Saturday, April 30, 2005


i had a dream last night about macroecon (like, being in the class) it was pretty crazy.

finals are coming up, so don't expect any posts or anything. or...well... i may just want to procrastinate, so expect more posts? anyhow, wish me luck!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

my crazy weekend

so... here's the things i can do this weekend (other than study of course)

12 p.m. BBQ on the quad, hosted by girl on frisbee team
3 p.m. dying hellions shirts (tie dying!!)
7-ish p.m. Avengers (arena football) game- with a frisbee thing during halftime (yeah, i'm not sure why... but i bought my ticket so i am going to this)
party time p.m.: sam's wine and cheese party (and laura's having a toga party!!! i am so desired!)

10 p.m. Edward forty frolf. some of you are familiar with edward forty hands, in which you tape two forties to your hands (1 per hand) and have to drink them. so this one is a nice amalgamation of frolf and edward forty hands. forty in left hand, frisbee in right hand. and we frolf the night away!
after: air frisbee in mudd

so... there are like... finals... and... i'm supposed to like... study for them?

Monday, April 25, 2005

useful spanish phrases for otters (by poncho punch)

[just know when the question marks are upside down, and when there should be an accent]


Nice to meet you.
Mucho Gusto.

What is your name?
?Como te llamas?

My name is...
Me llamo...

I am a saltwater otter.
Soy una nutria de la agua salada.

I am a freshwater otter.
Soy una nutria de agua dulce.

Which way to the water?
?Donde esta el agua?

Is the water cold today?
?Es el agua fria hoy?

Those rocks are slippery.
Esas rocas son deslizadizas.

Your musk smells lovely.
Su almizcle huele encantador.

How old is your pup?
?Como vieja es su nutria?

That tickles my whiskers.
Ese cosquillas mis barbas.

This kelp is delicious.
Este quelpo es delicioso.


jason white

we had chinese food tonight. and chinese food means... fortune cookies!! which means we add "IN BED!" to the end of all of them

I am a thoughtful and considerate person... IN BED!
Eugene's versatility is one of his many positive character traits... IN BED!
Danielle's perseverance will earn her great success... IN BED!

gosh we are so immature... and fortune cookies can be so dirty!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

the game of world domination

[i'm approximating these times]

2:00 p.m.: Risk game starts
2:30 p.m.: Scout takes over the green army for me
4:00 p.m.: Scout has to leave
4:01 p.m.: crap that means i'm in charge of the green army
4:30 p.m.: Call John
4:31 p.m.: "So you want me to come over and kick somebody's ass at Risk for you?"
4:32 p.m.: "Yes." -click-
4:35 p.m.: "So... where do you have troops?"
4:36 p.m.: I explain my situation, my goals (and yes everyone else playing them can hear me), John tells me to fortify and go through South America.
6:oo p.m.: Luminaria ceremony
6:30 p.m.: BACK TO RISK!

and somewhere in there i left to hang out with maddy and carly... and i lost north america... and my army was demolished... and i'm a horriblr horrible tactician. Luckily, John said we'd play Risk this summer.... NEXT YEAR BRIT! YOU WATCH YOUR BACK! (and irkutsk!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


situation: regionals are in colorado springs, colorado
meaning: it's an 18 hour drive (tops)

situation: my mom doesn't want me driving 18 hours
meaning: is that way controlling?

i don't think it is. i mean, she's a little paranoid and i was looking forward to car trippin' (arizona was 11 hours-- of AWESOMENESS!)... but it does mean i'll get to fly, which will be much more convenient i guess.

i don't know, i was just wondering what you think.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


we had sectionals this weekend. we played hard on saturday. we played harder today.

we kept our ranking, so we'll be going to colorado (usafa to be specific) in may. yeah, the weekend during finals... psh- finals. who needs 'em anyhow.

