Saturday, January 14, 2006

and rum

jessalyn's gone this weekend. bonnie is also m.i.a. kacie left this morning to go home for the weekend.

so i went to target and ralph's (the mecca of love on la brea in west hollywood- target! ralph's! tj's! awesome!) and as I stood in the line to pay for my parking, I sipped the diet coke i got at target (along with a sink thing, some hangers, and a some batman bandaids). a couple behind me was all lovey, and "all by myself" began playing in the parking garage.

I got home and cleaned the kitchen. I discovered my toilet overflowed, so i've been trying to mop that up. I did some statics, some calc, some physics. and brooke's coming over later.

All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the stream flows,
there they continue to flow.

Ecclesiastes 1:7

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