Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The End of the Beginning

I'd like to think I'll be able to draw some distinct line between today and tomorrow, home and college, some new stage in my life. but really, i'm just moving along. I keep on trekkin' and just because i'm living my life at a different place among completely different people doesn't mean it'll be... completely different? maybe it will be, but i hope not. I hope i'l be the same. michelle said i'd change, which is of course inevitable, but i want to see myself the same way. I may change externally- the clothes i wear the word i use the facial expression i make, but i'm likeing who i am right now, i'm liking who i am becoming, and i don't want to change my relationship to myself, i guess you could say. I still want to love God, and follow him (at least try to), I still want to be a good friend, I still want to be me. but... different i guess. this isn't making any sense. not to me, especially not to you.

today i packed. and i have a buttload of stuff. how am i ever going to get it all into one tiny room with a sink? I hope I get there first for dibs on the bed. i'm so shellfish...

Hey, why couldn't the lobster and the crab get along?
They're both so shellfish!


Actually, my jokes haven't been going over too well. I told the absolute funniest one at ryan's house and nobody got it. I, of course, think it's the funniest joke ever so i still laugh, even while i'm telling it. It is funny, people are just too dull to understand it. grrrrr.

So I packed, i got the new butterfly boucher cd (single= another white dash) and it is really wonderful. plus it was only $10 so i couldn't resist. but i wish i hadn't bought some cd's- i've had my eye on an indigo girls box set for quite some time now. 3 cd's (that i dont have) for $30... you can't beat that. watch, when i come home for thanksgiving it'll be $50 or something. another grrrr. oh man i wish i could be the indigo girls, but not lesbians... that would be the greatest. I'd worship them if i didn't, you know, worship God.

speaking of God!

check out the most awesomest poster in the world. go to allposters.com and type in jesus rocks. you'll know what i'm talking about. it's so cool! I showed matt green, who agreed. I also found a shirt online with that design... enticing! i think i'll get it, eventually. i want the new butch walker cd when it comes out... i want everything and i have no $$. such is life. but i did get the poster for matt, and shipped it to the church. what a pleasant surprise for mateo verde. everyone will want to be his friend now. hoo-ray.

I'm tired, I'm going to the bathroom, then to bed (TOO MUCH INFORMATION!) and tomorrow morning i'll drive. see y'all later. read: thanksgiving.

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