Monday, February 28, 2005


alright, you undapants! this is the most important business of the week:

Thursday night! 9:45 pm!
FUNdraising party
Bring $4 (or more to show love)
1223 W. 23rd (off Hoover, behind the amoco, plan on campus cruiser or walking in a group)

$4 covers means...
*sit on santa's lap
*awesome partyness!!!
*jungle theme!! rarr (no. seriously. i went to elegance and got a leopard print shirt. yessssss)


it's official

alejandro is going to be president, and appoint me chairwoman of the federal reserve. in this way, we'll be in a fascist regime, but it'll look like democracy still. alej and i will be cronies, and matias might be a crony, too, if we let him into our crony club. I'm still not certain of the crony-ful things we'll do, because i don't want to embezzle. but i WILL be the hottest 60 year old chairwoman of the federal reserve. and i'll be awesome. i'm also going to adopt two children from canada.

"did you know, matias is adopted."
"alejandro, you're twins!"
"yeah well... we were... separated at birth... my mom abandoned him and kept me. she abandoned the curly haired one!"

Sunday, February 27, 2005

n-d e

i almost died today. i let abe drive us to kate's ice hockey game, which means i almost died. ask maddy or allison! and even then, we didn't make it on time to the game. oh well. nothing's really happening, i have way too much homework. bed!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


because of ultimate and being gone for several weekends in a row, i am way behind on work and have no time to update or anything (or really have a life for that matter, so don't worry, you're not missing anything).

what i will say is this...

KEEP THE NIGHT OF MARCH 3RD OPEN. AND START SAVING YOUR MONEY. you'll need at least $4... more info to come...

Monday, February 21, 2005

"Harlem" (Langston Hughes)

What happens to a dream deffered?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Friday, February 18, 2005

miss universe

i chose the "fight on" one. john was like, "you should photoshop one"- AS IF I WEREN'T BREATHTAKINGLY GORGEOUS ALREADY! some brother...

anyhow, i'm leaving for arizona tomorrow. i'll be back for president's day.

and if i don't see you-- good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Thursday, February 17, 2005


i'm applying to be an intern this summer in children's ministries at my home church. i have to attach a picture.

and here in lies the problem!! which should i pick? and please tell me- i spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to post pictures... freaking technology...

Option #3

Option #2

Option #1 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

the wife of noble character

what are you going to major in? i don't know. there are so many things out there! i don't even know what i like!

what are you going to do with your life? i don't know. shouldn't i choose a major first? or shouldn't i know what i want to do before i choose a major? or shouldn't i be at the place in my life now where i have at least a vague idea of where i'm going.

what are you going to wear tomorrow? i don't know. i did laundry last night, so my options are many.

what are you going to say to people when they ask you about yourself? i don't know. that their guess is as good as mine?

i don't think many people can relate to this right now. i've been thinking a lot about... you know... God. and about identity. namely identity in god. i feel like i'm at the part right now where i've acknowledged that i need to give god myself... and haven't i? but he hasn't given me anything back. he hasn't said, "here let me give you the self i intended for you, the self that will make you happiest. i've mended the dirty shabby old self you gave me, now i have back for you a new clean shiny self. try it on, i know it fits." no. right now i'm left pretty much naked out here, wondering what to do with my life. because i don't want to take it back from god- but shouldn't be be returning it soon? some dry cleaners have 3 hour service.

[The wife of noble character] is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

[Proverb 31: 25]

circle of love

i gave joe the address to my blog. everyone say 'hi joe'

hi. i'm joe. i've been blog-free for, oh, almost 19 years.
-- you're an inspiration to us all!

a tasty niblet

ok. nothing's new. except that i am honing my procrastination skills. new favorite: gizoogle

you type in any url and it translates it into snoop dogg speech! here's an excerpt from maddy's blog, from the post "(As Usual)":

Original text: "Just in case y'all were wondering, I'm good again. Three hours later. Like always. Tee hee."

gizoogle text: "Jizzust in case y'all were messin' I'm good again in all flavas. Three hours lata . Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. Like always but real niggaz don't give a fuck. Tee hee."

never again will i work! special treat from usc website: "USC ta Link Policymaka, Playa Based in Sacramizzle tha nonpartizzle USC California Policy Institute wiznill promote tha use of relevant research in health, education n governance like a motha fucka."

