Wednesday, June 20, 2007

fell down the stairs

I got up early this morning, put on an n.r.a. sweatshirt, and went outside. Maddie and I walked down to the mailbox, I went out to the cow field and was near that tree (for those of you who know... there's only one tree... and it's sad looking) when the goats saw me and started running toward me. The male in the front, the kids scattered, and the mom with her enormous teets (it's out of control) lopsidedly running in the back. So of course I bolted toward the stile- in those farmer clog shoes, so I probably ran like a freak (or like my youngest brother Thomas- bahahahahaha, his knees are *everywhere*). But I narrowly escaped them as I climbed up the stile.

I went over to the barn, where they followed me of course expecting food. Instead, I saw BOTH kitties (!!!!). I told the head male goat that no, i was not going to feed them, I fed them last night. But I took pity on the little cute goats who always get pushed out of the way. One little white one squirmed his way to the front, and as he put his little hooves up on the fence (and I was about 3 seconds away from giving in and getting them feed), the douchebag male goat butted him away to the back.

patriarchal societies: w.t.f.?!


Rachel said...

Charles is alive- woo hoo!

lynnfredd said...

word. goats need a feminist movement.

lucy said...

it's nice that you experienced the 'clog run' in your short stint on the farm