Monday, April 04, 2005

utter triviality

i was having a bad day. but then i hung out with alex and people (carly, tEra, sam, caitlin) at the fountain. that made everything allllll better. except for the fact that i haven't slept since 2:30 a.m...

anyhow, for you usc-er's, it's that time of the semester again! the calm before the storm of finals? oh, no. when the days are getting more and more beautiful, and studying looks less and less appealing? no, guess again. It's that time of the semester between when registration starts and when I get to register for classes. which means at any time during the day, if i feel like procrastinating, I can get online and see what classes are still open. I can make a new schedule, decide to major in art history, go back to econ. the world is full of possibility!

but it's only fair... i'll keep you updated:
Math 125- seats: 75, registered: 0
Core 101- seats: 45, registered: 1
Econ 305- seats: 45, registered: 1
Gender Studies 301- seats: 30, registered: 6 (oh no!!!)
Music 423- seats: 100, registered: 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm. . .calculus. . .