Monday, July 02, 2007

spectacular views

I don't mean to sell out but seriously this tea is amazing. It's everything you want in black tea (caffeine, bad ass attitude) without the stuff you don't (the wierd tinny taste). But I also put a little sweetener in it, to be fair.

I made myself a picnic (spinach-green pepper-bacon bits-italian dressing salad; banana; this tea) and brought my "get fuzzy" book (it's a hilarious comic strip) across the street and sat at a picnic table reading, eating, watching the sky as the sun set. It was glorious. phase 2: have friends to do this with.

Lab didn't go so well today- I feel like I take 3 times as long as anyone else to do something, even though I have no one else to compare myself to. I made this alloy that won't even react now (usually it gets really hot and bubbly, etc. now- nothing, unless I heat up the water). I printed out some digital pictures at walmart (oh walmart, midwest mecca) to put in my office at birck (this cool building)- yeah I have an office I don't use very much, that's how big time I am. Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll get some good data. Post that in my office, too. I'll have tours.


Henry said...

It is quite clear to me that your alloy didn't work because you are still drinking tea. Switch to coffee and things will go faster and your reaction will work.

Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Do you think its superiority is derived from the non-standard pyramidal shaped bags or is that merely a marketing trick? I suspect the latter, but who knew that selling tea was so competitive?

Lindy Lois said...

well, I have always preferred lipton tea (the decaf regular kind = heaven!) and the bag's fine, except I can't just take one to work to have after lunch because it doesn't fit well, or have a little paper cover thing.

I think it's just delicious. I can't explain it, I can just DRINK IT IN. literally and metaphorically, yo