Monday, February 14, 2005


yes, folks, gumshoe lindy has solved the mystery! the reader is shawn! and for those of you who don't know (read: all), that's my roommate's boyfriend. probably checking up, making sure his girlfriend doesn't have a crazy/wierdo/freaky roommate... i have to words for you shawn: too bad.

too freakin' bad.


#5: are we friends on facebook?

"Prince of Darkness" (Indigo Girls)

this is somewhat how i feel about los angeles:

My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
I do not feel the romance
I do not catch the spark
My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
I do not feel the romance

I do not catch the spark

I don't know when I noticed life was life at my expense
The words of my heart lined up like prisoners on a fence
The dreams came in like needy children tugging at my sleeve
I said I have no way of feeding you, so leave

But there was a time I asked my father for a dollar
And he gave it a ten dollar raise
When I needed my mother and I called her
She stayed with me for days

And now someone's on the telephone, desperate in his pain
Someone's on the bathroom floor doing her cocaine
Someone's got his finger on the button in some room
No one can convince me we aren't gluttons for our doom

But I tried to make this place my place
I asked for Providence to smile upon me with his sweet face
But I'll tell you

My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
I do not feel the romance
I do not catch the spark
My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
By grace, my sight grows stronger and I will not
be a pawn for the Prince of Darkness any longer

Maybe there's no haven in this world for tender age
My heart beat like the wings of wild birds in a cage
My greatest hope my greatest cause to grieve
And my heart flew from its cage and it bled upon my sleeve
The cries of passion were like wounds that needed healing
I couldn't hear them for the thunder
I was half the naked distance between hell and heaven's ceiling
And he almost pulled me under

Now someone's on the telephone desperate in his pain
Someone's on the bathroom floor doing her cocaine
Someone's got his finger on the button in some room
No one can convince me we aren't gluttons for our doom

I tried to make this place my place
I asked for Providence to smile upon me with his sweet face
But I'll tell you

My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
I do not feel the romance
I do not catch of spark
My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark
By grace my sight grows stronger, grows stronger
I do not feel the romance
I do not catch the spark
And I will not be a pawn for the Prince of Darkness any longer

... and if you didn't catch that last one: #4: are you in any of my classes this semester?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

international espionage

REDWOOD CAMP WAS SO MUCH FUN! too much to write about now. maybe later. or not.

alright- i'm loving my guessing game! some guy at usc, whom i hopefully know, reads this blog... hmmm....

#3: are you on the frisbee team?

And for one desperate moment there
He crept back in her memories
God it's so painful
Something that is so close
And still so far out of reach

['American Girl'- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers]

Thursday, February 10, 2005

ADD and not afraid to use it!

there was a job fair today on trousdale. holy cow. some day i'll have to get a job that is NOT being a camp counselor. hmmm... quite a thought there. did i tell you? I want to work at a bank in dublin, ireland. i saw this bank comercial that was like, "we are so nice we help finance low-income housing!" john was like, "propaganda!" but it worked on me. i want to work at a bank and help finance low-income housing. work with PEOPLE. and their money, apparently.

chick on chick was fun. i sucked at handling, don't want to talk about it.

the "random person" who responded to my "who reads this blog" question- i figured out who it is. it's my mom. take that! i remembered because she does her '...' like '. . .' wtf is up with that... oh well. it's her mark.

the only thing getting me through is the prospect of going home tomorrow and seeing my family and joe. no lie. somebody please inject 10 more hours into tonight, then maybe i'll get sleep.

i think somewhere in these random remarks i had something funny. oh. yes! What did the fish say when he ran into a wall?


Wednesday, February 09, 2005


thesimplewinkle: do you think it's wierd that i associate you with this song?
thesimplewinkle: i don't!
joetepe15: lol
thesimplewinkle: i think it's cool. i imagine it's like the rainbow connection
thesimplewinkle: or something
joetepe15: haha
joetepe15: yeah, i associate that song with {ex-girlfriend} and me getting in a fight in Peru
joetepe15: lol
thesimplewinkle: oh
joetepe15: lol

this is when you seriously consider taking the john mayer off the mix you're making joe for valentine's day... and wonder why he finds this so funny...


now that i have your attention, I can proceed...

i'm in a leavey learning room right now, learning about how to access databases for a research paper for one of my classes. it's my modern masculinities class (disguised as a writing class). We're thinking of keywords... masculinity, male, gender. and this one guy is consistently like, "sex?" yes, horny kid, we can type in "sex" and press search. yes, horny kid, the librarian will type it and it'll appear on the big screen. yes.

