Sunday, August 29, 2004

apparently i'm not a failure!

greetings from New Residential College room 1407. Oh no, you think, Lindy has soent her whole night in her room! so sad... why can't she find a social life? Well think no more! or rather, think those thoughts no more! I do get out and socialize! proof!:

I watched the first quarter of the football game today with my dorm... wow, other people... then i went for a run (walk!!!) twice around the school. newsflash: that's 5 miles! 2 1/2 each loop. hot dang! i did run for a little while... like a bit on each side... but i think i look stupid when i run so i try to only run on the Vermont St. side... nobody sees me there... anyhow, 5 MILES! i rock. then i showered and called Brent to see if he wanted to have dinner.

"Brent have you eaten yet?"
"I'm sitting in my car. it won't start."
"What's wrong with it? are you out of gas?"
"I think the batteries dead"
"alright do you have your jumper cables?"

yes... we had a little how-to-jump-a-car lesson. so we had dinner,
"Lindy did you cut your hair?"
"I washed it."
"Wow, you should do that more often!"
"Shut up."

we're friends. so we called around, to see who could jump the car. brent made me call because he felt stupid, so i used my phone voice to get whatever i wanted. The Department of Public Safety met us at the ghetto parking structure but i'd given them my name
"Lindy make the switch!"
"Take the keys!"
"remember, it's your car!"

We're pretty stupid, but we sure did trick that department of public safety guy... not...

on another more scary note, there is this revolving door at the parking center and you have to swipe your card for it to work. brent went through fine. but mine was somehow stuck. i was stuck in a revolving door. I was like, "I am going to die. not of being shot like we thought. i am going to suffocate!" i freaked out for alittle while, while brent awiped his card in vain. finally he thought to press the handicap button and i was back outside. no more revolving door! i went in through some doors on the side, you didn't even have to swipe for those... i'm dumb.

so we pretend it's my car and i get in and look dumb trying to figure out where the keys go and how to pop the hood. i finally ask brent
"yeah, well in my car it's on the left a little ways down..."
"oh hey! it's that way on my car too!"

yeah, we're cool.



Then it's finally working.
"Well, Lindy, i guess you're so distraught... I'll have to drive."
"Thanks Brent"

we ended up driving to loyola marymount university and we saw Napoleon Dynamite on the way (SWEET!)

so this is all to say that no, i am not in fact a total hermit. i do get out. and i have friends (at least one) to go out with!

plus we're really good at lying about who owns a '94 gold geo prizm. this post was long, it was funnier i promise. and on the way over we didn't want to play the radio in case the battery died again so we sang les miserables, and other fine tunes. ashlee simpson, for example. it was good. i'm going to bed.

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