Saturday, April 28, 2007

four winds

people say we live in a dangerous neighborhood. i usually ignore this, but it's true. and I am living to tell the tale. I saw TWO cockroaches today, on two separate occasions, from the crack in the sidewalk where a tree is growing next to my apartment. And those guys move FAST, making them very terrifying. they could probably kill you.

and i saw an OPOSSUM when i was coming home from the library. they are dirty and disgusting! At least raccoons (whom I hate) can be sort of cute if you squint your eyes. opossums are just unnatural looking, with their snout and stick tail. I thought maybe it would play dead when it saw me, but it started running full speed and veered away into some grass when it got close to me.

i may have to invest in some pepper spray. or an animal control body guard. I thought only thugs and people who walk in groups could survive in south central; apparently this includes vermin?

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