowledge for this one, i prayed about it. and that's pretty much how it is, as sad as that is. if i can't get my own answer i guess i'll have to ask god to give me his. that's definitely not how i want it to be.

and, also unfortunately at times, god is not a quik-mart or miss cleo. so i couldn't say, "which one god?" and he'd give me a fortune cookie or make some math problem equate to "galway" or send an angel in a dream to tell me "edinburgh"... so i prayed some... waited some... then looked at their respective websites.

i realized i don't like irish accents, but my cousins do live in ireland which would be nice. also, of all their vast recreational options (yes i am being sarcastic), the top two were golfing and fishing. um... no. but sailing was one, and i want to learn how to sail.

the guy who narrated the edinburgh promotional video looked like a penguin... i couldn't decide whether that was a pro or a con. but in the end i liked edinburgh more. and it went something like this...

"ok god i'm going to apply to edinburgh. okay?"

*waits for lightning to strike*

"and i'm going over to the office of overseas studies now, so it's kind of down to the wire"

*lightning does not strike*

"and them i'm going to give my faculty recs to my professors... so it's sort of done..."

*still no lightning*

so i went to the office of overseas studies and picked up an application. I'm writing a letter of intent sort of thing to my recommenders... and yeah. i'm feeling good about it. kacie will be in london, which should be totally close (because everything in europe should be close, i say so), joe will be clubbing in spain, it will be awesome. yeah.

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