Friday, July 20, 2007

all eyes on me

more on bday later, but today after work I made a walmart run to get thank-you cards, milk, cereal, that sort of thing. And I was like, "ooooh now I can buy beer if I want!" and I do want.

except they all come in packs and I only want ONE. and you can buy ONE bottle of wine, and ONE bottle of like everything else. but you have a to buy a whole six (at least) pack of beer. And because I couldn't get exactly what I wanted, I didn't get anything. did get some soy milk, though. plain flavor, not vanilla. I like the hard stuff.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Lindy!

I don't know the laws in Indiana, but in Ohio you can get a 22 or 40 oz beer at gas stations/convenience stores in the fridge. And you only have to buy one!

See what vast and useful knowledge I have to pass onto my cousins? Sigh.


Andy said...

iz troo. mine layout iz knot the best, but iz okay. i like.

now joo knowz where to getz the single beer. cud bee moor uzefull.