Sunday, August 29, 2004


This is a notice. i will not be:
-blogging (posting, commenting, even reading)

this coming week (thru saturday).

I will not be checking email until after 11 pm.

email and computer stuff is taking up too much of my life- i'm fasting.

but here's a thought to keep you through the week: wouldn't it be so great to be the voice for all the movie previews? You could widen your sphere of influence, include tv shows, too, but it would be so easy! and it's always the same voice, you'd have a basic monopoly. i would like to be that person. leisure is key. bye.

if you comment, i won't see it until sunday.

apparently i'm not a failure!

greetings from New Residential College room 1407. Oh no, you think, Lindy has soent her whole night in her room! so sad... why can't she find a social life? Well think no more! or rather, think those thoughts no more! I do get out and socialize! proof!:

I watched the first quarter of the football game today with my dorm... wow, other people... then i went for a run (walk!!!) twice around the school. newsflash: that's 5 miles! 2 1/2 each loop. hot dang! i did run for a little while... like a bit on each side... but i think i look stupid when i run so i try to only run on the Vermont St. side... nobody sees me there... anyhow, 5 MILES! i rock. then i showered and called Brent to see if he wanted to have dinner.

"Brent have you eaten yet?"
"I'm sitting in my car. it won't start."
"What's wrong with it? are you out of gas?"
"I think the batteries dead"
"alright do you have your jumper cables?"

yes... we had a little how-to-jump-a-car lesson. so we had dinner,
"Lindy did you cut your hair?"
"I washed it."
"Wow, you should do that more often!"
"Shut up."

we're friends. so we called around, to see who could jump the car. brent made me call because he felt stupid, so i used my phone voice to get whatever i wanted. The Department of Public Safety met us at the ghetto parking structure but i'd given them my name
"Lindy make the switch!"
"Take the keys!"
"remember, it's your car!"

We're pretty stupid, but we sure did trick that department of public safety guy... not...

on another more scary note, there is this revolving door at the parking center and you have to swipe your card for it to work. brent went through fine. but mine was somehow stuck. i was stuck in a revolving door. I was like, "I am going to die. not of being shot like we thought. i am going to suffocate!" i freaked out for alittle while, while brent awiped his card in vain. finally he thought to press the handicap button and i was back outside. no more revolving door! i went in through some doors on the side, you didn't even have to swipe for those... i'm dumb.

so we pretend it's my car and i get in and look dumb trying to figure out where the keys go and how to pop the hood. i finally ask brent
"yeah, well in my car it's on the left a little ways down..."
"oh hey! it's that way on my car too!"

yeah, we're cool.



Then it's finally working.
"Well, Lindy, i guess you're so distraught... I'll have to drive."
"Thanks Brent"

we ended up driving to loyola marymount university and we saw Napoleon Dynamite on the way (SWEET!)

so this is all to say that no, i am not in fact a total hermit. i do get out. and i have friends (at least one) to go out with!

plus we're really good at lying about who owns a '94 gold geo prizm. this post was long, it was funnier i promise. and on the way over we didn't want to play the radio in case the battery died again so we sang les miserables, and other fine tunes. ashlee simpson, for example. it was good. i'm going to bed.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


why isn't hotmail working? don't they know email rules my life? geeeeeeeeeez!

email shouldn't rule my life. but now i'm feeling like it somehow does, given my state of despair when i can't access it. just a thought (and a vent)

Friday, August 27, 2004

new format

it was time to change. i was seduced by the star.