[ice cream]

Friday, April 15, 2005

street corner

so yeah, i don't respect myself or my (propagandist) blog anymore. i need to bring the dignity back!! and i will, shortly.

first, i want to say that despite my valiant efforts i sold ONE magazine subscription. to jenn. for vogue. and my mom called to say that she didn't want any magazines, she'd just give the team $40. so prudent!

and here is a prudent-themed story about my mom:

so the summer before senior year we rented an apartment in france and took classes, rode the metro, saw this CRAZY french movie (ask for details, it's to much to type), all those french things you do. and below our apartment, at the end of the street there was this tea shop "les mariages freres" or something like that. and in the display window there were this amazing tea cups! they were glass, and pretty shallow, with a saucer and a handle. it was as if a standard tea cup and a martini glass fell in love... this would be their child.

so i was like, "mom i want those tea cups!" even though, well, really i just liked them a lot. i probably wouldn't use them that much. and she responds,

"well, lindy, they seem impractical given the surface area to volume ratio."

but the best part was probably my response:

"huh. that's true"

and we kept walking. PRUDENCE, I TELL YOU!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

last minute

when i graduate i won't have college debts... i'll have frisbee ones. so support our team by buying magazine subscriptions!!!

it's $40 for:
1. one year of a weekly magazine
2. two years of a monthly magazine

THAT IS A HUGE DISCOUNT! (every magazine is between 50-90% off)

here are your options:
Business 2.0
Car & Driver
Electronic Gaming Monthly
Entertainment Weekly
Field & Stream
Food & Wine
Golf Magazine
In Style
Men's Journal
PC Magazine
People en Espanol
Popular Science
Real Simple
Rolling Stone
Sports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated for Kids
Suede (like Essence for teens)
Teen People
This Old House
Travel + Leisure
Woman's Day

Ask your parents for a subscription! Renew a subscription! Give one as a gift!

AND, if you choose a magazine from Group A and one from Group B, you get TWO subscriptions for $25!!!!!! that is HUGE.

Group A:
Car & Driver
Electronic Gaming Monthly
Maxim Men's Journal
PC Magazine
Rolling Stone
Sports Illustrated

Group B:
Business 2.0
Entertainment Weekly
Golf Magazine
People en Espanol
Popular Science
Sports Illustrated
Teen People

pleeeeeeease help support the frisbee team!! you'll let us have more parties (and maybe lower cover charge!), plus I'll love you forever! but i do have to know by thursday afternoon (by practice, at 7 p.m.) so let me know A.S.A.P.!!! thanks so much!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

i love social security

i have to write a paper comparing casablanca to either east/west or the english patient. i chose east/west because i like it a lot more... but today i realized why. i'll let you come to your own conclusions, here's an excerpt from my movie notes. the times are times in the movie so i can reference back.

freaking kiss already! gahhh!

Please marry me, Ralph Fiennes. Thank you.

whoa. boobs. unexpected. whoa. full frontal. expected this time.

1:18 cages, bars, shadows of bars. love as prison. cheesey!

oooh, K [Katherine] has a brooch. that's HOT.

long undressing scene... making me nervous...


function of veil around almasy (protection against willem dafoe)- protection via memory, time

Kirsten Scott Thomas you skankho. how could you cheat on Colin Firth?!

too much nipple. ewwwwwwwww.

1:31 sounds link time, memories

yes. those are my NOTES. i am pathetic.

Monday, April 11, 2005

a consideration

yes, i was very incoherent last night. but no, i was not drunk or any degree thereof. and gosh darn it, joe IMed me just to make sure. and you know what, that makes me feel special.

thank you joe for looking out for me. it makes me NOT want to do anything that would make you check up on me- just because i know someone's watching out for me. thank you. thank you thank you thank you thank you. it means a lot.

p.s. i also had no idea you even read this blog. makes a girl wonder who else is reading it...

Sunday, April 10, 2005

now i have a machine gun. ho ho ho.

