Sunday, October 23, 2005


before i left i told brooke i'd bring her back something you can only find in northern california. my mom told me i should bring "dead grass because southern california is taking all of our water." touche, mom. but i was actually thinking of bringing her something frilly and overpriced from draeger's.

EDIT: i then asked john what he thought i should get. he promptly replied "class". ba-ZING!

then i decided i'd get her a "save kepler's" t-shirt or something. And i never thought i'd speak against kepler's, but i went there to look around and find said t-shirt. there is in fact a t-shirt. and it says: "Follow me to Kepler's. Our bookstore." and it was $35.

no wonder they're in and out of business. elitest turds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait... does that mean i don't have any class?