2 meals, a schnakkypoo, and some booty

yes, the above stated is what $9.10 and one meal from my meal plan can get! i went out to lunch with laura, john's girlfriend today. fun times. she is gorgeous. seriously, if i were a boy, or a lesbian, i would totally be mackin'. plus she has awesome shoes.

and by awesome i mean freakin' incredible! they're heels, which she wields with the greatest of ease. plus she colored her hair. i didn't recognize her. but now i know.

so we made a meal for john- he's pretty stressed w/ school stuff and his computer has been giving him crap. a sandwich, 3 cookies, a banana. all wrapped in napkins and stuffed in laura's bad (i rode my bike, no bag). she took a pear and i suck a banana in my pocket

Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

oh i'm sorry i just couldn't resist. actually i am even more immature, i pretended it was a gun, and i was packin' some serious heat! it's a cold world, you gotta pack your own heat! so we left, talked about how because you can feed at least 2, if not 3, people with $9.10, we were just getting out money's worth. basically. that was how we got "2 meals, john's schnakkypoo, and some booty". yep, we're parkside pirates. i usually take some cookies, too, along with my banana to help me through the hard times (the time before dinner, or more likely in the morning when i don't have time for breakfast). laura thought that was really funny for some reason. oh well at least she likes me. i think.

$9.10... dang... i cough up $6 max for a meal ($4 smoothie, $2 something else like a muffin)

oh and we had a big sib/ little sib thing. it was horrible because they had like 2 scoops of ice cream in total, so i was like, "hmmm..." so marcus and i said, "umm... yeah.... yeah.... uh huh" for a while but then ended up talking for a long time after everyone had left, taking their empty ice cream bowls and broken hearts with them. we talked about where to see the sunset, about the flower district that's only open 12 am- 6 am (crazy!!! i must go there!!!), and wonderful chinese food. my favorite: "'I need some kung pao and some beef with broccoli- stat!' and this little man will come to your door at like 2 am with your kung pao and beef with broccoli, incredible!" well at least i'm getting some good advice.

john told laura to give me matronly advice. what i remember: "Don't drink", "eat before you drink", "drink milk before you drink- it coats your stomach", "don't do drugs, lindy, please", "If you go down to the stacks in Doheny (library) and you're not going there to make out, you will get killed or something and no one will find your body for like a week!"

Doheny stacks.... I'm intrigued, really! Marcus mentioned them, for the aforementioned purpose of making out (among other things, he really doesn't discern between appropriate and inappropiate topics of conversation), and Laura said it's the perfect place for a stephen king novel. apparently, the rows are staggered, so you can only see 6 feet in front or behind you at all times... freaky. aparently john's freshman year druggy roommate works there, never doing what hes supposed to (i.e. patrol the stacks).

I wonder... who was the first couple to ever make out in a library's stacks? who thought, "study break... who don't we-"

i'd want to be that person. be that person and know it. I'd be like, "all you youngsters mackin' in the stacks... i was there before it went pop! back in the day when all the stacks were in papyrus." like the library at Alexandria or something.

CARL SAGAN! back me up here, blythe! this post is long, I still have to read and study greek. bye now!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

What to do?
Sweetheart you'll find
Mediocre people do exceptional things
All to time

I'm all about the OKGO.

and my classes- NOT! religion is fun, and will get better, but for right now it's sort of nebulous ans slowmoving. greek... don't get me started. at least mlle. schryver taught me all about the wonderful world of flashcards. core 102, fun, there were so many different levels of the odyssey that i just didn't get when i was 14... make sense. guitar is fun. hard, but fun.

Core 111.... that's gonna be the hard one. this shouldn't be a teacher bashing session, but it'll be hard to hold back. i asked if it was ok to have the 5th edition of the MLA, bc we have the 6th and i figured the margins you need and bibliographies probably don't change that much. so i asked and the teacher.... she didn't go postal she went subtle postal. she went on and on about the new 6th edition, given it's probably over 5 years newer. but no, she doesn't stop there.

Her: Well, did the bookstore sell you that? they should have had the 6th edition.
Me: oh, no, I had this from before.
Kate: (backs me up, reminiscing about sophomore year and (gulp) Mr. Mitchell)
Me: yeah, so i just thought the 5th edition might be ok.
Her: sohpmore year?
me and kate: yeah
Her: (pause) well, that was then. this is now. get with the program.

