Sunday, April 08, 2007

another run around the sun

I ordered an external hard drive. check that off the list!

in between my assigned songs for my guitar class, I've been nursing "St. Judy's Comet" by Paul Simon and it still eludes me. gosh darn you and your talented composing, Paul Simon! I have this one riff down really well and it's repeated for about half of the verse so... i'm like 25% done?

but this one is soon overshadowing: "Nothing I Can Do" by Ben Taylor (the son of James Taylor + Carly Simon = musical explosion). he's not so big time so no one's tabbing any of his stuff and I'm definitely not good enough to figure it out for myself. what's a girl to do? well... sing and mutedly strum along whenever it comes on... and hope that he'll teach me someday. le swoon (over the song not the guy).

and because uploading videos = best, here's the music video.


Catherine said...
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Catherine said...

Isnt's Ben Taylor great? And I love that you are trying to learn a Paul Simon song, but maybe you should try something easier like "Song for the Asking"?

Henry said...

Yo, send me what you have and an MP3 and I will have a listen.

Anonymous said...

Ben Taylor is the shizzle!!! I think part of the problem with him (I've seen him live several times) as far as your figuring out the chords is that he has a guy playing with him all the time doubling some stuff but also adding stuff that one guy couldn't do. but they both play so well (almost as one) that it sounds like one! so don't sweat it... Of course, I'm also wowed by his lyrical content. He's getting to that league his Dad is in...