Sunday, April 15, 2007

old ladies + complications

I like old ladies, and I want to be in a small group with them. is that too much to ask?? I want to join a small group at bel air pres, and i want there to be old ladies in it. i'll actually accept anyone over like 30 or 35. the problem is how do I get there? no car, and poor public transportation... we'll see. there's one in santa monica, I could bus it there.

I want to go on the women's retreat, which is the weekend between finals weeks. i may... we'll see... i'm tired of women sharing their issues (and we're in college so it's mainly body-image and how much we all want to get married) and then being like, "well, that's it, see you next week" w.t.f. that's not enough. we need to move past those things! bringing them to the surface just lets them percolate and sort of mold onto your life being like, "well I talked about it... doesn't that fix it?" no. I want those conversations to happen then someone can say, "yes I HAVE BEEN there, and this is how I GOT OUT."

basically we need old ladies. who tell it like it is and make cookies and iced tea.

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