he's actually a really nice guy, I saw him last night at the library at like 2 am. But during the day... horror! oh well. half the people are playing tetris now... screw you databases. databasi, if you will?

oh, and


I've decided to give up facebook for lent. first off, it's super-pathetic that i'm so addicted i need to give it up. and it's pathetic that I spent a good 30 minutes figuring out how to block the site from my browser. whatever. it's going to be a hard 40 days.

mad skills maddy: night!
thesimplewinkle: goodbye facebook
thesimplewinkle: no. don't cry.
mad skills maddy: haha
thesimplewinkle: lent is only 40 days.
mad skills maddy: goodbye lindy ;-)
mad skills maddy: night
thesimplewinkle: no. never say goodbye.
thesimplewinkle: no, facebook. i still love you
thesimplewinkle: it's not you it's me!
thesimplewinkle: this isn't a period. it's a semicolon. i'll always love you facebook!
mad skills maddy: you dork
mad skills maddy: GOODNIGHT
mad skills maddy: :D
thesimplewinkle: there will always be a special place in my heart and my browser
mad skills maddy: adios
mad skills maddy: i'm not responding anymore
thesimplewinkle: *sniffle* goodbye facebook. until easter.

Monday, February 07, 2005

tasty morsel

econ never ceases to amaze me. outlining for my macro midterm this week, i came across the following passage from the ninth edition of Baumol and Blinder's Macroeconomics regarding "convergence theory". and i quote:

Technological laggards can, and sometimes do, close this gap with technological leaders by imitating and adapting existing technologies. Within this "convergence club," productivity growth rates are higher where productivity levels are lower. [and my favorite part!...] Unfortunately, some of the world's poorest nations have been unable to join this club.

My heart both weeps and rejoices at the same time! No one can take my joy away from me!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

malt balls and yogurt pretzels

I didn't do any homework yesterday. So I decided I should go to San Diego today to watch our Ghettobirds win the qualifier for the President's Day Tournament. ok, so that last part didn't happen. They took 7th place-- but that means they can come to Arizona with us over President's Day to support the girls team (for once!!)!

I have never considered myself a 'butt girl'-- as in, I don't look for guys with cute butts. you know what i mean. but today... *deep breath*... 22 on Texas A&M team... GORGEOUS backside. I went over to the other sideline to take pictures. And I basically checked out the A&M guys team for a while, with breaks to look through a lens and take horrible pictures. (seriously, i suck at taking pictures). I mean this thing was BEAUTIFUL. he had a snug fitting shirt that didn't go too far down, and these shorts that... *sigh*... I can't even find words! this thing was a piece of art! I showed jenna, who also melted. the hellions team refers to this as "sock check", which is a step up from "pantie check!" I think you catch my drift.

So I'll be thinking about the delicious backside of #22 for a while now, outlining macroecon. Marginal benefit CURVE. *swoon*

Although, it's not as if i have a check list, or some criteria guys have to pass. I just notice certain things when they are present-- LIKE BREATHTAKING BOOTIES!

Overall, a wonderful little half-day trip to San Diego. This ends this blog's most physical post.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

captain random, at your service!

brooke and i went discount store shopping today- glorious. i got all my valentines, but not any pipe cleaners... hmm... And I heard all about brooke's new roommate, who is always in her room with her boyfriend. but it's an actual problem, because brooke can't be in the room, like, ever. i am so grateful for a roommate like kathleen, who doesn't do stuff like that. or at least, not in the room, and not all the time.


and i don't need a valentine. even though it would be nice to have one.

so here are the people who read this blog apparently:
some random person

I think there are more... but maybe not. I want to post more indigo girls lyrics, there is this song that articulates almost exactly how I feel about LA. but i'll wait a while, have a little buffer period before the wonderfulness. I think the only reason I don't listen to indigo girls all the time (and i have like 6 of their cd's... that's variety already) is because my roommate would be like, "i have the roommate from hell!" if she doesn't like the music i do. which she should. my music rocks, and rolls.