maybe she thought she was being funny... i don't know. but when my question somehow turned into a lindy-insult, i was really hurt. what really bugs me though is the apparent lack of respect she has for me. she needs control. i asked what book i need, and she goes nuts. seriously, i'm not immature i respect her already as a teacher, her whole schpiel made me repsect her less, not more, as i think she wanted. it's really crazy. we were filling out name-email-etc. cards, chatting, she was like, "total silence!" i think she has a complex. or we get a little off topic, she points it out instead of stearing us back on track. she points attention to it! i really don't like her. it seems to me like she thinks we're total trouble makers and she has to stave that off before we take total control- no looking back!! if she respects me, i will respect her. but until that time, i will dread out 1-on-1's. damn. of course i did go out and get the 6th edition- i thought for a little while about having some silent 5th edition rebellion, but that only hurts me. not a fan, not a fan.

on a completely different note- it's so hot here! i sweat all the time. ick. my roomie is rushing- i feel sorry for her. really. so i think i'll go to bed now. because i'm not rushing. ha ha.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

false alarm

pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

or my last post. i'm sorry for the misinformation.

i just got back from brooke's room, watching the player on upn. best show, hands down. you just have to watch it to understand. 9 pm wednesdays, fifth floor of marks tower- be there!


way to be blunt lindy... to guy is over, of course, but i reaqlized today that he was never an option... if you know what i mean. yes. i never would have guessed! wow. facebook reveals all.


hey. don't see me as a stalker, i am far from it! i just use the resources at hand. namely: facebook. what was an innocent crush on a boy in one of my TO classes is now... nothing. oh well. kate, you can forget i even asked about him, i'm over it. maybe we'll just be friends.

on an adjacent note, friends is all we'd ever be anyhow, given that i'm still a stranger to first base. in fact, you might consider me a sacrifice bunter. never on base, always giving other people a loeg up (i totally set kate and jeff up! she never would've done middle school ministry if it weren't for me, although she is wonderful at it! at their wedding, i'll totally remind her of that interesting fact) anyhow, that aside i can safely move through my day with an open position: next innocent, fleeting crush. now accepting applications. work-study not an issue.

hot or not?

my guitar teacher is hot. but at least he's just a grad student. that's ok, right?

but i was faced with the harsh realization that i'm not half the rock god i thought i was. that was harsh. and hot mike (teacher) knows that i'm not so good. but he said this was the class i should be in, so it's ok. i think i may have to visit him during office hours.

no i'm not a sicko, nor do i advocate lechery (lechery? not really, he's just a grad student) but i will probably need extra help. and i'm not shamelessly flirting in class! i don't know how... "oh, i broke a string! mr. teacher man, please come help me! teehee!" "oh i dropped my guitar pick... again! i'll just have to bend over..." no. i leave that for the sorority girls, who all match. freaky. marcus said they all come out of the same xerox machine on the fourth floor of leavey library. i have to agree.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A Happy Ending

So there i was, tommy trojan at 11:30... a little anxious, not because of our nice phone conversation, but because in elementary school there was a bully named marcus so i've never liked the name. i am slowly learning to love the name and not freak out. marcus is really cool. and he definitely knew who i was (although i'm still such a nerd). we are both rude eaters, but not too rude. we just eat fast. but he had a class... and the lady gave me a lot of chow mein... whatever, inauthentic chinese food sucks. my orange chicken was like orange chicken breast. you can't eat that with chopsticks! small bites! anyhow...

I was thinking about how cool it would be to be a fortune cookie writer.

Poll: do you have to eat the cookie before reading the fortune? I do just because i feel cool, but poor marcus' fortune was sticking out of the cookie and you didn't have to open it to read the fortune. horrible. but is there an order to the fortune cookie?

anyhow, being a fortune cookie writer- schwing!

there are several categories of fortune cookies
#1: wise words (we call this "Confucius say...") marcus had one, "A man does not know what he can do until he tries" much to learn little grasshopper!
#2: Compliments. this was the kind i had: "You have great physical powers and an iron constitution" which is nice, but maybe it was saying "lindy change your bed height yourself, don't wait to make friends with a football player!" dang.
#3: the actual fortune ones: 'you will soon take a trip to a far away place' or 'the one you love is closer than you think' (i got that one once, i thought it was really cool) or the 'someone admires you' ones- i love those!

