Monday, August 23, 2004

giving myself away

I literally cannot escape my dorkdom. example:

i have a big sib for a USC thing, his name is Marcus. so he called, (M is him, L is me)
M: Hey this is Marcus
L: Hi! this is lindy!
M: yeah... i know.
L: yeah...
( we talk about schedules, when we can meet, and decide tomorrow for lunch)
M: so tomorrow 11:30 at Tommy Trojan
L: sounds good.
M: um, i don't know what you look like.
L: well (watch and observe the dork in her natural habitat) i've planned out my outfit, i'll be wearing khakis and a usc t shirt!
M: (silence)
L: i totally just freaked you out.... I mean, but it's the first week of school!
M: yeah... i mean.... you should be.... excited....
L: well for your information i haven't planned out the rest of the week! just today and tomorrow!
M: that's... good to hear
L: yeah, marcus, I draw the line at three days! will you still be my big sib?
M: we'll see. I think maybe i can allow it. see you tomorrow.
L: see you tomorrow.

oh i am such a dork. and i can't hold myself back. i'm going to go play guitar for a while, try to counteract... myself...

p.s. the first day of classes went well. i chilled at the rose garden before class and read and felt really cool/introspective. good times.


Anonymous said...

lindyyyy! it's angela. and girlfriend we have been playing AIM-tag too long!! let's get together soon man! I know school's crazy and all, but I'm usually done at 5 every day so maybe you have some down time around then and we can grab a bite to eat or something. I'm glad to hear ur lovin it here. Let me know if you need anything. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

that's...quality, man ;-)

what do you have a big-sib for?


Lindy Lois said...

kate: i have a big sib for a USC thing. ask me and i'll tell you.

angela: yes, aim tag does suck. i'm going to the gym tonight at 5:30 with my friend, but can i call you after that? other wise i have a class from 8-10 and i can call you after that. or leave me a message 650-4000054 or 4-2755

Cornelia W. said...

how about i ask you...
hey lindy, what's the big sib thing for a USC thing for?

i'm glad to know you're having a good time. talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

lindy! i got that it was a usc thing, but as i go to usc and i don't have a big-sib, i was curious. but if you just feel like being mean to me and not telling, fine. hmph.
