Monday, November 07, 2005

you owe me nothing in return

i went to my masc discussion at 3:30, but the TA hadn't picked up the midterm, so she decided to go over the midterm, but no one knew what they got wrong (though, guessing from my score of 45, i'd say it's "all of them"), so i just left. and i rode by heritage hall where song girl tryouts are starting in 7 minutes.

they are all beautiful

i am not beautiful

and they all have long hair that they can wear down because it still looks good

i cannot wear my hair down without its clinging to my face and looking gross

they were all skinny

i am not skinny

and they had those spandexy dance pants

i don't own spandexy dance pants

which they can all wear with confidence

i can't pull off spandexy dance pants

i'll never be a song girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and I wanted to be a song girl but sadly it is a dream which i will never realize. POo. can we please hang out more?