Friday, April 13, 2007


today I went to IKEA to get some votives for our invite tomorrow. They're votives for fake candles. our invite's at the gamble house so we can't have actual fire. fake candles = ingenious. they even flicker! they look really great, I'll give you a picture later. I'm going with my friend steve, and I have a hott dress. I actually had one that was like SUPER bond girl. but, at the risk of sounding like a d-bag, it was almost TOO hot, you know? I felt uncomfortable with how good I looked in it. it was pretty much out of control, my new one is a little shorter (1st one was floor length shiny halter, black, with brooch at v-neck-meets-rest-of-dress part) and I can wear a regular bra. victory!

but anyhow, I also wanted to stop by target to see if we could find plastic champagne flutes/martini glasses. and that's where the trouble started. a woman told me to "turn on victory" but not which way, so I spent a while going both ways before calling kristin who told me to go "west" on "empire" (which you'll hear more about later). Couldn't find empire, and driving took FOREVER because it was Burbank at noon. I call the Target, the manager says I have to turn on "empire" and DEFINITELY not on "victory place", and that it's right before the onramp to the I-5. I went past the same convoluted intersection about 7 times, and have yet to see "empire". I ended up taking victory place because it was in the direction everyone seemed to be telling me to go. It took me directly to the huge shopping mall place and the target. I had been driving for no less than an hour in the no a/c minivan.

by this time I was out for blood. and a bottle of water.

I rode my shopping cart around the target the whole time. no one gave me a hard time, I'm sure I smelled of car sweat and vengeance at least 3 aisles away in all directions. I found no plasticwares that I was seeking, after look in the 4 different places people had directed me for 'picnic supplies'. I gave in and got myself a new hair dryer (old blue hasn't worked for about 2 weeks... and yes I just named him 'old blue'... now he's 'old blue in a dumpster') and some deodorant (I think I left mine somewhere in the blue van when my parents were down here and i've been surviving with my back up stick of secret). And a bottle of water. the riding around also made me feel better. I got home, got my NEW HARD DRIVE (gotta start transferring data tonight...), and now i'm at the computer lab.

I'll be spending the summer at Purdue, doing some sweet research on water separation (hydrogen isolation) and I'm super psyched about that. I go to bed thinking about getting published (now is not the time for your comments, HENRY) and how cool that would be. I want to get cute work clothes, but if I'm working hard all day in a lab I want to be barefoot and wearing some form of pyjamas. i'm excited. i feel very grown up (except for the losing my deocorant and riding around on my shopping cart parts)

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