The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what fiction means. --Oscar Wilde, (in The Importance of Being Earnest)

Friday, February 04, 2005

"Ghost" (Indigo Girls)

there's a letter on the desktop
that i dug out of a drawer
the last truce we ever came to from our adolescent war
and i start to feel a fever
from the warm air through the screen
you come regular like seasons
shadowing my dreams

and the mississippi's mighty
but it starts in Minnesota
at a place where you could walk across with five steps down
and i guess that's how you started
like a pinprick to my heart
but at this point you rush right through me and i start to drown

and there's not enough room in this world for my pain
signals cross
and love gets lost
and time passed makes it plain
of all my demon spirits i need you the most
i'm in love with your ghost
i'm in love with your ghost

dark and dangerous like a secret
that gets whispered in a hush
when i wake the things i dreamt about you
last night make me blush
when you kiss me like a lover
then you sting me like a viper
i go follow to the river
play your memory like the piper

and i feel it like a sickness
how this love is killing me
but i'd walk into the fingers of your fire willingly
and dance the edge of sanity
i've never been this close
in love with your ghost

unknowing captor
you'll never know how much you
pierce my spirit
but i can't touch you
can you hear it
a cry to be free
oh i'm forever under lock and key
as you pass through me

now i see your face before me
i would launch a thousand ships
to bring your heart back to my island
as the sand beneath me slips
as i burn up in your presence
and i know now how it feels
to be weakened like Achilles
with you always at my heels

and my bitter pill to swallow is the silence that i keep
that poisons me i can't swim free the river is too deep
though i'm baptized by your touch i am no worse at most
in love with your ghost

Thursday, February 03, 2005

grrr + request

first off, w.t.f. is up with my calves? seriously. i pulled my left one almost TWO WEEKS ago, and i've been stretching and staying off it. but it's still giving me a lot of pain. i'm really frustrated- i'm definitely giving it enough lovin', could i have done something worse to it? somewhere between pulling and tearing a muscle lives my crime against my calf. WHY GOD, WHY!?

anyhow, that's making me really angry. i can't sprint in practice, i can't hustle, because my leg feels so funny/painful all the time. who knows. i think i'll go to the health center tomorrow and try to figure this out. although... i don't need condoms, i'm not a recovering addict, and i'm not possibly pregnant- i wonder if they can still help me...

$24,000 question: who reads this blog?

and the mississippi's mighty
but it starts in Minnesota
at a place where you could walk across with five steps down
and i guess that's how you started
like a pinprick to my heart
but at this point you rush right through me and i start to drown

[Indigo Girls- 'Ghost'']

follow-up... and procrastination

thesimplewinkle: hello i am a prostitute
Auto response from mad skills maddy: reading about prostitution for class tomorrow. holla.
thesimplewinkle: are you reading about me?
thesimplewinkle: or my chosen line of work?
thesimplewinkle: i know that the market system (also refered to as 'capitalism') employs both freedom of choice and specialization
thesimplewinkle: as labor, i have the choice to move from market to market as i see fit, and choose a line of work that i want.
mad skills maddy: you are a dork.
thesimplewinkle: specialization, also referred to as 'division of labor', means i can choose a job based on skills, learn by doing, and saves time
thesimplewinkle: self-sufficiency breeds inefficiency
mad skills maddy: stop taaaaalking
mad skills maddy: weirdo
mad skills maddy: ;-)
mad skills maddy: nice!
mad skills maddy: you'll be amazing ;-)
thesimplewinkle: only if i have a question about prostitution

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

and in the morning, i'm makin' WAFFLES!

do some things you see just make you believe again in the goodness and inherent beauty? maybe it's a beautiful sunset, or a sunrise. maybe it's when you see a friend you haven't seen in a long time. or maybe, just maybe, it's from the 16th edition of McConnell & Brue's Microeconomics. And I quote:

In his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith first noted that the operation of a market system creates a curious unity between private interests and social interests. Firms and resource suppliers, seeking to further their own self-interest and operating within the framework of a highly competitrive market system, will simultaneously, as though guided by an "invisible hand," promote the public or social interest... Businesses use the least costly combination of resources to produce a specific output because it is in their self-interest to do so... But, at the same time, to use scarce resources in the least costly (most efficient) way is clearly in the social interest as well...

Competition controls or guides self-interest in such a way that it automatically, and quite unintentionally, furthers the best interests of society. The invisible hand ensures that when firms maximize their profits, they also maximize society's output and income.

*sigh* I think i'm gonna roll in a field of poppies now. or at least get myself some frozen yogurt.

Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

[Psalm 139: 7-12]

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

fresh water tears

chick on chick has been postponed. i'm sorry, i got you all excited and you'll have to wait.


I guess i'll just have to... do homework... or something...