i thought of a really funny one: "You do not need this cookie!" but of course i would only read that after i'd eaten the cookie. "You don't know where that cookie's been!" oh hahaha. freak people out. make them hate the chinaman again... damn commies.

greek was fun this morning, my teacher is cool. but it's intimidating. scary. but none of that matters, because i have great physical powers and an iron constitution. so i'm going to class. talk to you cats later

Monday, August 23, 2004

giving myself away

I literally cannot escape my dorkdom. example:

i have a big sib for a USC thing, his name is Marcus. so he called, (M is him, L is me)
M: Hey this is Marcus
L: Hi! this is lindy!
M: yeah... i know.
L: yeah...
( we talk about schedules, when we can meet, and decide tomorrow for lunch)
M: so tomorrow 11:30 at Tommy Trojan
L: sounds good.
M: um, i don't know what you look like.
L: well (watch and observe the dork in her natural habitat) i've planned out my outfit, i'll be wearing khakis and a usc t shirt!
M: (silence)
L: i totally just freaked you out.... I mean, but it's the first week of school!
M: yeah... i mean.... you should be.... excited....
L: well for your information i haven't planned out the rest of the week! just today and tomorrow!
M: that's... good to hear
L: yeah, marcus, I draw the line at three days! will you still be my big sib?
M: we'll see. I think maybe i can allow it. see you tomorrow.
L: see you tomorrow.

oh i am such a dork. and i can't hold myself back. i'm going to go play guitar for a while, try to counteract... myself...

p.s. the first day of classes went well. i chilled at the rose garden before class and read and felt really cool/introspective. good times.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

more butterfly

i can't belive this... I had this incredibly long post about butterfly boucher and her wonderful music, about they might be giants and the guitar player who was unbelievably good and i will for ever and always be awe of him. and who knows what i pressed but it's gone. and i'm pissed. night

Saturday, August 21, 2004

welcome to college

welcome to college

I woke up today to find a large dry-erase drawn penis on my whiteboard. Upon further inspection, so did everyone else on my hall.

welcome to college.

in other news, yes i went to the row last night, no i did not stay, and yes I did walk home with somebody else to be safe.

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Hey y'all i'm at college now! I have to much to say, I can't really remember it all!

It's John's birthday today- he's 20. we went to panda express, where i learned that you should always order to-go because they put more stuff in those boxes than they do on the plates. i learn something new every day!

Brent's my friend. Brooke and I met him at orientation. and he is awesome. totally cool. he rocks. and he plays the piano, so we played a little today (him on piano me on guitar) we said we were jamming but because you can't hear my guitar anyhow (acoustic= not loud) we were just playing whatever we each wanted to. good times. we went to his room and talked about ashlee simpson and jennifer garner. then, right as i was dissolving in my own sweat (it is so hot here!) my parents called and we went to the aformentioned chinese gourmet.

I definitely know i'm supposed to be here. My roomate is the bestest (but never better than you, roomie), and she's a christian, and so is this girl down the hall, Susanna(h). And i met this guy waiting in the line to get my books, his name is Tim. I had "The Spirit of the Disciplines" (Dallas Willard- HE TEACHES HERE!!! brooke and i are totally making a fan club!) in my basket and he was like, "that is the best book" and i was like, "something about the Divine Conspiracy" and he was like, "something something Willard" and I was like, "totally" and then he was like, "come to Campus Crusade Wednesday nights" and i was like, "alright!" but i'll still look around. i'll probably go to Bel Air on sundays and find a group for during the week. or, we were talking about having a New (my dorm) 4th floor small group- more like a chill group, not a bible study. chill and talk about us+God not specifically study anything. who knows- but God has really blessed me putting me where i am, knowing whom i know, stuff. AMEN!

