Sunday, February 05, 2006


kacie and i went to ralph's tonight. if kacie goes alone, wierd things happen to her; and if i go alone, i end up wandering endlessly up and down the aisles convinced i'm forgetting something. so we combine forces.

the past few trips, while in the soda aisle, we have seen this 'chocolate fudge' soda. and not only is it chocolate fudge, but it's diet (this separates it from being in the ice cream aisle with the toppings i guess). and every time we dare each other to buy it because we have to know what it tastes like!! tonight i didn't even need peer pressure, that bad boy went straight to my basket.

we drove home, set a can out on the table, and unloaded our groceries. the tension in the room was building, we weren't sure if we could really go through with it. finally i got out two valentine cups (oh wal-mart how i love thee, 5 for $1), opened the can and poured two fizzy cups full. and we drank.

then we spit.

i think kacie put it best: it's like tootsie roll, barf, and bubbles. so, for the record, while mr. pibb + red vines = crazy delicious, tootsie roll + vomit + carbonation + lindy's poor judgment = just crazy.

don't give in! there are 5 untouched cans on top of our refrigerator... and they aren't going anywhere. so if you are intrigued by the chocolate fudge soda, come over to our apartment. it's a safe environment with a large sink (with disposal!) for the spitting of the nasty soda. or should i say 'soda'.

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