Monday, June 04, 2007

stunner of a summer

I had my first day of work today. it was intense- I pretty much dropped right in, and remained confused for most of the day. My faculty mentor = awesome, but I spent most of the day with my grad student mentor, charles (but in non-meeting settings i can call him 'chuck'... see we're already super tight). and i know he's married, but i love him. the same way i love my dentist and the nice people at the bike shop. he explained briefly what people were talking about, he took me out to lunch, he walked to like 18 different buildings with me (or rather the same 3 buildings like 6 times... in the rain... bad day to wear white shirt, lindy), we spent a while looking at a small scale map of campus and surrounding areas. and he stayed with me while we sorted out all my i.d. and username and being-able-to-access-stuff sorted out. (my ID, by the way, says "VISITING SCHOLAR/RESEARCHER" how awesome is that!)

so while we didn't do sciency/technical stuff, it was still fruitful. and while it remains overcast, I'm not wearing anymore white shirts (i did have an undershirt, though, it's all good). yay research!

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