That's about it. I'm so excited to start school, and get my syllabi, and put all my dates in my planner! the casti legacy lives on...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The End of the Beginning

I'd like to think I'll be able to draw some distinct line between today and tomorrow, home and college, some new stage in my life. but really, i'm just moving along. I keep on trekkin' and just because i'm living my life at a different place among completely different people doesn't mean it'll be... completely different? maybe it will be, but i hope not. I hope i'l be the same. michelle said i'd change, which is of course inevitable, but i want to see myself the same way. I may change externally- the clothes i wear the word i use the facial expression i make, but i'm likeing who i am right now, i'm liking who i am becoming, and i don't want to change my relationship to myself, i guess you could say. I still want to love God, and follow him (at least try to), I still want to be a good friend, I still want to be me. but... different i guess. this isn't making any sense. not to me, especially not to you.

today i packed. and i have a buttload of stuff. how am i ever going to get it all into one tiny room with a sink? I hope I get there first for dibs on the bed. i'm so shellfish...

Hey, why couldn't the lobster and the crab get along?
They're both so shellfish!


Actually, my jokes haven't been going over too well. I told the absolute funniest one at ryan's house and nobody got it. I, of course, think it's the funniest joke ever so i still laugh, even while i'm telling it. It is funny, people are just too dull to understand it. grrrrr.

So I packed, i got the new butterfly boucher cd (single= another white dash) and it is really wonderful. plus it was only $10 so i couldn't resist. but i wish i hadn't bought some cd's- i've had my eye on an indigo girls box set for quite some time now. 3 cd's (that i dont have) for $30... you can't beat that. watch, when i come home for thanksgiving it'll be $50 or something. another grrrr. oh man i wish i could be the indigo girls, but not lesbians... that would be the greatest. I'd worship them if i didn't, you know, worship God.

speaking of God!

check out the most awesomest poster in the world. go to and type in jesus rocks. you'll know what i'm talking about. it's so cool! I showed matt green, who agreed. I also found a shirt online with that design... enticing! i think i'll get it, eventually. i want the new butch walker cd when it comes out... i want everything and i have no $$. such is life. but i did get the poster for matt, and shipped it to the church. what a pleasant surprise for mateo verde. everyone will want to be his friend now. hoo-ray.

I'm tired, I'm going to the bathroom, then to bed (TOO MUCH INFORMATION!) and tomorrow morning i'll drive. see y'all later. read: thanksgiving.

Monday, August 16, 2004


I got new underwear, I got new underwear, nanny nanny poo pooooooo!

It's cute. mwahahahaha.

This, of course, only makes the playing field even. as I write this I'm listening to AlcoholEdu online... ick. I just finished the "Alcohol and Driving" section, I'm starting the "Alcohol and Sex" section. hooo freakin' ray.

I need to pack. Maddy's been telling us about it for about a week now. but i haven't started. and i'm leaving tomorrow. screw it. i'll launder, fold, and pack in to my trunk (the box kind), shove it all in my car, and drive!

oh lordy there's a scale on the side that tells me how far along the course i am. it's a 3 hour course. the deadline to finish it was today. suffer! I need to shower. then launder...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I love Yellowcard

I hate subject lines, on emails, on blogs, but i do love yellowcard. i got their cd at a walmart near my grandma's house in West Lafayette, Indiana for 9 dollars and 72 cents. schwing! but what's more schwing-ing is my jimmy eat world cd i got for 3 (count 'em, THREE!) dollars at a flea market in Rushville, Indiana. awww yeah, indiana is the place to be.

I really just need to get off my butt and post. and shop for college. and pack for college. and hand out w/ friends. i am so apathetic, i feel like it's rehashing everything. it's harsh to say, "alright, it was fun, i'm moving on, i'll see you at alumni weekend" but maybe i really will miss them.

at least i'll have my yellowcard to comfort me.

but not my indigo girls, or my outkast, both of which were stolen with my cd player... i'm still pissed about that, cd players (good ones) are expensive! i'm sort of glad my outkast cd is gone, it was fun while it lasted but it was way too scandalous for my own good. it made me think thoughts i shouldn't... really, though, i'm sort of glad i wil no longer be hearing those sexual messages while i'm on a treadmill. yep. oh, another thing i have to do- my TO paper. ahhh!

yet i seem to have so much free time- last night when i was waiting for david to show up at denny's i went thru all the numbers on my phone and added 650 to the front. whatever. this is a wierd time at least my family isn't wiggin' out. yeah... wiggin'...

