Monday, June 25, 2007

shuffling children

I'm an econ minor right now- I have 4 more econ classes to take, and I have one free class (woot!) until graduation (2 years)

but what if i do materials science minor? For one thing, I'll have 2 (possibly 3!! whoaaa) free classes. and i like econ but... man this summer I'm just feeling so sciency/nerdy! but I have to decide soon, before I take another class with the econ kids (ahhh frat boys and 'cool' asians... and asian frat boys)

today my advisor and I talked about funding- mainly, how much it sucks to have to apply for funding (he did most of the talking, my funding comes from bank o' dad and mom, f.d.i.c.)- trey does it seriously suck that much? I had read a few of his proposals and told him they were worded very... roughly... and the grammar could be changed. a lot. not to be mean but... seriously, did anyone proofread them? When I am doling out my funding moneys, I want to be gently and gramatically (with dashes of data) coaxed into funding, not have to wade through awkward sentences and technical terms to the final proposal. just a thought. have opinions, will proofread.

1 comment:

Henry said...

Yes, it sucks almost as much as teaching undergrads :)

Ok, it sucks a whole lot more than teaching undergrads. The problem is that funding is dropping and it is becoming more and more competitive to stay in the game.

People go into science for approximately 2 reasons:
2)they actually like to do science

Writing grants doesn't do much for either of these issues.