Friday, August 06, 2004

pissy... and not afraid to use it

Today was a horrible day. Let me count the ways:
#1: my cd player was stolen... I may never again go to the gym (not because it was stolen there, it wasn't-- i just can't PUMP IT UP! without music)... damn.
#2: i'm surfing the crimson wave... damn.
#3: my brother got these god-awful horrible ugly what-is-this-world-coming-to? shoes and he sucks. i hate everything right now. i'm at home with my mom and my brother... seriously it doesn't get worse than this. we don't even form teams or anything... it's every pissy liggett for his or her self... damn.
#4: I'm going to indiana for four days and I'm not bringing my guitar, I want to but it's a pain to bring on the plane... damn.
#5: I hate everything.

on another note, mix cd's are like writing love notes on a coffee filter. i don't care what you think (you know who you are... i bet i hate you, too...), mix tapes are obviously superior!

of course they are now... with no cd player... I HATE EVERYTHING! somebody give me some chocolate.

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