NEW SLANG! "Dude, that's WIGGIN'!"
what should it mean? where are the emphases? let me know! this is very exciting! ooh wow i need to get a life.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Hello my devoted fans.

I would like to take this post to formally and publicly (to all five of you) apologize for my last two (basically 1 1/2) posts. i was pissy, and tired, and it just wasn't good. but i'm ok now.

I'm in Indiana, cisiting my familia. we're chill, we drive tractors and eat divine pinapple whip ice cream. DIVINE. I'm tired, though, so i will finish off this dry post with the following: good night.

Also, because my facebook thing (usc) links to this site, it would be REALLY great if you'd post a lot so i look really cool like lots of people read my blog, etc. you could even post as a different person each time! consider it. see y'all soon.
Hello my devoted fans.

I would like to take this post to formally and publicly (to all five of you) apologize for my last two (basically 1 1/2) posts. i was pissy, and tired, and it just wasn't good. but i'm ok now.

I'm in Indiana, cisiting my familia. we're chill, we drive tractors and eat divine pinapple whip ice cream. DIVINE. I'm tired, though, so i will finish off this dry post with the following: good night.

Also, because my facebook thing (usc) links to this site, it would be REALLY great if you'd post a lot so i look really cool like lots of people read my blog, etc. you could even post as a different person each time! consider it. see y'all soon.

Friday, August 06, 2004

one more damn thing!

mark hasn't been updating the peru website. that makes me sad. and pissy. obviously.

pissy... and not afraid to use it

Today was a horrible day. Let me count the ways:
#1: my cd player was stolen... I may never again go to the gym (not because it was stolen there, it wasn't-- i just can't PUMP IT UP! without music)... damn.
#2: i'm surfing the crimson wave... damn.
#3: my brother got these god-awful horrible ugly what-is-this-world-coming-to? shoes and he sucks. i hate everything right now. i'm at home with my mom and my brother... seriously it doesn't get worse than this. we don't even form teams or anything... it's every pissy liggett for his or her self... damn.
#4: I'm going to indiana for four days and I'm not bringing my guitar, I want to but it's a pain to bring on the plane... damn.
#5: I hate everything.

on another note, mix cd's are like writing love notes on a coffee filter. i don't care what you think (you know who you are... i bet i hate you, too...), mix tapes are obviously superior!

of course they are now... with no cd player... I HATE EVERYTHING! somebody give me some chocolate.

Monday, August 02, 2004


Today... of all days...

I am a horrible tooth brusher, i have (had) a cavity. I got it filled today, i still go to the little kid dentist... I need to fix that. They make you choose a movie to watch while they give you drugs and drill your teeth, but you're never there to finish it! You only get like half way through the movie, and even then you're sort of drugged and it hurts so it's blurry anyhow. BUT I HAVE TO KNOW HOW SCOOBY DOO ON SPOOKY ISLAND ENDS! it was actually a pretty good movie... but then again i saw some merit in Kangaroo Jack (no, he's not a talking kangaroo in that movie, the previews were so confusing-- and thank the good lord, and he is good, that the jangaroo doens't talk). Anyhow, i need to go watch Scooby Doo the movie.

But back to the drugs!

Half of my face ended up being numbed (way to use too much numb-er...) and after that I was going out to lunch with Christina on College staff (actually no longer on college staff as of yesterday). creamery. a word to the wise: NEVER EAT WITH A NUMBED FACE! even just a half-numbed face! I decided maybe i could drink water on the left side of my face- oh no. I managed to give the waiter my order (chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread w/ french fries, cookie dough shake) with minimal spittage, but when i went for that drink... he was soaked. I wasn't even trying to talk, i just spurted. he looked at me. All i could do was shrug. it was so sad. thank god we were sitting at the counter, not at a table for everyone to see the amazing spitting-lindy...

sad. sad. sad.

but then i went to ikea! the land of everything! i got a box for $3.24. that was fun. i even had a 75 cent hotdog!

ahhh life is good when you're livin' swedish...