Monday, April 16, 2007

like a tiger defying the laws of gravity

is this an excuse to post this super cute picture of me and steve, my date to the aformentioned invite? why yes. and here it is:

I had a super hot (and by hot i mean flattering... slash both hot and flattering) dress but it was so cold! so I wore the grey jacket all evening. oh wells. it went really well, but there was a lot of set up to do and I was the only ADX who could show up to do it (but one girls parents were there, as was john) so it was when steve called to say he was running late that I realized I had to start getting ready. 15 minutes later i was walking downstairs to finish the set up before I got picked up.

john: "heads up, lindy, you may want to wear make-up to the invite."
lindy: "I am."
john: "oh."

so with the lowest self esteem EVER (but no more or less make up), I went to dinner. I say the l.a. standards (or whichever ones john is apparently prescribing to) can feck off. we had fake candles in real votives, greg mixed (non-alcoholic) drinks, I was reminded that I can't dance (I registered for a jazz dance class for next semester, maybe I can improve?), and I had a wonderful date who made a t-rex joke, which is pretty much all you can ask for. goodnight.

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