Thursday, April 28, 2005

my crazy weekend

so... here's the things i can do this weekend (other than study of course)

12 p.m. BBQ on the quad, hosted by girl on frisbee team
3 p.m. dying hellions shirts (tie dying!!)
7-ish p.m. Avengers (arena football) game- with a frisbee thing during halftime (yeah, i'm not sure why... but i bought my ticket so i am going to this)
party time p.m.: sam's wine and cheese party (and laura's having a toga party!!! i am so desired!)

10 p.m. Edward forty frolf. some of you are familiar with edward forty hands, in which you tape two forties to your hands (1 per hand) and have to drink them. so this one is a nice amalgamation of frolf and edward forty hands. forty in left hand, frisbee in right hand. and we frolf the night away!
after: air frisbee in mudd

so... there are like... finals... and... i'm supposed to like... study for them?

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