Monday, August 16, 2004


I got new underwear, I got new underwear, nanny nanny poo pooooooo!

It's cute. mwahahahaha.

This, of course, only makes the playing field even. as I write this I'm listening to AlcoholEdu online... ick. I just finished the "Alcohol and Driving" section, I'm starting the "Alcohol and Sex" section. hooo freakin' ray.

I need to pack. Maddy's been telling us about it for about a week now. but i haven't started. and i'm leaving tomorrow. screw it. i'll launder, fold, and pack in to my trunk (the box kind), shove it all in my car, and drive!

oh lordy there's a scale on the side that tells me how far along the course i am. it's a 3 hour course. the deadline to finish it was today. suffer! I need to shower. then launder...

1 comment:

G. Andrew Bowman said...

Hello. Im starting up a AlcoholEdu Blog at If you want you can comment to that... Sorry I have been fishing through all the BS on Google to find people who are actually opposed to the AlcoholEdu course.

I want to have this as a place to at some time make formal complaints with Outside the Classroom, the peopel that run it.