Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I've decided to give up facebook for lent. first off, it's super-pathetic that i'm so addicted i need to give it up. and it's pathetic that I spent a good 30 minutes figuring out how to block the site from my browser. whatever. it's going to be a hard 40 days.

mad skills maddy: night!
thesimplewinkle: goodbye facebook
thesimplewinkle: no. don't cry.
mad skills maddy: haha
thesimplewinkle: lent is only 40 days.
mad skills maddy: goodbye lindy ;-)
mad skills maddy: night
thesimplewinkle: no. never say goodbye.
thesimplewinkle: no, facebook. i still love you
thesimplewinkle: it's not you it's me!
thesimplewinkle: this isn't a period. it's a semicolon. i'll always love you facebook!
mad skills maddy: you dork
mad skills maddy: GOODNIGHT
mad skills maddy: :D
thesimplewinkle: there will always be a special place in my heart and my browser
mad skills maddy: adios
mad skills maddy: i'm not responding anymore
thesimplewinkle: *sniffle* goodbye facebook. until easter.

1 comment:

Cornelia W. said...

just as long as you don't give up blogging. that's not allowed.