Monday, January 09, 2006


i love my TO class! i love it! jenn is in it, my professor is nice! hooray!

THEN I GOT TO MATH. oh math how you torture me! First, my t.a. this semester is the same from last semester, who doesn't speak english, doesn't shave, and definitely doesn't change clothes. seriously. he wore the same red sweater and questionable khakis every day last semester. btw he is french that may explain it. i'm switching to a different section. people could get hurt.

in math we had to fill out little index cards of our name, major, etc. so our professor knew who we were. We had to write how we look. So I wrote, blondish brown hair that is usually up, blue eyes, fair complexion. for one thing, i felt like i was writing a personal ad. that was wierd. then, i realized that fit a lot of the girls in my class. So I added to the end overweight. Because if you're trying to identify someone, that's a pretty good measure. I felt sort of odd putting that down because people are always like, "no you're not fat!" blah blah. it has to do with my physical description, it doesn't mean i'm a horrible person. i wish people would just acknowledge that.

THEN at the end of class, I'm getting my books and turn around to see who else but ANOTHER blond-ish overweight girl. I was like, awwww hells no fattie there's only room in this math class for the one of us! which is sort of mean, whatever. luckily, I have the good sense to wear my hair up, hers was all stringy and down. I triumphed again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

remember lindy, we may be fat, but we are also above-average. suck on that skinny bitches!

kimberly selling