[this was the email from sam:]

Subject: Yippee-ki-yay, Mr. Brownies!

Hey all-

Here's an extremely late email explaining the situmacation tonight.
6:00 Die Hard begins
7:00 Order Pizza
7:30ish Begin cooking brownies.
7:45 Pizza comes. Pig out.
8:00 so glued to climax of Die Hard that 1st batch of brownies are burned. Eat brownies anyway, with Vanilla ice cream. Begin baking second batch of brownies.
8:15 Begin Die Hard 2: Die Harder (the forgotten sibling)
9:00 Maggie begins to glow from intense happiness
10:15 Die Hard 2 ends. Getting a bit woozy from Die Hard drinking game. Second wave of competitors drops out.
10:30 Die Hard With A Vengeance begins. Samuel L. Jackson kicks ass. Samwise unsuccessfully tries to convince others that he was named after Samuel L.
11:30 Remaining watchers begin to shout instructions to Lieutenant John McClain. McClain realizes: "Dump trucks! 12 giant dump trucks!"
12:00 film races towards conclusion. Remaining Die Hard enthusiasts are too drunk to remember how it ends.
12:30 The world makes sense again.


[these were the rules for the drinking game (the ones i can remember):]

#1: "yippee-ki-yay mother f*cker"- chug entire drink
#2: sip for "schnell" (or "simon says" in third movie)
#3: sip when annoying guy dies in first movie (added in the beginning of the first movie... gosh that guy is so annoying)
#4: sip when a terrorist dies
#5: sip for everytime bruce willis shows up bloody in a doorway
#5b: we just sipped whenever bruce willis gets more hurt
#6: explosion- sip for entire duration
#7: sip when ashley laughs inappropriately (she ended up not coming, oh well)
#8: sip for "ants come marching" (for third movie only, and when he solves a puzzle)
#9: sip for "christmas" or a christmas song
#10: i'm sure there were more.... hmm...

things went pretty much according to plan, except for not starting on time. which is why i'm home now at 4 a.m. we also didn't make a second batch. we finished probably around 2 a.m. then we (maggie, scout, marcus, i) went to chano's. maggie and i were completely sober, and were our "best defense" against getting mugged... i love college. i love frisbee. i love my frisbee friends. i hate all the homework i left for tomorrow.

and yes, next year i'm totally doing one of these for the indiana jones trilogy!!!
sip for any appearance of snakes
sip for "dr. jones"
whip- chug entire drink!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

it slices, it dices

tonight i hung out with alex. we went to "take back the night" to hear my friend jessica speak (she was awesome!) then we went to commons and had dinner. so yeah, you could hear about it... or you could SEE it! (or at least part of it)

Monday, April 04, 2005

utter triviality

i was having a bad day. but then i hung out with alex and people (carly, tEra, sam, caitlin) at the fountain. that made everything allllll better. except for the fact that i haven't slept since 2:30 a.m...

anyhow, for you usc-er's, it's that time of the semester again! the calm before the storm of finals? oh, no. when the days are getting more and more beautiful, and studying looks less and less appealing? no, guess again. It's that time of the semester between when registration starts and when I get to register for classes. which means at any time during the day, if i feel like procrastinating, I can get online and see what classes are still open. I can make a new schedule, decide to major in art history, go back to econ. the world is full of possibility!

but it's only fair... i'll keep you updated:
Math 125- seats: 75, registered: 0
Core 101- seats: 45, registered: 1
Econ 305- seats: 45, registered: 1
Gender Studies 301- seats: 30, registered: 6 (oh no!!!)
Music 423- seats: 100, registered: 1

Sunday, April 03, 2005


lots of fun things happened, and i was like, "ooh this is gonna be such an awesome blog post!" (that is way pathetic, by the way), but I forgot most of them. When I get back we'll go to chano's and i'll tell you alllll about the trip. i'm having fun, but i also have to write a paper.... we'll see how that one goes...