Monday, January 03, 2005

house broken

right when i get used to being home- i have to go back to school. it was wierd at first to be home. so i hung out w/ friends from high school. i was going cold turkey! but now some friends are going back... and i like being home... and i have to go back in five days. damn.

I'm listening to "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" (james joyce) on tape. it's one of the books i have to read next semester... and i got the feeling it was one i somehow wouldn't get around to reading. i even had the plan of listening to all my books of next semester on tape. wow i am a huge and total dork. yee-haw!!

I decided to make cookies today. I actually decided to a few days ago, and today i actually made them. i'm a slow creature... so yeah, my baking is horrible. first off, the mixer and i are at odds. i think i put too much flour in, and when i turned on the mixer, flour went everywhere! baaad... but my favorite, is when i was breaking an egg on the side of a bowl, but i turned my head away to tell my little brother something, and when i looked back, i'd cracked the egg... but not in the bowl. instead it was running down the side, along the counter, and down some drawers. that was fun to clean up! but i'm waiting for the dough to get hard, then i can cook some more! adventure in greasing the pan! the species lindus loisus is not yet domesticated. back into the wild with her!

they (church people) asked me to MC (emcee?) breakaway on wednesday night. but i was like, "that is intimidating". A lot of things are intimidating to me now. why have i become such a wimp? i'm even afraid of this girl on my hall who is super-christian. and it's not like, "saved!" super-christian, i mean she is really sincere and balanced about it. joe was like, "i don't intimidate you, do i?" no, you don't. i'm even friends with the girl on my hall and she intimidates me! joe says i need more christian friends. that is to say... I know i need more christian friends and joe tells me so because he knows i need to hear it from someone else. i was like, "girl on hall!" but dang she is so gungho and i'm so jacked and bad. how could they ask me to emcee? oh well. i think my cookie dough is almost hard (has it been an hour?)


Anonymous said...

what's wrong with non-christian friends, yo?


actually, i'm technically christian too, b/c catholicism is a christian religion, but i'm barely catholic anyway, so who knows.

and i'm with you on the whole being home and then having to go back to school thing... yeah.


Lindy Lois said...

i don't know... i mean isn't something wrong with christian friends? i seem to have none