Sunday, January 30, 2005

a whole new world

ok kids. i don't party. and, until tonight, i had not gone to a party. i mean a real like college party. you know what i mean. tonight, though, was perfect... *edge of screen blurs*

I went to sam's first, for his wine and cheese party. i ate some grapes. we had [yolanda] with us, who is pretty small and is out after like two drinks (but she comes up with very original excuses, about how she's not a lightweight, she's just (fill in the blank)). Anyhow, she decided to "make her own wine". she put wine, vodka, cranberry juice, grapes, and a wine cork in a tupperware pitcher, shook it up, and proceeded to drink until only the cork was left. mmm. deeeelish.

but then the real fun started. we sang. [yolanda] played drunken piano and we sang "a whole new world", "beauty and the beast", "memory", some phantom of the opera stuff, "my favorite things", and i forget the rest of them. I was pulling for a "little mermaid" song... but no dice. sam's was the funnest. after that, we went to a party for music majors.

the music major parties are where you find the INCREDIBLE drunk piano players. it was amazing. except for the fact that i heard "the entertainer" seven times in a row. he tried to play other songs, but he couldn't remember them, would bang on the piano, drink some more, and start "the entertainer". At this party, though, only some of us had gone over, and given i was not macking on anyone (nor was anyone macking on me), I was the universal third wheel. We went home pretty quickly, but not before dissuading a girl from putting a huge palm leaf in the car. we told her it had salmonella on it. and we're all better off.

overall, though, the party scene is totally boring if you don't drink, or dance, or make out with people. which means that... i had fun when my friends were around, but otherwise it pretty much sucked. i now know what i am NOT missing.

And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep. (Kurt Vonnegut)


Lindy Lois said...

i ought to clarify, about the last bit- that means i had a lot of fun at the ultimate party, but not at the second one. which means, i'll go to frisbee parties (now that i realized what i WAS missing), and i will be content with that.

Lindy Lois said...

parties with the frisbee team

p.s. who are you?

Lindy Lois said...

no. we hang out and drink and talk. and, apparently, sing disney songs.

cldanger said...

Wow. The frisbee parties here are the craziest ever.

Apparently. As I have not been to one, or indeed, any real parties. And even the one (lame) room party I went to, I left after five minutes. I am a college failure, i.e. a Chicago success.

We miss you here, dammit, so come visit me.