Sunday, July 15, 2007

heaven's here on earth

Apparently people go to drive-in movies to, in no particular order:

1. make out
2. be able to smoke
3. be able to drink
4. camp out in their truck beds
5. watch jawsome double features

SO WHY ON EARTH DON'T WE HAVE THEM IN C.A.??!?!? people make out and smoke* and drink there!! and some of them own trucks! le sigh.

*except we don't smoke in public because we respect other people. and we do NOT chew tobacco that is so disgusting. blech.

I went to Peru saturday evening for a DOUBLE feature at the drive-in theatre: ratatouille (aww so cute and quotable!) and transformers (fun, lost of 'splosions). I saw the cool reel room, and asked some indiana people to move out of a parking space they had double parked so we could park there. they gave me the eye - I was totally unprepared - I must practice more!! but it was also dusk by then, not as good definition on the evil eye. my evil eye is currently under contruction. it's like pepper spray and knowledge of c.p.r.- you hope you never have to use it, but feel better having it.

I would also like to announce to all the lady folk out there that aren't related to andy, that andy dick is the single most eligible bachelor in indiana, possibly the entire midwest. 2 pieces of evidence:

Exhibit A:
lindy: "I can't hear, can we turn [the speaker for the movie, you get them per car so you don't have to run out your battery listening to the radio broadcast of it] up?"
andy: "just a sec" [returns with little radio with headphones for me since speaker is broken]
lindy: *smile*

Exhibit B:
without any biological sisters, he knew that my placing the chips in his arm means I would like him to roll up the end and put them back in the car. truly incredible, non?

sure he may wear his pants a little high to church - yes andy it's true. i know the shirt's tucked in but it's no excuse! kevin will back me up on this one. but andy dick is a man among boys. a combine among those little john deere lawn mowers. an optimus prime among decepticons, if you will.


Henry said...

Ya Know,
You have a certain uncle that chews the tabacky...true. I agree though, pretty gross.

Lise M. said...

Hey, Lindy, I really liked Ratatouille, though I wasn't lucky enough to get a double feature! I'm glad you have cousins in Peru who take such good care of you. And I didn't realize there was a drive-in movie theater there. I have such fond memories of drive-ins - not the smoking/drinking/making out, but the "bring your own popcorn, go in your pajamas, kid feature first, adult feature later (after the kids have fallen asleep)" I experienced this both as a child and a parent! Wow, I'm so old!!

Andy said...

aww thanks lindy! it was nice having you. if i get such glowing responses, we should hang out more often!
p.s. - thanks for coming to church with us! i heard all day how great you were to be around. see you saturdayyyyyyy.