Friday, June 08, 2007

call the police

flights in and out of chicago canceled... after a night at an indy hotel and 3 on and off hours of sleep, i managed to get into boston and take the T to laura's graduation. read a book the whole time. hung out with the fam (mostly her dad's side, which is not blood-related to me, but they're pretty cool). and i'd just like to share this with you. susan = my mom's older sister.

susan: what was that presentation you did for 4-H?
mom: I did a *lot* of presentations
susan: no no, I mean the one you did so well...
mom: 'hot dogs around the world?'

I mean... what else do i need to add? I come from a family of hot dogs on one side and a history of kidney stones on the other. I am hemmed in by DISASTER.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

hot dogas around the world? I never knew.