Monday, April 11, 2005

a consideration

yes, i was very incoherent last night. but no, i was not drunk or any degree thereof. and gosh darn it, joe IMed me just to make sure. and you know what, that makes me feel special.

thank you joe for looking out for me. it makes me NOT want to do anything that would make you check up on me- just because i know someone's watching out for me. thank you. thank you thank you thank you thank you. it means a lot.

p.s. i also had no idea you even read this blog. makes a girl wonder who else is reading it...


Cornelia W. said...

you have a link to it on your facebook profile. college students are generally bored people who like surfing through things. that means that you should assume everyone reads it.

Lindy Lois said...


yes, EVERYbody reads my blog, i am SOOOO popular.

(sort of true...?)