Friday, April 15, 2005

street corner

so yeah, i don't respect myself or my (propagandist) blog anymore. i need to bring the dignity back!! and i will, shortly.

first, i want to say that despite my valiant efforts i sold ONE magazine subscription. to jenn. for vogue. and my mom called to say that she didn't want any magazines, she'd just give the team $40. so prudent!

and here is a prudent-themed story about my mom:

so the summer before senior year we rented an apartment in france and took classes, rode the metro, saw this CRAZY french movie (ask for details, it's to much to type), all those french things you do. and below our apartment, at the end of the street there was this tea shop "les mariages freres" or something like that. and in the display window there were this amazing tea cups! they were glass, and pretty shallow, with a saucer and a handle. it was as if a standard tea cup and a martini glass fell in love... this would be their child.

so i was like, "mom i want those tea cups!" even though, well, really i just liked them a lot. i probably wouldn't use them that much. and she responds,

"well, lindy, they seem impractical given the surface area to volume ratio."

but the best part was probably my response:

"huh. that's true"

and we kept walking. PRUDENCE, I TELL YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mariage freres!!! yay!!
