Thursday, August 19, 2004


Hey y'all i'm at college now! I have to much to say, I can't really remember it all!

It's John's birthday today- he's 20. we went to panda express, where i learned that you should always order to-go because they put more stuff in those boxes than they do on the plates. i learn something new every day!

Brent's my friend. Brooke and I met him at orientation. and he is awesome. totally cool. he rocks. and he plays the piano, so we played a little today (him on piano me on guitar) we said we were jamming but because you can't hear my guitar anyhow (acoustic= not loud) we were just playing whatever we each wanted to. good times. we went to his room and talked about ashlee simpson and jennifer garner. then, right as i was dissolving in my own sweat (it is so hot here!) my parents called and we went to the aformentioned chinese gourmet.

I definitely know i'm supposed to be here. My roomate is the bestest (but never better than you, roomie), and she's a christian, and so is this girl down the hall, Susanna(h). And i met this guy waiting in the line to get my books, his name is Tim. I had "The Spirit of the Disciplines" (Dallas Willard- HE TEACHES HERE!!! brooke and i are totally making a fan club!) in my basket and he was like, "that is the best book" and i was like, "something about the Divine Conspiracy" and he was like, "something something Willard" and I was like, "totally" and then he was like, "come to Campus Crusade Wednesday nights" and i was like, "alright!" but i'll still look around. i'll probably go to Bel Air on sundays and find a group for during the week. or, we were talking about having a New (my dorm) 4th floor small group- more like a chill group, not a bible study. chill and talk about us+God not specifically study anything. who knows- but God has really blessed me putting me where i am, knowing whom i know, stuff. AMEN!

That's about it. I'm so excited to start school, and get my syllabi, and put all my dates in my planner! the casti legacy lives on...

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