Thursday, August 12, 2004

I love Yellowcard

I hate subject lines, on emails, on blogs, but i do love yellowcard. i got their cd at a walmart near my grandma's house in West Lafayette, Indiana for 9 dollars and 72 cents. schwing! but what's more schwing-ing is my jimmy eat world cd i got for 3 (count 'em, THREE!) dollars at a flea market in Rushville, Indiana. awww yeah, indiana is the place to be.

I really just need to get off my butt and post. and shop for college. and pack for college. and hand out w/ friends. i am so apathetic, i feel like it's rehashing everything. it's harsh to say, "alright, it was fun, i'm moving on, i'll see you at alumni weekend" but maybe i really will miss them.

at least i'll have my yellowcard to comfort me.

but not my indigo girls, or my outkast, both of which were stolen with my cd player... i'm still pissed about that, cd players (good ones) are expensive! i'm sort of glad my outkast cd is gone, it was fun while it lasted but it was way too scandalous for my own good. it made me think thoughts i shouldn't... really, though, i'm sort of glad i wil no longer be hearing those sexual messages while i'm on a treadmill. yep. oh, another thing i have to do- my TO paper. ahhh!

yet i seem to have so much free time- last night when i was waiting for david to show up at denny's i went thru all the numbers on my phone and added 650 to the front. whatever. this is a wierd time at least my family isn't wiggin' out. yeah... wiggin'...

NEW SLANG! "Dude, that's WIGGIN'!"
what should it mean? where are the emphases? let me know! this is very exciting! ooh wow i need to get a life.

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